Emu Development / P.E.Op.S.

The P.E.Op.S. project

I've decided to make my psx plugins Open Source, that way interested coders can have a look and help me to improve the plugins further, or to make ports for other operating systems. Currently my OpenGL/MesaGL plugins, Soft GPU plugins, my SPU plugins and my CDR plugin are available, other plugins will follow somewhen :)

The PeopsOpenGLGPU is based on my old "Pete's OpenGL GPU 1.77", the PeopsSoftGPUs is based on my old "Pete's Soft GPU 1.54", the PeopsSoundSPU is based on my 1.15 sound plugins, the PeopsCDR is based on my 1.11 Aspi/Ioctl cdr plugin. The gpu/spu projects are available as Windows and Linux versions, the cdr project is currently Windows only, but some other ports (AmigaPPC, BeOS) of the various plugins are also in development.

Well, you can find the full sources of the P.E.Op.S. (Psx Emulation Open Source) project's plugins at sourceforge, the license is GPL. Additionally I've placed the sources of the OpenGL/MesaGL plugins and all of the binary only archives (containing only the plugins, not the sources) on the related pages of my web site as well.

So, peops, have fun :)

The P.E.Op.S. project page on sourceforge.net

Sources of the P.E.Op.S. OpenGL/MesaGL PSX GPU plugin V1.78 (216 KByte Zip-File)

Linux GPU Plugin Config Window

- In my Linux plugins the gpu config window is an external application which will be started by the plugin each time the user wants to change the configuration. The config application is responsible for reading the plugin's .cfg file, showing the user interface, and writing the user values back to the file.
If you want, you can create your own config application for my plugins, I have put the GLADE project and source files as a starting point here:

Pete MesaGL 1.76 config application (65 KByte tar.gz file)

Pete XGL2 2.08 config application (66 KByte Zip-File)

PSEmu Pro plugin interfaces

- GPU interface (including some enhancements used by newer psx emus)...
New (24.05.2001): screen pic support :)

PSEmu Pro GPU plugin interface (7 KByte Zip-File)

- SPU interface (including some enhancements used by newer psx emus)
New (08.03.2001): save state support :)

PSEmu Pro SPU plugin interface (6 KByte Zip-File)

- CDR interface
New (10.03.2002): subchannel funcs and some more infos

PSEmu Pro CDR plugin interface (4 KByte Zip-File)


- Duddie's public PSEmu Pro Soft GPU sources... if you want to make a gpu plugin yourself, you really should take a look

Duddie's Soft GPU sources (94 KByte Zip-File)

- This file 'R3000A.C' is an open source interpreter, which is part of the project 'PSinex PC Emulator'. Authors: pSyChOjAk & Shunt

R3000A (3 KByte Zip-File)


- Sources of my test application for the linux gpu plugin, full KDevelop 1.2 project

PsxGpuCheck (54 KByte TAR.GZ-File)

- Sources of my Linux NULL audio plugin

spuPeteNull sources (4 KByte TAR.GZ-File)

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