Pete's Guestbook
You can use the Guestbook to send messages, suggestions and bug reports to me... BIOS/ISO requests/links or any other illegal content will be deleted ASAP...
Info: |
1460 entries on 1 page(s)
1460 |
Date: 2007-10-01 18:37:51 SandDevil ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi,Pete, i very bad understand English, i from Russia. Big Thanks and respect for you! I use you GPU plugins for ePSXe! |
1459 |
Date: 2007-09-25 15:27:57 roberto ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, just one question. In XGL2 plugin for Linux, could you add an option to set refresh rate with resolution? Thanks a lot. |
1458 |
Date: 2007-09-08 03:29:52 Joseph Ramos ( / no homepage) wrote: hi i loved your work on the plugins for the psx emulaters and i hope you can do more and where do you put the custom shader file in the pcsx emulater folder. |
1457 |
Date: 2007-09-04 17:20:30 Stacy ( / no homepage) wrote: What the heck is a WGL Extention? i keep getting an error when i try to run a game that says no WGL Extentions... the error box is titled GPUPeteOpenGL2 |
1456 |
Date: 2007-08-29 01:22:11 Dragonheart ( / wrote: Hi! Your plugins for PSX are the best. But I wonder, are you going to release some kind of final GPU plugin, which will do the best graphic using all opportunities of new hardware? is there any opportunity to do the graphic better then graphic with OpenGL2 plugin? I think making the last ultra powerfull plugin is a great idea! |
1455 |
Date: 2007-08-25 08:48:04 cat ( / no homepage) wrote: dance dance revolution use which? |
1454 |
Date: 2007-08-21 18:21:05 Tristian ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for the plugins now I can replay those games that I love from my old days of being 13. |
1453 |
Date: 2007-08-21 17:30:44 luciano bello ( / no homepage) wrote: dear pete: thanks for your awesome plugin! i use the epsxe since 2003,i never had a real psx, but thanks to you i could. gretings from argentina!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |
1452 |
Date: 2007-08-02 03:10:49 Project Dragon ( / no homepage) wrote: I love your plugins, they are the best that are around and they are all I use for my PSX emulator! Keep up the good work, I look forward to future releases! |
1451 |
Date: 2007-07-26 03:35:02 Ben ( / no homepage) wrote: Well man, first my english is not well i'm latinamerican, but can you help me with the game called tomb raider, the problem is when there are cutscene not the 3D scenes, but others ones, in the configuration of my psx emulator can you tell what can i do for fix it? Thanks. |
1450 |
Date: 2007-07-23 21:02:35 Jon ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you very much, your content is very useful and user friendly, thanks for the Linux support. good stuff. |
1449 |
Date: 2007-07-19 02:26:50 SD Lynx ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete - Can you get ur OpenGL version 2.9 to work for graphics cards that don't support WGL extensions? - SDLynx |
1448 |
Date: 2007-07-10 00:34:31 SOLID ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Many thanks.... I do appreciate your job, keep up the good! :) |
1447 |
Date: 2007-07-09 16:03:23 Timmy ( / no homepage) wrote: ... just ... thanks! |
1446 |
Date: 2007-06-18 19:57:44 hi pete ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for everything. When PSX emulation was still new, your plugins were always the most compatible and most frequently updated. Many years have passed, many new consoles and handhelds launched. Your talent could be put to good use, such as Nintendo DS emulation. |
1445 |
Date: 2007-06-14 06:43:30 Robin Henricsson ( no email / wrote: Hey, great shit! Thanks for making playstation emulation possible. |
1444 |
Date: 2007-05-31 12:12:58 "sarge" ( / no homepage) wrote: hey thanks for a great site, i have only recently started working with psx's adn your site was a great help, let me know if there is anything i can do to repay the debt, (xcluding cash) :) . thanks again,, "sarge" |
1443 |
Date: 2007-05-23 15:17:48 Italianguy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for programming your wonderful plugins! |
1442 |
Date: 2007-05-23 03:02:06 Sina ( / wrote: Please update your GPU & SPU plugins. I want DirectX 9 & Vista Compatible GPU plugin. |
1441 |
Date: 2007-05-14 20:40:33 Blaugh ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just want to say that I did get the plugin to work for a sec but I spilled my bong on the fucker and now it just makes a fartish sound like "phbpbpbpbp... pblblbpbp... bpb!" when I try to turn it on. Can somebody tell me how to fix that shit or get a new one? Plzkthx. |
1440 |
Date: 2007-05-14 18:33:14 Blaugh ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I haven't been able to get the plugin to work yet but I will tell you that I think it kicks fucking ass. Can I get a what what? |
1439 |
Date: 2007-05-13 18:16:43 Dicken Cider ( no email / no homepage) wrote:
The plug-in is great I love you.
1438 |
Date: 2007-05-11 14:39:50 uropian ( / wrote: Nor can Mehtap! I want to say that your site better throughout the World Wide Web :) Thank you. Keep it. |
1437 |
Date: 2007-05-08 16:07:08 Jon ( no email / wrote: great site, thank you |
1436 |
Date: 2007-05-03 15:39:06 Pimpy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: the plug in is fukin awesome dude thnx. |
1435 |
Date: 2007-05-03 11:53:35 Lars ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just wanted to say thanks for some great plugins :D Didn't like emulators much before since they often gave sound and graphical flaws. But you'r addon have removed the graphical bugs and even the sounds are played perfect. Big thanks :D |
1434 |
Date: 2007-04-08 09:16:53 Karl ( / no homepage) wrote: Several MAJOR issues. It won't let me proceed without a GPU plugin. I downloaded one. I saved it to a file I can't forget, and the list still says I have no plugin. |
1433 |
Date: 2007-04-06 00:29:23 Lin ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, is it possible for you to create a plugin specifically for the game known as "The Legend of Dragoon"? During battle mode the graphics are extreme! However, when the battle mode begins the screen turn pitch black and takes longer to load. I like that GPU plugin more than any other plugin that was invented for The emulator graphics of Playstation. Also, "Driver 2" is another one the main menu of the game is funny. I select for example "Take a Ride" and menu returns to it's original state. I would like it if your D3D Version 1.76 GPU plugin became one of the best GPu Plugins for the PLaystation Emulator! Good Luck! |
1432 |
Date: 2007-03-24 01:16:05 Mark ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! Ich wollte nur kurz Grüße aus der Heimat senden und dir und dem P.E.Op.S. Team für das ausgezeichnete GPU-Plugin Danke zu sagen. Meine gute alte PSX pfeift aus dem letzten Loch und funktioniert nur noch bei gutem Wetter und auch nur wenn ich die Abdeckung abschraube :D Die Möglichkeit trotzdem alle meine alten Spiele in besserer Qualität zu spielen ist einfach unbezahlbar. Also, nocheinmal Danke und Grüße! Mark |
1431 |
Date: 2007-03-03 15:37:11 Santos Christopher ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi i just wanted to know what you all can do with PSX and, i wonder alsow why the psx emulater works on px i know its wonderfull but i would like to have more info about the windows prompt editor... cuz maybe we can hack the system and upgrade our psx itself ... i heared that by a friend Friendly regards santos |
1430 |
Date: 2007-02-24 09:35:41 Dearth ( / no homepage) wrote: hmmm i was wondering im using which plugin should i use? |
1429 |
Date: 2007-02-23 22:59:31 Livaldo ( / no homepage) wrote: como configuro o video? qual é o plugin de video? witch is the plugins of video? how can I configure the video? |
1428 |
Date: 2007-02-23 02:51:48 pieti ( / wrote: Thanks Pete for your wonderful plugin. I am playing my first emulated psx game using one of your plugins nice greetings |
1427 |
Date: 2007-02-19 21:18:39 julien ( / no homepage) wrote: hello pete i m wondering about something concerning the fps with plug in like gpuPeteOpenGL.dll etc using the game dead or alive for psx i find that slow down may ( depending on the caracter you play) appear witout apparent change in fps, still i m able to speed up or down the game with fps limit,but combo then begin difficult to perform, in there a way to get rid of slow downs without setting fps limit to high? thxs |
1426 |
Date: 2007-02-13 14:43:17 Mario ( / wrote: I just want to thank you, for the time that you spend making the emulation thing possible. I sold my old PSX but now I have a second chance to run my favourite games. From Argentina, a gigantic hug! |
1425 |
Date: 2007-02-03 20:07:13 Bobby ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thx for the great plugins! |
1424 |
Date: 2007-01-29 11:54:49 mine ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks a lot for plugins.will you make a new opengl psx plugin?if you make it I will be very are a good man .I won't forget your homepage |
1423 |
Date: 2007-01-24 04:50:52 Maxellz ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I remember your homepage. I never forget that... you are STILL rock!!!!!!!!!!!! : D |
1422 |
1421 |
Date: 2007-01-14 22:27:34 jeremy ( / wrote: thanks for the plugins for my psx emulator they kick a$$ |
1420 |
Date: 2007-01-13 14:02:09 Erhan ( / no homepage) wrote: Can i get your YM id or email ? Or a way to urgently talk to you ? Please give me an answer !!! |
1419 |
Date: 2007-01-01 04:03:08 dude ( / no homepage) wrote: i can't play Chrono cross on epsxe1.6 with Pete's plugin :(, it usually crash on beginning screen ( name char ) or status screen . It's not error of rom , i can play well on PSx emul . Can u help me , thanks you very very much ! Hope you reply me soon |
1418 |
Date: 2006-12-29 19:46:24 Maurice ( / no homepage) wrote: i very happy tu use your pluggins on epsxe they works on pentium 3 ... good dood job thx |
1417 |
Date: 2006-12-29 06:17:17 Mauricio ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi i´m from venezuela so sorry for my english. I just wanted to say thanks for all of your great plugins, i've been using them since long ago and they are almost perfect, i guess there isn't much left to add them since you already did everything. Speed is super, quality is amazing and everything is cool. you don't need to answer but i have a doubt: i know games go at 60fps, but why they aren´t smooth like the games on sega dremacast or ps2 ect i mean why we don´t see the smoothness even at 60fps? |
1416 |
Date: 2006-12-20 15:51:31 paxil ( / wrote: Hi. I like your site and bookmarked it. Carry on! |
1415 |
Date: 2006-12-14 19:11:54 Carny ( no email / wrote: Nice web site with useful info. |
1414 |
Date: 2006-11-10 13:03:28 emmy ezeoru ( / wrote: i love this site keep it up |
1413 |
Date: 2006-11-08 15:13:36 Rob ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just wanted to say 'thank you' for your talent, and your dedication:> |
1412 |
Date: 2006-11-06 09:22:43 Sasa Jovancic ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you are the BEST plug-in writer. |
1411 |
Date: 2006-10-29 21:46:55 Diarmiud ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Thanks Pete - Your plugins are what make a "great" Emulator GREAT! Thanks for bringing back those fond PS1 memories!! |
1410 |
Date: 2006-10-23 21:12:39 ursa ( / no homepage) wrote: great, fast and useful!! |
1409 |
Date: 2006-10-20 19:03:06 speranza ( / no homepage) wrote: im start to play xenogears i use epsxe whit pete's plugins but when the game ask to "wait or continue" the "hero" have some flashback and see his past and game block i have try other plugins or varius config :P but dont work the alwais block at same point someone know how i can risolve? |
1408 |
Date: 2006-10-19 16:55:24 Matthias ( / no homepage) wrote: Hallo und guten Tag! Erstmal Danke für deine Programme. Wie wär es wenn man in den ePSXe ein paar mehr Grafikfunktionen zubauen würden. Um die Kantenzuglätten und und ... wäre echt cool. Danke Danke Danke. Einen dicken Gruß an DICH. |
1407 |
Date: 2006-10-19 14:53:57 laudino fernandes mascarenhas mota ( / no homepage) wrote: hello my friend,thank you formy helping. |
1406 |
Date: 2006-10-18 15:29:45 Marcos ( / no homepage) wrote: BIOS do PSX (scph1001.bin), |
1405 |
Date: 2006-10-13 20:44:23 David ( / no homepage) wrote: Great page - love the way your plugins work. I love being able to play my old psx games on my laptop without having to drag out the old ps1. |
1404 |
Date: 2006-10-03 20:24:08 Mark ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ey, thanks man! |
1403 |
Date: 2006-09-21 12:47:45 Dood ( / no homepage) wrote: Yours definately stands to be the some of the best plugins, you can tell you put alot of effort in, they are a substantial part of the emu scene. Thanks for the great efforts and I could have only one general question/request. Xbox 1 has become popular for emulation, but they have flaws in their ports for psx (slowdowns/bad framelimiting), I wonder tho, is a big part of it because noone ported a true nvidia video plugin that responded to the class and model/drivers of video card the xbox uses? (geforce 2.5ish/3ish) Have you done anything with the pcsxbox emu, or do you know if they're using your plugins in the port? |
1402 |
Date: 2006-09-13 03:25:07 George ( / no homepage) wrote: You've got to be gifted man! :) Keep up the nice work! |
1401 |
Date: 2006-09-12 07:19:46 Shinhwa ( / wrote: I am wondering is there any plugin which could make for example screenshot with date, or some files which have small weight. Because i want to make ladder section, and for verification are needed some files which defends from cheaters |
1400 |
Date: 2006-09-10 16:44:50 cozomo ( / wrote: Thanks for doing development on linux plugins. You a hero sir. I got my epsxe to work sexily on my slackware thanks to you |
1399 |
Date: 2006-08-28 23:48:12 hiugio ( / no homepage) wrote: I can't run dragonball final bout on epsxe 152 because i haven't "wgl extentions" what is it ? where can i foun it ? |
1398 |
Date: 2006-08-28 07:36:33 Ge0x ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, thx for all the plugins, here is my little problem, my game FFV7 move's lots faster than it has to be its like the timer, moves 5 game seconds every 1 real seconds. Can somebody plz help me solve this problem? Thx. |
1397 |
Date: 2006-08-27 14:30:18 Fihlvein ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, I just dropped by to tell you what an amazing job you have done and keep doing. Your plugins works very well. Only thing I wonder is why you don't have CDR plugin for Linux, but that doesn't matter much. Have a nice autumn. :) |
1396 |
Date: 2006-08-23 07:36:50 gustavo ( / no homepage) wrote: where is the Pete's DX6 D3D Driver 1.41?? |
1395 |
Date: 2006-08-04 19:15:44 Fluffy ( / no homepage) wrote: hi, i have a little problem with disc changing on final fantasy 9...what shall i do??? it always hangs when i just have changed the disc |
1394 |
Date: 2006-07-27 14:48:05 John ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, This is John and I'm a long time user of your ePSx OpenGL 2.x plugin. I have a Geforce 4 Ti 4600 video card. Recently, I have to upgrade my Nvidia driver from version 45.23 to 77.77 since the display in some recent games is improper (like Heroes of might and magic V and OutRun 2006). However, after that, I notice that the "GF4/WinXP crash fix" option no longer works. :'( Is there any workaround to fix this issue or could u please try to fix it in the next version? I know that Ge4 is a bit old and I cannot expect more... Thank you for checking this during your busy schedule. Keep up good work!!! Best Regards John Zhou |
1393 |
Date: 2006-07-25 10:36:36 adam ( no email / no homepage) wrote: where is Pete's D3D" driver becuase i cnt find it anywhere plz can you help:) |
1392 |
Date: 2006-07-19 23:22:39 omegalink ( no email / no homepage) wrote: please make a ps2 cdvd patch for cdvdpeops plugin i am in great need of one please help me !!! |
1391 |
Date: 2006-07-19 12:31:09 starseeker ( / no homepage) wrote: Well, I've viewed the forum and found someone had the same problem. Looks like you considered it as the buggy of ATI drivers. Sorry to disturb. Have a nice day. |
1390 |
Date: 2006-07-19 11:54:30 starseeker ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, I've met a problem with OpenGL2 2.8 plugin. when I set the Internal X Resolution to Very High, the left side of the screen can not be displayed correctly (about 100 pixel wide of the left side). I've tried lots of configurations so I'm sure the problem is caused by setting the Internal X Resolution to Very High. At the same time I've noticed another thing. When I use a X1600Pro card, it happens. But when I use a 7900GT card, the plugin works perfectly. So I guess this problem may only happened on ATI cards. |
1389 |
Date: 2006-07-18 17:35:28 vibeeshan ( / no homepage) wrote: hello, when I try to load the game three things pop out. : render texture extension not found shader extensions not found pixel format not set When I tested the video it said it worked. Please don''t ignore this, just tell me if the problem is with the card or with the configuration. THanks and it will really help me oh yes the video plugin tha I downloaded from you was: Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.8 |
1388 |
Date: 2006-07-15 19:30:28 JOSE LUIS ARIZA ( / no homepage) wrote: excellent job |
1387 |
Date: 2006-07-11 19:28:26 Arthur ( / no homepage) wrote: I have been using your plugin's for a loong time now (like forever :p) since my psx console's not working like it used to. i just want to thank you and your team more power good luck on the next projects ^_^ |
1386 |
Date: 2006-07-09 13:33:05 doveni ( / no homepage) wrote: ola amigão por favor me ajude ,ta dando uma mensagem que falta a extenção wgl,a onde eu acho |
1385 |
Date: 2006-07-06 16:13:27 DrDario1 ( / no homepage) wrote: It's unuseful saying that, but you're a real genius!!! Sorry for my english, i'm Italian :) Good Work!!! |
1384 |
Date: 2006-07-03 11:17:08 Vittorio Cagnetta ( / no homepage) wrote: Many many thanks to Pete & friends. From me ( 34 years old ) and from my little doughter ( 4 ) and son ( 1 ) that enjoy with me their prefered PSX game: Crash Bandicoot. I thank you for their smiles ... |
1383 |
Date: 2006-06-23 10:07:08 riezal ( / wrote: Wow .. thx-a-lot dude ... i use u'r plugin to play so many game. Good job ... hope i can be like u someday :D |
1382 |
Date: 2006-06-22 15:15:07 Ricky74 ( / wrote: Hi all !!! |
1381 |
Date: 2006-06-21 20:50:19 Bill Griffin ( / no homepage) wrote: I think that your Emu is the best out there, How ever I'm not able to use my "Gravis Eliminator Shock" with it ... do you know of a cure? I would be in your debt if you could help. Thanking you in advance, Bill |
1380 |
Date: 2006-06-20 23:39:25 Alisson ( / no homepage) wrote: great work! excellent! Alisson - Brazil |
1379 |
Date: 2006-06-12 15:38:21 hugo ( / no homepage) wrote: i can't play.. where i put the files? *.ddl ? who path? |
1378 |
Date: 2006-06-04 13:31:40 Devid ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for your excellent emulators! Good luck for next projects! |
1377 |
Date: 2006-06-04 05:26:32 Lyndon ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your plugins are cool but i cant find Pete's OGL GPUv1.75 i need it for ff origins and metal gear solid |
1376 |
Date: 2006-05-31 17:51:57 Rockmanj ( / wrote: Hi Pete I just want to say that you have done an excellent job in PSX emulation and i think you are the man!!! Only problem is, i am somewhat of a Sega Saturn fan and i have a lot of RPG's i still want to play. Question is, is there anyway you can start working on a Sega Saturn Emulator that actually works? There are some ok'ish ones out there like Satourne but it really needs a lot of work and better plugins. So is there any chance you could use your expertise and hep out the Sega Saturn Emulation department? I have no programming knowledge whatsoever,im just a gamer that needs a working emulator for the Saturn co's they are hard to find(in South Africa) and the ones you do find are overseas and the local ones are not in good condition. Thanks for reading Rockmanj |
1375 |
Date: 2006-05-25 17:25:28 adem ( / no homepage) wrote: you are a important person for are my hero:-)) thanks for your plugins i play now tekken 3. I want to ask you because you know it better i got a system Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 630 met Hyper Threading™ technologie et 64 bit ready, 800 MHz, 1024 MB / 1 GB DDR 400 DUAL CHANNEL, 320 GB SERIAL ATA (2x 160 GB) CD-RW / DVD-RW CD-ROM / DVD-ROM 16x DVD-ROM CD-RW / DVD-RW DVD+-RW double layer Video Video ATI® RADEON™ X600 PCI-Express + TV-out (composiet) + DVI Videogeheugen 256 MB DDR when you choose configure which plugin must i choose and what must i configure??? I MUST HAVE THE BEST SCREEN, help me thanks!! thanks! |
1374 |
Date: 2006-05-23 13:34:37 Alex Denton ( / wrote: Great stuff, man! Great stuff. |
1373 |
Date: 2006-05-19 03:57:42 Mike ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You rock! Your psx plugins make epsxe the great emulator that it is (kowtows profusely). My deepest respect and thanks for all of your hard work! |
1372 |
Date: 2006-05-18 01:03:00 POOP ( no email / no homepage) wrote: anyone knos what's a good plugin for FF IX? It always crashes at the part where i first see the air ship... the little movie part |
1371 |
Date: 2006-05-14 23:56:48 SOFTM ( no email / no homepage) wrote: THANK YOU! |
1370 |
Date: 2006-05-14 10:13:05 What the hell!? ( / no homepage) wrote: do you know any good GPU plugin for a geforce fx 5200 card? please anseawer me if you do PS: sorry for my bad english :( |
1369 |
Date: 2006-05-06 01:44:22 Victor ( / no homepage) wrote: OMG! 8 years since you started this and people are still filling your guestbook! I dig your work (and your haircut too. you didnt change it, did you?) My deepest respect. |
1368 |
Date: 2006-05-04 10:44:17 Alberto Bernal ( / no homepage) wrote: Dude I've been using your plugins (on and off) for about 3 years. I think they're just great and allowed me to play my fav games in an awesome way (great graphics :)... and I just felt that a big thanks was forthcoming and would show my appreciation, so here goes: Muchisimas gracias señor Pedro! |
1367 |
Date: 2006-04-25 19:05:58 Doriath ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey.. i was downloading D3D and it asked for a password, dont suppose you could give it to me ^.^ Caio, Dori |
1366 |
Date: 2006-04-23 02:03:43 André ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! I'm a epsxe entusiast and I have to admit you've done an outstanding job in your plugins. We all around the world thank you for having fun playing Playstation games on a PC with quality. We just can't wait so long to see a Pete's Pcsx2 GPU plugin annoucement in your homepage! Come on man, keep rocking! We're looking foward to see another great work. Brazilians Greetings. |
1365 |
Date: 2006-04-20 18:06:46 Peter ( / wrote: Thanks for yours plug-in ,I never Lost a Psx gaming CD when my Psx Hardware do not working anymore.. :) Btw do you do a cell phone "rom game" emulator ? |
1364 |
Date: 2006-04-11 23:11:09 Giovani ( / no homepage) wrote: I do not obtain to configure the game Megaman 8 correctly, which filters I must use for games 2D? |
1363 |
Date: 2006-04-11 09:50:10 Chance ( / wrote: Thank for all your hard work and making the PSX/ZiNc emu's a joy to play :) |
1362 |
Date: 2006-04-04 12:43:44 ronaldo ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete my name is ronaldo and im live in brazil, i have a problem with pete's MesaGL Driver for linux, i can't confirugate him, now i using the P.E.Op.S SoftX Driver 1.17 but when i change to Mesa became very fast , so i 'll like to know how can i configure MesaGL Driver for linux. |
1361 |
Date: 2006-04-03 16:50:32 Bob Hacket ( / no homepage) wrote: Freakin awesome site, thanks so much for your work as well as your humours insights! |
1360 |
Date: 2006-04-02 07:34:42 madd-oma ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I will go to curch now. We will sing there: (Spoken:) Como puede ser verdad Last night I dreamt of San Pedro Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song A young girl with eyes like the desert It all seems like yesterday, not far away Chorus: Tropical the island breeze All of nature wild and free This is where I long to be La isla bonita And when the samba played The sun would set so high Ring through my ears and sting my eyes Your Spanish lullaby I fell in love with San Pedro Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me te dijo te amo I prayed that the days would last They went so fast (chorus) I want to be where the sun warms the sky When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by Beautiful faces, no cares in this world Where a girl loves a boy, and a boy loves a girl Last night I dreamt of San Pedro It all seems like yesterday, not far away (chorus two times) spoken: te dijo te amo (He told you: I love you) el dijo que te ama( he said that he loves you) |
1359 |
Date: 2006-03-27 11:11:08 Lyle ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to send out my appreciation for all the work you've done on your plugins / other stuff as they have brought me and thousands more like me countless hours of fun, so here's to you Pete ;) |
1358 |
Date: 2006-03-25 15:12:20 SIMON CORDERO ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for all amazing plugins |
1357 |
Date: 2006-03-23 14:02:12 Sunny ( / no homepage) wrote: Your GPU plugin is really a great job, most of the game can play smoothly, but when I play FFT, it doesnot work properly, The BIG MAP background has been disappeared, when the cursor move , it appears again, so can u teach me how to configure to solve this. ANYWAY your gpu is incredible |
1356 |
Date: 2006-03-21 16:18:22 cuddy20 ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, i have a problem. I have tried to extract many different gpu plugins to my epsxe plugin folder, one behind another. (gpupete176, gpupete164, ect.) Well, when i try to configure my options, i can configure my sound and my cdrom, but, i never get an option on my graphics. It doesnt give me the choice of which gpu to choose. What have i done wrong or what am i missing???..THANX |
1355 |
Date: 2006-03-20 00:18:27 Bill ( / wrote: Thanx heaps pete you have saved me!!! i have made a tribute to you !! |
1354 |
Date: 2006-03-19 11:17:23 Tinke ( no email / wrote: Thank you Pete. Although I seem to have difficulties with correct configurations in linux I msut say I am very very grateful for you doing everything you've done for linux people. |
1353 |
Date: 2006-03-17 04:37:53 Anton ( no email / wrote: Thanks Pete for your wonderful plugin. I am playing my first emulated psx game ( legend of dragoon ) using one of your plugins. really appreciate it man >:D |
1352 |
Date: 2006-03-14 14:33:18 Bosnians ( / no homepage) wrote: i cant play Cresh team racing with 2 ,3 or 4 players becouse when i go into arcada then cup and then begiin loading game , and he get me out from program i can play adventure alone but i cant play with 2 players becouse program cant get half monitor like half ecran on plaz station HELP ME PLEASE Hello from Bosnia e mail is sejfa not sejfe |
1351 |
Date: 2006-03-11 18:23:17 Michal ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, your plugins are the best thing I've ever seen. Keep up with the good work :D I owe you much ... |
1350 |
Date: 2006-03-08 14:54:49 Pablo ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, dont stop! your the best! humble thnx&greeting for ya awesome work! |
1349 |
Date: 2006-03-03 16:49:13 a_user ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, a very big thanks for your work. |
1348 |
Date: 2006-03-03 12:05:15 thunder foot ( / no homepage) wrote: Do you play cronocross? Please send me an email. I may need a little help from you despite the emulator |
1347 |
Date: 2006-02-24 22:37:24 omegasaid ( / no homepage) wrote: I so bow down in front of you, and repeatedly. Reading in your Fairy Tales about your debuts makes me willing to try myself. How about posting an article in your website for "the willing unskilled" about how to debut and must-read books and tech documents? |
1346 |
Date: 2006-02-11 16:16:55 Occi Fernando ( / no homepage) wrote: May the Force be with You !! |
1345 |
Date: 2006-02-11 16:14:21 Occi Fernando ( / wrote: Assallamuallaikum wr. wb. Pete I really fans of You ! May be some day I can Study with You. It is an honour tobe your students ! Hormat Saya Occi Fernando Wassallamuallaikum ! |
1344 |
Date: 2006-02-09 01:55:21 inneed ( / no homepage) wrote: when i try to load any game it says that i have no WGL extensions. |
1343 |
Date: 2006-02-08 13:08:45 Stefan ( / no homepage) wrote: I've got a problem with the OpenGL 2 plugin, it always emulates the game about twice as fast as its supposed to go. Is there a way to fix this? |
1342 |
Date: 2006-02-02 15:58:31 Slepnair ( / no homepage) wrote: just trying to get the emulator stuff to work but i get a shootback email when i try. and the messageboards wont load. sorry for useing this to try and catch ya but cant find another way. i heard the emulator was kickass so thats why im tryin hard to get it to work! |
1341 |
Date: 2006-02-01 16:28:45 NDS Fan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: We need a Pete like programmer to develop a OpenGL plugin for the NDS emulator IdeaS =D !!! |
1340 |
Date: 2006-01-30 04:15:39 Victor Jacques ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete in the moment I am using a translator globalink, because my English is bad. I am a Brazilian fan yours, at a long time I emulate psx and I liked than you commented on the commercial and free emulators, I like your more plugins a lot I think something begins annoying me, the emulation of new videogames, because they are hiding a lot of thing and not turning a thing as free as it should be, I use Pete's openGL Plugin 2.8 in the epsxe, to one more thing on the bios subject, even if is a thing pirate the site driverguide disponabiliza one good bios file. good it supplies pete with your emulation of the pSX emulator to purpose I will use, live Pete, the linux, and the brasil! |
1339 |
Date: 2006-01-25 08:44:15 John ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanx Alot Man For The Plugins. Really Apreciated. |
1338 |
Date: 2006-01-18 02:50:43 Hut- Thailand ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm looking forward to GPU's for PS2. Thank you verymuch!!! |
1337 |
Date: 2006-01-14 14:20:46 nadeem Rashid ( / no homepage) wrote: can any one help me i renamed pets OGL.dll to renderer.znc but when i executed zinc then an error occoured ( missing renderer texture extention ) & ( no pixel format available ) so how i can do it Please |
1336 |
Date: 2006-01-13 14:34:05 Blizzi ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, nice job.. you make the best plugins vor epsxe and more... you are for me the GOD!! of all psx emulator Video Plugins!!!!!!!!! And i will sing for you : " YOu are the one and onley....." ^^ very nice job pete :) |
1335 |
Date: 2006-01-10 08:40:22 rama ( / no homepage) wrote: hej my name is ramazan and im from denmark im sorry but english is not so good so i hope you can understand me.... well i have computer with a TNT nividia grahic card with 16 MB VRAm put i really hav problemes with running FF ix on my epsxe 160 emulator can you help or give some tips???? |
1334 |
Date: 2006-01-07 11:20:51 Andrea ( no email / no homepage) wrote: your utilities are very helpful. THANKS! |
1333 |
Date: 2006-01-06 14:04:12 joosip ( / no homepage) wrote: LEGENDOOOOO! |
1332 |
Date: 2005-12-30 15:48:37 TetrisTheMovie ( / no homepage) wrote: Ahoy Pete! Good work on those plugins. Been using them like a religion since y2k. =) One request, though. How about adding device output select for the GPU's. It'd help especially with multimonitor/TV output people (like me.) Can't move applications across monitors when they're fullscreen. |
1331 |
Date: 2005-12-25 20:07:38 TMB1996 ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Nice Job !!! |
1330 |
Date: 2005-12-20 17:51:39 prima ( / no homepage) wrote: nice fairy about the other half of life ...had some rolf also even with adsl @megabit/sec but somehow looks like im to stupid to understand the plugin concept and how to use it i run win98/Xp and "knoppigs" linux from cd without any installalla can u please explain for nooobs how to get those to work thx |
1329 |
Date: 2005-12-17 20:08:45 Nick Decorte ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete, i just love your media player(pplayer). I have a slow computer and your player almost uses nothing of my cpu and it plays allmost all media files but still there is one thing that i don't like. And that is if the song is done you've got to go to the player again and choose another song. Can't you do something so that u can choose multiple songs at once and there played one by one? Please email me if you've got an update for the player or any information to edit the player muself , if not email me to so i don't have to wait if there's an update or not. regards, Nick |
1328 |
Date: 2005-12-16 00:41:27 Squal ( / wrote: Good job guy ;) |
1327 |
Date: 2005-12-10 17:08:46 D4LT0N ( no email / wrote: Thanks to your plugins, I can enjoy the Gran Turismo 2 better than with the PSX hardware! |
1326 |
Date: 2005-12-10 03:15:33 Sander ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for all the execelent plugins, it really made my psx emulations much easier and compatible.I have alot of fun with my 128mb NV card and ps emulator plus the plugins avaible here, without it wouldn´t be possible. Thanx alot, Sander |
1325 |
Date: 2005-12-09 20:23:22 cozmix ( / wrote: check out for some badass drum n bass sessions |
1324 |
Date: 2005-12-09 15:36:05 wal*mart cart pusher ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete, Now that you have Valve's Steam powered online gaming platform and you have Half-Life^2 Maybe you should buy Half-Life Platinum Eddition (it contains Half-Life, Team Fortess Classic, Half-Life: Opposing-Force, Half-Life: Blue Shift, and Counterstrike). It is only $19.99 (US dolars) or in Euros it is aproximately €16.99. If you ever get Half-Life Platinum Pack, Register it with Steam so you acn play on it (its more forgiving on dialup than Half-Life^2). The server I play on is called Madness Manor (dont wory if you completely suck at the game (the server has a bunch of chatty people on it)). Just E-mail me if you want to get in on a passworded game. Your Friend, Wally-World ("wal*mart cart pusher" is my screen name and in case they ask where you are from its ok to tell them (also tell them that "wal*mart sends his greetings" and if they ask send them what i sent you here) |
1323 |
Date: 2005-12-07 11:30:13 Gregg Gilliam ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete...YOU ROCK! |
1322 |
Date: 2005-12-03 20:52:12 END-TIME-X ( / wrote: I love your plugins for the PSX emu's. Great job! will you ever make plugins for any dreamcast emu's like chanKast? I think chanKast is in desperate need of some good plugins, and I think you'd be the guy to do it. Anyway, great job!! :) |
1321 |
Date: 2005-12-03 19:53:52 Linux User ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for the good work! I'm glad you still take the time to create linux ports of plugins and it is HIGHLY appreciated! |
1320 |
Date: 2005-12-02 13:14:26 sazaki ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey keep up the good work on these plugins! Thank you for your time and effort and keep going! |
1319 |
Date: 2005-11-30 12:44:02 alfonzo ( / no homepage) wrote: here goes i'm traying to get my expe started and there's a game ff9 that i'd really like to play i read mail in forums and also downloaded alot of your plug in and staff thanks for that by the way but my screen just goes black i need some help please feel like i'm going crazy traying. ive got p4 ati radeon 9550 xp pro please help |
1318 |
Date: 2005-11-16 16:33:47 akirak ( / no homepage) wrote: i am a big fan of yours... i love your work. keep up the good work! |
1317 |
Date: 2005-11-10 12:10:20 satoshi ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Congratulatons for your excelent plugins! Keep up the good work |
1316 |
Date: 2005-11-09 10:17:47 Replaced ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Congratulatons for your excelent plugins! Keep up the good work. |
1315 |
Date: 2005-11-09 03:18:02 HardWareMan ( / no homepage) wrote: All plugins is the best. But SPU don't play Music 2000. Why? Only "Seal Audio Driver 0.8" can handle this game, but it's sounds poor. |
1314 |
Date: 2005-11-08 07:59:32 WaLn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi! Alles super! Gruß! |
1313 |
Date: 2005-10-30 12:47:14 Joost ( / no homepage) wrote: how do i install the shader extensions?? |
1312 |
Date: 2005-10-20 20:21:03 AlphabotX-2 ( / no homepage) wrote: Ahhh....i want to say thank you, for your great plugins...and may fix the FF7 battle swirl in your D3D-Plugin and i am the happiest person on the world. |
1311 |
Date: 2005-10-19 19:10:36 Andrew ( / no homepage) wrote: I have a problem : My Tekken4 game doesnt start even when i select the bin file .Then I enabled the debug and i read that there was (in the end after a lot of numbers) " no Sistem cfg file found " or something like that ,maybe I dont know some thing or i'm making something wrong.Please help!!!! |
1310 |
Date: 2005-10-09 10:45:55 Ziad ( / no homepage) wrote: Yo Pete! How do you add the plugins to the ePSXeCutor? |
1309 |
Date: 2005-10-07 09:58:52 Shadow ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Incredible... This site has everything i need! Great work Pete. |
1308 |
Date: 2005-10-06 21:22:04 Jaq ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, your plugins rox0rz my box0rz. Thanks for all your work. |
1307 |
Date: 2005-10-03 14:49:09 edson ( / no homepage) wrote: video plugins for psx? |
1306 |
Date: 2005-10-02 10:10:00 Korpni ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Why isnt Xenogear working?? |
1305 |
Date: 2005-09-23 14:33:10 Bobby ( / no homepage) wrote: Well cool PSX emu. I would like to recommend a game controller, which is available in the UK. It is the Logic3 USB game pad, it is a digital only pad, and it is exactly the same style as the Playstation's itself, so there is no need to fiddle about with the pc keyboard or getting used to another controller. But as I said the Logic3 is digital only so may not be suitable for some games. |
1304 |
Date: 2005-09-22 10:50:18 Ron Hoffman ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Pete!!! i can't thank you enough for your linux softx plugin ..i finally now have 2 of my favorite emulators working without opengl (even though my card supports it) this is great work.... and i'm really happy about it...Ron |
1303 |
Date: 2005-09-17 10:12:58 dave ( / no homepage) wrote: is your opengl2 plugin is compatible with geforce4 mx? what is the best of your plugins for that cards? |
1302 |
Date: 2005-09-14 09:32:04 CoSTa ( no email / wrote: keep'em coming pete! your plugins are simply the best choice for psx emulation. thanks for that! |
1301 |
Date: 2005-09-13 06:36:16 LuckRoth ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello Peter. Im a person who use your plugin. very nice plugin. Why don you create plugin for PS2? I think if you do maybe it can be better. I don hope you reply my message. But can you take my words to consider please. |
1300 |
Date: 2005-09-11 20:05:17 Tails ( / no homepage) wrote: Congrats for your GREAT job. Keep up the good work! |
1299 |
Date: 2005-09-09 20:19:35 System Bot ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Eine schlechte Zahl. Machen sie weiter mit ihren Beitragen. |
1298 |
Date: 2005-09-08 11:24:50 Bonkrz_T_Bobcat ( / no homepage) wrote: PETE you do wonderfull work if you ever write your own operating system I defenetly want it!!!!!!!! |
1297 |
Date: 2005-09-08 00:22:24 FluXy ( / wrote: ohne deine genialen open source plugins wäre mein leben etwas langweiliger ! :P |
1296 |
Date: 2005-09-06 06:20:46 Daniel Sirait ( no email / wrote: thank's Pete, for develeping D3D PSX. Other plugin not work properly, especialy OpenGl, & Software plugin.. |
1295 |
Date: 2005-08-27 13:23:31 BydoGauper ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Excellent work Pete, ePSXe with your plugins has helped to bring my PSX gaming from my portable to my PC and overall improved them all!, they work better on the PC than on the PSX & TV. I use your plugins for Linux and Windows Keep up the great work. |
1294 |
Date: 2005-08-27 12:19:36 Alex ( / wrote: Danke für die fetten Plug-ins! |
1293 |
Date: 2005-08-22 01:52:51 Brian ( / wrote: Hey Pete, I just wanted to say thanks for the (un-researched comment) countless hours you put into writing your PSX emu plugins (they really are amazing!). All in all, this is just a GIANT thank you from a lowly gamer. |
1292 |
Date: 2005-08-19 12:30:55 BloodyWing ( / wrote: sorry about the doublepost now i know how old u are^^ |
1291 |
Date: 2005-08-19 12:24:26 BloodyWing ( / wrote: hi pete i want to say thank u for the nice plugins (sorry about the weak english cause i am german) and one question: how old are u? |
1290 |
Date: 2005-08-13 06:18:55 K.I.L.E.R ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Man I love you Pete. I wish I could marry you. Thanks for all your hard work. Everyone definitely appreciates it. |
1289 |
Date: 2005-08-05 01:24:11 René ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, in Castlevania Symphony of the Night, PSX obviusly, the picture taken at the battle with Drácula in the prologue of the game is missing with your DX and OpenGL plugins, but with peopsoft works fine. Check it out this framebuffer efects. Thanks for all your work with this excelent psx plugins. Note: I'm not a English-speaker, forgive me my cheap ortografic. |
1288 |
Date: 2005-07-29 06:17:16 mogqwai ( / wrote: Thanks Pete, once again your fairy tales made my day. By all means keep doing what you do so well, and just know you are very appreciated around here! that's life too ;) |
1287 |
Date: 2005-07-26 16:48:04 Johan ( / no homepage) wrote: Great site, I have a request. Can you, if possible create a new version of the Softgpu, which has the fastforward key as in DX7 GPU 1.76? Thank you in advance pete. |
1286 |
Date: 2005-07-20 20:01:41 hola, me haces un... ( / no homepage) wrote: pete, haceme un pete |
1285 |
Date: 2005-07-19 10:11:39 ukoy ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete, thanks a lot for your job, your plugins are the BEST!! [Swiss] |
1284 |
Date: 2005-07-17 13:52:07 GooF ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for making the best plugins in this world! Keep up the GREAT WORKS!!! |
1283 |
Date: 2005-07-16 18:16:13 me ( / wrote: Your the man! Your plugins are awesome! |
1282 |
Date: 2005-07-11 15:42:21 iray ( / no homepage) wrote: u are great, respect man. |
1281 |
Date: 2005-07-08 10:06:46 Brian ( / no homepage) wrote: Yo man pete you rule. Your plugins are freakin awesome. |
1280 |
Date: 2005-07-07 09:12:15 James Watson ( no email / wrote: Great job. Can you also make a plugin for Glide 3.xx , lewpy version is a bit old. |
1279 |
Date: 2005-07-03 05:13:23 will ( / no homepage) wrote: pete, u kick ass with ur craxzy get rich quick skeems, thumbs up |
1278 |
Date: 2005-06-29 01:12:26 Ashley ( / wrote: Just have to say how wonderful of a job is done, and wish good things for your future for giving so much to so many... |
1277 |
Date: 2005-06-24 17:52:29 robot ( / no homepage) wrote: I find some way to use gpuPeteD3D.dll & gpuPeteOGL.dll to do gpu rendering for Ray-Storm in MAME. You can see the screen capture in |
1276 |
Date: 2005-06-23 11:20:42 Mrtn ( / no homepage) wrote: I Use ePSXe And I Can't get the sound to work on resident evil 3 nemesis please Help thanks I Use The Iso Not The Cdrom |
1275 |
Date: 2005-06-23 02:04:25 Yoce ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, i'm one of the EspxE user. I have the game Final Fantasy 7, and everything is good in your plugin when i play, everything, even speed is fine... But when i do ESC and i want to "Save State, or "Load State", or even "Continue" lol!, it doesnt work. It gives me an error like this : (P.S : it's never the same error, but it's this one mostly:) Sorry, my computer is in french, but ill try to translate it... EPSXE a causé une défaillance de page dans le module GPUPETED3D.DLL à 0197:01c105cd. Registres : EAX=008fed20 CS=0197 EIP=01c105cd EFLGS=00010202 EBX=00000001 SS=019f ESP=00b1f494 EBP=00000001 ECX=00000000 DS=019f ESI=00000000 FS=21b7 EDX=d401225f ES=019f EDI=01dcb4a8 GS=0000 Octets à CS : EIP : ff 91 8c 00 00 00 89 35 04 d5 e4 01 89 35 18 d5 État de la pile : 008fed20 00000000 00000000 01dcb4a8 04760418 00000003 01c0f4e4 00000001 01270e80 04660010 0042efd5 00000000 04660010 43530002 01270e80 08555047 It basically telling me that when i tried to load a state, it says that epsxe caused a page error in module GPUPETED/D.DLL at 0197:01c105cd. I don't know what to do lol... I'm not a proffessionnal in computers, but i still know some basics... When i put Pete OpenGl things on, it works, but the fps speed is like 35,..... when it should be 60 (even when i put the fast command, it's still 35...) And I can't see what they say in game, nothing appears in the chat boxes... Help me please lol... I would really appreciate... Yoce I tried to send this message to, but it doesnt work i think... |
1274 |
Date: 2005-06-19 02:39:05 Mauricio Serrano ( / no homepage) wrote: Eventhough I havent used your plugins (or any) for a while, I still remember your high quality work. Congratulations dude, you rule!!!! |
1273 |
Date: 2005-06-14 02:40:37 Lbebo ( / no homepage) wrote: I need GPU plugin for Mac,not the SoftGL. Thank you very much. |
1272 |
Date: 2005-06-13 12:54:08 Spacy ( no email / wrote: Thank you very much for all the work you put in your plugins. :) |
1271 |
Date: 2005-06-13 11:49:12 johnsonlam ( / wrote: Thanks Pete! Glad to see some update or improvement from you. |
1270 |
Date: 2005-06-13 10:12:54 anonymous ( no email / no homepage) wrote: What 1267 said. Thanks for continuing your great PSX plugin development. |
1269 |
Date: 2005-06-08 20:32:30 Lucas ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello. I´m trying to run Chrono Cross, by Epsxe. The runs vry good until i try to use some magic. I´ve tried every single plugin and the game stills bug. I´ll really apreciate if you help me somehow |
1268 |
Date: 2005-06-03 07:33:07 softm ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thank you. |
1267 |
Date: 2005-06-01 15:03:24 MaZ ( / wrote: thanks man, thanks. |
1266 |
Date: 2005-05-23 11:44:08 Gogolian ( / wrote: Oh men you're the best! Think WHO will do plugins if not you :D! Thanks to you WE (pepole who means nothing to others) can play PSX games :D Thanks! |
1265 |
Date: 2005-05-22 23:18:06 radical dreamer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Long ago I decided to use only plugins of yours. And every day I'm getting more and more sure that it was a good choice. Thanks for all that hardwork. |
1264 |
Date: 2005-05-22 21:59:45 Ronaldo (from Brazil) ( / no homepage) wrote: Awesome your site, and i need to say you're a genious. Thanks for you fabulous work (especially for the linux ports)!!! :-) |
1263 |
Date: 2005-05-21 20:19:23 Criz ( no email / no homepage) wrote: your a genious bwhahahaha! |
1262 |
Date: 2005-05-16 23:41:33 Kev ( / no homepage) wrote: Absolutely no STEAM POWERED GAMES for me ever again. After so long what a disappointment. |
1261 |
Date: 2005-05-14 12:08:35 carnage ( no email / no homepage) wrote: keep rocking dude |
1260 |
Date: 2005-05-10 06:11:20 francisco ( / no homepage) wrote: sup saludos desde el paso texas good job dude:)we will live for ever? |
1259 |
Date: 2005-05-08 21:39:02 Some Turkish guy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! I just want to say that you are doing a great job! Thank you! Go on like this! |
1258 |
Date: 2005-05-03 14:20:34 Michael ( / wrote: I have been using these plugins for about 4 years now. I own a playstation that doesnt work and i hate lugging around my playstation2. So I put a playstation emulator on my laptop using Pete's Plugins and could not be happy. Pete, you should start making something in the way for Playstation 2. |
1257 |
Date: 2005-05-01 22:40:21 usher ( / wrote: Pete GPU for linux rocks. |
1256 |
Date: 2005-04-26 03:19:09 Fadzil bin Hamdani ( / no homepage) wrote: Please announce me a new version og Pete's GPU & SPU for windows. Thanks to Pete's. |
1255 |
Date: 2005-04-25 10:41:47 rey lang ( / no homepage) wrote: 1 more thing....i have played a ps game on my pc and i have a very fast graphics movement....don't know how to repair it.... |
1254 |
Date: 2005-04-23 02:00:25 Marcin ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi,Pete! Try newest Catalyst drivers with this famous tool GLView from RealTech VR! You'll see some very curious OGL functions reported by this program:) I think they are those you wait for (framebuffer stuff) :) |
1253 |
Date: 2005-04-22 04:37:28 Zelgato ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey pete? Just wanted to drop by and check out your site , i've been using you'r plugins to play my PSX backups as none other seem to compare, and i read over your fairy tales that you had issues with Halflife2, well let me tell ya i've had similar problems with another "steam powered" game called Counterstrike, i ended up going to buy a game at a nearby gamestop in the city where i live, bought it for a keen fifty bucks and brought it home only to install and find it's powered by steam, i immediately had a bad feeling as i was accustomed to a game Called Medal of Honor, where there is an ingame browser without having to connect to any kind of internet network, you just join games and play, so long story short i can't play the game because i use a router, only ONE of my computers could play online at a time, and really that was the purpose of getting a game, even after buying a second copy of the game to get two seperate CD keys, it still did'nt work, but hey, that's life. anyway keep on making useful tools to help everyone out, and release some more goddies you might have kept secret =} |
1252 |
Date: 2005-04-04 21:22:55 guest ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete. It's Guest(r). I think you shoul write a book of those postings, but only a "friendly" wersion. Maybe you are a better writer as a coder (eh?). Use friendly words, be nice, honest and admit if you are wrong. Guest |
1251 |
Date: 2005-04-04 18:05:56 Crusoe ( / wrote: Hi Pete, nette Seite die du da hast, ich bin ein grosser Verehrer deiner Plugins für den ePSXe 8Þ. Mach weiter so!!!! Und mit deinem neuesten GPU Plugin vom 22 Juli 2004. Ich muss zu meiner Schande, gestehen ich habe es eben erst gefunden^^ und es läuft PERFEKT!!! |
1250 |
Date: 2005-03-29 20:19:35 Anderson Bernardo de Almeida ( / no homepage) wrote: Great Work!! Wonderfull. I use ePSXe with Pete's Plugins in Windows XP and Linux Kernel 2.6.X with perfect performance. Thanks for the plugins! Anderson Almeida Capão Bonito - SP Brazil - South America. |
1249 |
Date: 2005-03-29 06:19:30 Alex ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, i have a problem, i am running epsxe and mesagl plugin, i am trying to run FF7, and on the windows version of this gpu plugin has a fix for the battle swirl, and when i run it on linux, the battle swirl freezes, otherwise everythings perfect, can you help? |
1248 |
Date: 2005-03-23 02:39:56 Max Samuel ( / wrote: :-( Pete, my good fellow. Thanx for your job on doing these plug-in's. I'm using all your masterpieces in my ePSXe. But I just don't know what's the problem that the screen just give me black out. I tried all suggestion in FAQs about black screen problem. I've also downloaded all updates to my devices (GForce2 MX 400 and CD-RW ROM Driver). But I'm labor in vain. Please help me out, Pete. What should I do? Is there something wrong in my setting in GPU? Or else? Or maybe somebody who read this can help me, you can send me an E-mail to my address: Please help me, I desperately need it. Thanks |
1247 |
Date: 2005-03-19 18:40:00 KainZX ( / wrote: Thank to your plug-in, all of us can play a game perfectly. Keeping your GREAT WORK!! |
1246 |
Date: 2005-03-17 01:53:39 [ITA]Saibot ( / wrote: Ciao Pete! Your plugins are perfect! |
1245 |
Date: 2005-03-16 14:06:37 Daist ( / no homepage) wrote: Great story! =) And I obtained HL2 like this: a friend of mine came to my place and brought 4 ISOs with HL2 game installation files. Just like DooM III, Far Cry, SpellForce and lots of other games. And I experienced no problems with the game except for dumb AI... |
1244 |
Date: 2005-03-13 12:22:48 Manticore-X ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good job! I love to use your plugins. The only thing i miss is to switch between fullscreen and window mode while i am playing. But i can live with that. |
1243 |
Date: 2005-03-13 09:34:41 DarkHerat ( no email / no homepage) wrote: i love you Pete for yours plugins! |
1242 |
Date: 2005-03-13 00:42:05 dude again ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hallo Pete, can u also write a 50%scanlines pixelshader2 code for mpc (media player classic)? if u dont know, in mpc player u can use ps2 codes to modify video output, its pretty cool. outcome should look somewhat like this: player can be found here: -> ->>Media player classic ->>>mplayerc2005.01.19-2.2kxp.7z (<-this build worx) I dont know in how much those code are different from the ones u used to code, so here are some built-in examples from the player: deinterlace (blend) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sampler s0 : register(s0); float4 p0 : register(c0); #define width (p0[0]) #define height (p0[1]) #define counter (p0[2]) #define clock (p0[3]) #define PI acos(-1) float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float4 c0 = tex2D(s0, tex); float2 h = float2(0, 1/height); float4 c1 = tex2D(s0, tex-h); float4 c2 = tex2D(s0, tex+h); c0 = (c0*2+c1+c2)/4; return c0; } emboss ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sampler s0 : register(s0); float4 p0 : register(c0); #define width (p0[0]) #define height (p0[1]) #define counter (p0[2]) #define clock (p0[3]) #define PI acos(-1) float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float dx = 1/width; float dy = 1/height; float4 c1 = tex2D(s0, tex + float2(-dx,-dy)); float4 c2 = tex2D(s0, tex + float2(0,-dy)); float4 c4 = tex2D(s0, tex + float2(-dx,0)); float4 c6 = tex2D(s0, tex + float2(dx,0)); float4 c8 = tex2D(s0, tex + float2(0,dy)); float4 c9 = tex2D(s0, tex + float2(dx,dy)); float4 c0 = (-c1-c2-c4+c6+c8+c9); c0 = (c0.r+c0.g+c0.b)/3 + 0.5; return c0; } letterbox ++++++++++++++++++++ sampler s0 : register(s0); float4 p0 : register(c0); #define width (p0[0]) #define height (p0[1]) #define counter (p0[2]) #define clock (p0[3]) #define PI acos(-1) float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR { float4 c0 = 0; float2 ar = float2(16, 9); float h = (1 - width/height * ar.y/ar.x) / 2; if(tex.y >= h && tex.y <= 1-h) c0 = tex2D(s0, tex); return c0; } thank in advance |
1241 |
Date: 2005-03-13 00:07:28 dude ( no email / no homepage) wrote: another "THANK YOU!" |
1240 |
Date: 2005-03-12 22:05:24 Guy Dick ( / no homepage) wrote: Don't ask me why i'm cursed to wear this name... The plugins are the best. My girlfriend loves PSX games on her computer too. Thnx Pete! |
1239 |
Date: 2005-03-10 21:35:29 Josh Ewing ( / wrote: Hey man, waz up your stuff rulzes!!!! i can play most all my games i bought for my old playstation. none of those ISO images people steal off the net! FAGS! man i'm gay but worst part of it is so are they :) atleast i admit it! me and my lover "delmar george adams jr." just wanted to let you know your doing a outstanding job! peace out--> |
1238 |
Date: 2005-03-10 12:32:48 victor ( / no homepage) wrote: me gustaria que me explicaran como se juega con lod discos piratas en el pc, y como configurarlo para poder jugar directamente de el disco duro. |
1237 |
Date: 2005-03-10 02:15:03 visionwear ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello i am from portugal, sorry for my ingles, i have a problem whit run pcsx2, First I open the program pcsx2 and I make file"run compact disc.... later I go to search the image ' ' iso''make to open!Sony Computer Entertainment`` and nao makes nothing! |
1236 |
Date: 2005-03-08 17:10:17 chriscox ( / no homepage) wrote: evey time i triy to play a game useing P.E.Op.S cdvd driver 1.2 i get a error messeger saying pcsx2.exe has encountered a problrm and needs to close it get so for with the reding of the dice but nothink happens and i get a error messger agen |
1235 |
Date: 2005-03-05 21:30:07 Gadget ( no email / no homepage) wrote: It's a bit late for 'christmas gifts'! :) [ the weather seems right allthough...] |
1234 |
Date: 2005-03-04 05:19:21 Lord Legion ( no email / wrote: we love you pete praised be thy name GLORY TO PETE! |
1233 |
Date: 2005-03-03 20:00:26 Sol ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for your amazing plugins Pete, the games i played in the computer all work except Gekido Urban Fighters. Can you solve the problem? One of your fans: Sol |
1232 |
Date: 2005-03-03 15:26:10 Chug a Bug ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for the graphics plugin! |
1231 |
Date: 2005-03-01 22:26:12 Tomas ( / wrote: You're website looks very good, it was a pleasure to be on you're. Keep on the good work :-) |
1230 |
Date: 2005-03-01 20:58:08 Klastek Timrak ( / wrote: Hey man, i wanna thank you what you've been doing these past years... Those plugins are one of the niciest piece of software i've ever seen (took a look at PEOPS sources :) ) Well that's all, keep it up, and what a brilliant text about HL² :D A debian user :) |
1229 |
Date: 2005-02-27 20:50:14 Ersa ( / wrote: Hey there, I have some Questions.. When i start up a game, It drains all my CPU and runs slow. My graphix card is a Nvidia G-force 4 mx. Is there a Video Plug in that works best with my card? I dont want to play slow games, plz help me out some one. |
1228 |
Date: 2005-02-26 23:16:49 Aeris ( no email / no homepage) wrote: A recompiled version could be faster. Much happened since last versions. :) |
1227 |
Date: 2005-02-23 14:20:20 stanley ( / no homepage) wrote: I love your work with Pete's Windows OGL/D3D PSX GPUs, I can't use Open GL 2 and never will be able to. so I'll never try those ones out. but good work on Pete's Windows OGL/D3D PSX GPUs. I mainly use the D3D... are 1.75 teh final versions? as in their will never be new ones? because... I've been checking back to your page for over a year now for new ones... it would be nice to know if there wont ever be any new ones.... so I can stop checking for new ones. |
1226 |
Date: 2005-02-23 08:30:32 ultameca ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete I find it funny that people are actuly posting bugs and problems they are haveing, specily one like in ff7 that is old and well known in a guest book. anyway been a big fan of your plugins for a long time, ive enver seen any psx plugins that worked as good as yours and what youve done is amazeing, I love to see the improvements in games i love, and I hope you keep your creativeness flowing into ps2 and beyond. good luck in the future and thanx for the best psx experiance ever. ohh and sry about half life 2, I stil havent tried it cuz of steem and sounds like it might be better to download it lol. later |
1225 |
Date: 2005-02-19 16:31:18 EdE ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Beast even |
1224 |
Date: 2005-02-17 15:09:08 Rodimus II ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! We allready bought cake and drinks and wait that you release new plugins! Bye! |
1223 |
Date: 2005-02-14 23:31:07 Steve ( / wrote: YOu rock man! Plugins are the best on the net. |
1222 |
Date: 2005-02-14 17:02:33 TrAns13nT ( / wrote: Dude, your site rocks. It was a life saver getting the ps emu I have running. All the plugins I needed in one convienent place. Getting ready to go run the emu on my good machine for the first time and am hoping all goes well. Keep up all the hard work. Extra props for having linux plugins available. |
1221 |
Date: 2005-02-13 15:27:39 hAROUTYON kREKORIAN ( hAROUTYON@KREKORIAN.CO.UK / no homepage) wrote: Dear Peter I discovered Play Station games through playing the emulator with my son after friend of mine, sorted out the software I got by down loading fixes you have developed. Just to tell you well done, it is great stuff, it is my first time playing real computer games, we both me and my son enjoy it very much. Just in case your are inclined to respond to my message, I got problem runnig CTR my son's favourite game in after school care it keeps crashing with fault giving the number 10727,35. my PC is P4 with 2 gig memory, fast enough graphic cards to cope with crash bandicott without any problems. Anyway your software has been great new experience for me. God bless Haroutyon Krekorian |
1220 |
Date: 2005-02-12 14:08:45 mojo ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Pete ! your gpu plugins are the best. I wonder your PeteOpenGl2 plugin works fine on my RADEON 7000-64MB(sd-ram)+celeron 1700+ 384 DDR ram266 !!!!! I configure this plugin like this : 640*480*32 bit X:low Y:low Fl:0 FS:0 OD:2 FI:6 SF:1 FU:2 FE:2 GF:0 Hires texture:stretched & *(shining sun is ok) then I run tekken 3. I reached 64-70 FPS in game !! or this : 640*480*32 bit X:low Y:high FL:0 FS:0 FI:2 SF:1 FU:0 FE:0 GF:0 Hires texture:none and FPS was 55-60 in game !!! that is very amazing for me because this plugin works fine on this low end graphic card. Why dont you make gpu plugins for ps2 ???? we expect you maknig a new gpu plugin for ps2 !! we will be happy if you make a new gpu plugin. so, keep on ! |
1219 |
Date: 2005-02-12 05:33:27 Brandon ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete. I won't say anything about PSX emulation because it all runs perfectly with your plugins :) All hail Pete. Sorry HL2 is such a bitch to you. |
1218 |
Date: 2005-02-11 22:47:38 victor ( / no homepage) wrote: My emulator can't complete the emulation of the a video from final fantasy 9. The video is the next: it's when the company leave the village in the fly ship (i write from spain, so i don't know the corect name of this one in the english version) to go to lindlblum, before the second attack of the Vald 2. Do you know what i'm saying or what's the problem. When you can see the back of the ship (when Yitan go up to the stairs) the windows get freeze and i can't continue playing. Please i need to fix that fucking problem. Ok, thank you very much! |
1217 |
Date: 2005-02-11 16:03:41 FanFan! ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! I report a bug with FF7. Strange borders appear with filtering and 2xSai. |
1216 |
Date: 2005-02-11 09:30:20 Kim Won Il ( / no homepage) wrote: hi~ Pete~~~ ^^ |
1215 |
Date: 2005-02-06 19:10:49 Karateka ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, thanks for the OpenGL2 PSX GPU plugin. Works like a charm on my ATi Radeon 9200SE. |
1214 |
Date: 2005-02-05 22:32:50 eyes ( / no homepage) wrote: pete is awsome. a master at what he does hey pete. do you think you can continued on that media player you made? and try to make it play all sorts of media files? games/videos/sounds? something that can play just about anything... but simple... and have the ability to record/cut/edit/whatever-features all the files that it can play?... if i was a programmer... id probly make one anywayz... anyone have tips on becoming a programer? i want to creat stuff |
1213 |
Date: 2005-02-02 11:25:37 The Dude ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey man got to say love GPUs. but I am having a problem with 2.06. The Shaders Will not work for me for some reason. I have messing around with them for a bit and it keeps telling me that I'm missing shader extensions and then emulator shuts down. I followed the install instructions on the read me files and still not working wondering if you can help me out. |
1212 |
Date: 2005-01-31 16:14:12 andrew ( / no homepage) wrote: Yo, dude i've been searching for plugins and i came across yours and i think its the best so for. Other plugins that people made sucks. So keep up the good work dude....peace |
1211 |
Date: 2005-01-29 01:59:01 Àëåêñåé ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Ïðèâåò Ïèò! ß èç Ðîññèè - ñ áëàãîäàðíîñòüþ. Òû ïèøåøü ëó÷øèå â ìèðå ïëàãèíû, çà ÷òî òåáå áîëüøîé ðåñïåêò. Hi Pete! I'm from Russia. You wrote the best plug-in in the world. Respect! |
1210 |
Date: 2005-01-27 00:30:47 Helmi ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi.. I a using ePSXe160 with your spupeopsdsound109 plugin. There is a problem whenever I am playing winning eleven, the commentator voice will disappeared when I pressed [Esc] to pause ePSXe, but the crowd, ball and the whistle is still there. But when I try to use your old sound plugin (PeteMIDAS), This problem not happen. Check it :-) |
1209 |
Date: 2005-01-24 04:42:32 King Arthur ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Guy ! My Epsxe doesn't work well on my new system ( CE 2.0Ghz,128 DDram).When I play Harvest moon , the loading screen appears and nothing happens then. Anybody know about this ? |
1208 |
Date: 2005-01-19 04:30:38 Jeff ( / no homepage) wrote: lol...great little tale regarding Half-Life 2, I encountered some degree of stress while installing the demo, and I don't think I will be buying the retail version anytime soon...was fun playing with the gravity gun...while the paltry demo lasts. Great work on the plugins by the way, it's people like you that keep emulation alive and ever improving...keep up the good work |
1207 |
Date: 2005-01-17 22:02:01 miguel ( / no homepage) wrote: as play crash team racing in the epse that plugin devo to utilize and as |
1206 |
Date: 2005-01-15 03:40:25 Gear5 ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete's GPU is a great job,i have got a lot fun for ur hard work,thanx. |
1205 |
Date: 2005-01-14 18:47:22 RUDi ( no email / wrote: Check my site out for Funny PiCS and ViDS RUDi ebaums world @ |
1204 |
Date: 2005-01-13 07:49:53 )-(SL@yER)-( ( / no homepage) wrote: When you will realse CDVD plugin for PlayStation 2 emulator which can read sub-channel data !?!?!?!?!?!? Please hurry !!!??? :-) |
1203 |
Date: 2005-01-09 21:15:08 Mathias ( / no homepage) wrote: hi your Plugin´s are the best have u maybe bios for pcsx2_07 i need this,thanks |
1202 |
Date: 2005-01-07 11:22:09 bonnny ( / no homepage) wrote: Please can you tell me about how to set first and second controller configuration? thanks |
1201 |
Date: 2005-01-04 22:13:50 Pirate Bob ( / wrote: Ya know, you look just like a friend of mine (assuming that picture on your site is you) but your stories are better and you aren't useless! =þ |
1200 |
Date: 2005-01-04 17:10:48 Axar ( / no homepage) wrote: Yo pete your plug-is are the best keep working on them and happy new year lol |
1199 |
Date: 2005-01-01 18:10:59 Divanilza ( / no homepage) wrote: Como faço para carregar os pluggins necessários para rodar os CDs playstation |
1198 |
Date: 2004-12-29 21:20:15 yasar ( / no homepage) wrote: wann kommt dein gpu für ps2 |
1197 |
Date: 2004-12-28 21:39:57 Matthias ( / wrote: Ich bin jetzt einfach mal so ein Banause und schreibe deutsch ;-) Ich besuche die Site schon lange. Ich finde sie Klasse. Deine Plugins sind die besten(schleim ^^). So macht es wieder Spaß mal seine alten PSX-Spiele wieder zu spielen. Bloß mit dem PS2 Emulatoren sieht es düster aus. Also bis ich da mein heißgeliebtes Final Fantasy X drauf spielen kann werden noch Jahre ins Land gehen ^^ |
1196 |
Date: 2004-12-28 03:36:48 Wintersheart ( / wrote: tnx man ^^ |
1195 |
Date: 2004-12-28 01:36:39 Gabriele Riva Schwaller ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for your dreams, Pete. |
1194 |
Date: 2004-12-27 20:51:56 Gidi ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for your epsxe plug in, they are the best that i've tried!! Giulio (Trieste, Italy) |
1193 |
Date: 2004-12-27 13:09:58 Friend ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, did you have an OBE (Out body Experience) during this year? |
1192 |
Date: 2004-12-27 10:06:15 glenn ( / no homepage) wrote: can you give me the ROM1.bin file i need this!!! |
1191 |
Date: 2004-12-27 03:03:23 law-li ( / no homepage) wrote: hi!Pete, Thanks for your great plugins! You are great! (a Chinese magnet producer) law-li |
1190 |
Date: 2004-12-26 22:57:18 Falcon ( / no homepage) wrote: Well, I'm really impressed by your work. Thank you very much for giving us such great plugins. I dreamed I could be a great programmer when I was teen :D But I coulnd't, no opportunity in France to progress :'( (from France) |
1189 |
Date: 2004-12-23 01:53:49 Glauco ( / no homepage) wrote: You are unique man... Simplily the best programmer I've ever seen.. Continue your great job \o/ BRAZIL |
1188 |
Date: 2004-12-22 19:06:42 guest ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Ah! Here i can make suggestions! Clever! About FF button: IMHO such button is a invaluable addition for any gamer who actualy doesen't have much time for long sequences (& a bunch of other situations). I also wish to stress how unpractical the use of current in-game function keys is for such a task. |
1187 |
Date: 2004-12-12 08:07:27 1733452 ( no email / no homepage) wrote: where do you find " Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.1.71 ?" |
1186 |
Date: 2004-12-10 07:04:25 Graham ( / no homepage) wrote: Dude you are a living legend! Your plugins helped me so much and I love you lets do it j/k |
1185 |
Date: 2004-12-08 02:21:13 Siefried ( / no homepage) wrote: dude, Ihre Arbeit ist wunderbar, muss ich sagen Du bist der PS1-PlugIns Gott. Danke vielmals.... |
1184 |
Date: 2004-12-05 11:34:47 karim norozi ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Sir, I appreciate you work very much. You are great. Its wonderfull to share the ideas and code and what ever... |
1183 |
Date: 2004-11-28 06:34:16 Nomar ( / wrote: Your plugins rocks!!! |
1182 |
Date: 2004-11-26 10:28:03 Emerson ( / no homepage) wrote: It's about four years late, but in America, we have a children's game called telephone. |
1181 |
Date: 2004-11-21 16:08:15 Matos ( / no homepage) wrote: Xcuse me for the rusty language, i'm italian. I've got a problem with Granturismo. It cannot run in epsxe. Granturismo 2 is ok, but the first does'nt work! Help me Please! I need for speed!:D |
1180 |
Date: 2004-11-20 10:08:50 dclx ( / no homepage) wrote: how to write a ps plu? |
1179 |
Date: 2004-11-14 11:10:08 Dash ( no email / no homepage) wrote: man you rock!!! plz keep your great work! |
1178 |
Date: 2004-11-13 10:35:08 lan ( / no homepage) wrote: After i've installed my radeon 9200se, many of my psx titles cannot play anymore.. like ff8,ff9 tekken3..bla..bla.. I've tried almost all the gpu plugins but still can't solved it..Any ideas.. |
1177 |
Date: 2004-11-07 14:06:19 Luna ( / no homepage) wrote: hi. I have a problem with ePSXe : all my games are running very fast. i don't know how to do to play with a normal speed... thx |
1176 |
Date: 2004-10-30 13:55:33 Xubair ( / no homepage) wrote: your plugins is great! all my games are working now! thanks! too many !!! |
1175 |
Date: 2004-10-29 18:27:29 T!M@ ( / no homepage) wrote: XGL Plugin 2.6 doesn't work with ATI Driver 3.14.1 (segmentation fault message on GPU init) |
1174 |
Date: 2004-10-24 17:12:30 Antonio Carlos ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, if you dont understand something it's because I'm brazilian and I speak just a little English. I'm playing Vagrant Story and the sound dont work right, have some strangers sounds, when I walk, jump... I'm using the P.E.Op.S. PSX Sound emulation plugin 1.9. What I have to do? Thanks |
1173 |
Date: 2004-10-22 04:20:02 Stanley ( / wrote: I love your GPU plugins, I am not able to use the OPENGL2 because my laptop has a card that is more focused on D3D. so I can only compliment you one the GPU. GREAT WORK! (used with ePSXe) |
1172 |
Date: 2004-10-21 11:11:49 J. Alfred Prufrock ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Pete for your efforts! |
1171 |
Date: 2004-10-14 11:49:19 Kirapat Rojjnanwipat ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi |
1170 |
Date: 2004-10-13 21:39:02 ryan ( / wrote: Keep up the good work pete, i realize some times it's stressfull doing what you do but we all realy apreciate it, so from me to you good luck & hopefully you'll make some real money off your tallent. latter...... |
1169 |
Date: 2004-10-13 08:41:01 Tom Gruz ( / no homepage) wrote: hello from Poland. Thanks. |
1168 |
Date: 2004-10-09 19:24:22 chico ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ich brauche hilfe welche playstation 1 plugins brauche ich für den emu epsxe? |
1167 |
Date: 2004-10-09 16:40:10 kenji ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks |
1166 |
Date: 2004-10-06 20:45:03 Nery ( / no homepage) wrote: tankyou |
1165 |
Date: 2004-10-06 16:07:26 sNip0r ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete,got a little Problem with my EPSX. Maybe you will help me ?! |
1164 |
Date: 2004-10-04 10:48:10 radical dreamer ( / no homepage) wrote: With PSX is it possible to create a texture dump option on a video plugin? I was wondering 'coz I've seen that kinda thing for N64 and GC, but not for PSX yet. |
1163 |
Date: 2004-10-01 16:26:21 CEAS ( no email / wrote: whoo, just wanted to shout over a quick 'THANK YOU Mr. PETE' - thanks for the good work in bringin' psx to nix'es. :} |
1162 |
Date: 2004-10-01 10:06:45 vid3r ( / no homepage) wrote: Damn! way 2 go man! you'r plugins are a kick ass! Great web site you got there. ;) keep it up ! P.S. : 1)It could be cool if you post the source code for your media player, and linces it under GPL. this way any1 that, will alter your player will have to put up your name on it :P. 2)Can you up the source of your OpenGL plugins, so other ppz would change it to their needz. :) THX ahead vid3r... ;) |
1161 |
Date: 2004-10-01 09:59:36 Aaron ( / no homepage) wrote: I got a feature request for ePSXeCutor could there be an option to use old epsxe 1.5.2 thanks |
1160 |
Date: 2004-09-26 15:02:04 Sfnx ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Pete. |
1159 |
Date: 2004-09-26 09:18:42 Pablo Martinez ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, i want to say that you are amazing. Your plugins are the best! Greetings from Argentina, me too. |
1158 |
Date: 2004-09-25 15:51:34 alejandro sorbello ( / no homepage) wrote: hey men, your plugins are incredible!! YOU are incredible!!! keep going with this stuff!! Greetings from Argentina (a very small and conflictive country, in a galaxy far, far away) ahora en español: Mirá, aunque no te conozco puedo decirte que tanto tu trabajo como vos son increíbles!!!! Seguí adelante con todos tus proyectos, y cuando dudes, estate seguro de que hay mucha gente que te está apoyando desde todas partes del mundo!!!! Bueno, mucha suerte y seguí así!!!! Desde Argentina, EL país del default, los piquetes y los políticos más corruptos, Alejandro |
1157 |
Date: 2004-09-23 12:52:25 Multi-Konsolero ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Absolut sensationelle Arbeit, TOP! Deine Plugins sind mit Abstand die besten! Es mach einfach einen Riesenspass, meine Lieblings-PlayStation-Spiele auf dem ePSXe in Verbindung mit deinen (nahe an der Perfektion kompatibelen) Plugins zu spielen :) *2thumbsup* |
1156 |
Date: 2004-09-21 22:27:07 Jayseb64 ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for your plugins, Pete, you roxxx ;) |
1155 |
Date: 2004-09-21 08:01:08 RAY16 ( / wrote: Just wanted to say how much I love your plugins. I love playing some of my favorite PSX games on my PC. Good times. Keep up the great work. |
1154 |
Date: 2004-09-14 15:18:40 guest ( no email / no homepage) wrote: i'm back! |
1153 |
Date: 2004-09-14 06:11:05 Roberto Fleury ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for all!!! |
1152 |
Date: 2004-09-14 05:17:27 dei amok ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks a lot for your plugins! But there's something bugging me a bit about the GSSoft and DX6/7/OpenGL plugin, the GSsoft gives me awesome speed (about 250fps playing Dino Crisis 2) instead of DX6/7/OpenGL plugin(about 150fps, i haven't tested the OpenGL2)but of course hw accel. look a lot nicer on the screen |
1151 |
Date: 2004-09-13 13:35:47 Frank Aviles S. ( / no homepage) wrote: I have epsxe 1.6.0, my cd of fynal fantasy is not working. Please HELP me. |
1150 |
Date: 2004-09-12 16:34:43 Arthur ( / no homepage) wrote: HI PETE ich habe probleme mit FF9 das alles habe ich:Pete's D3D Driver 1.75, P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.8, ePSXe CDR WNT/W2K core 1.5.2. bitte um schnelle Antwort. Vielen Dank im vorraus! |
1149 |
Date: 2004-09-06 14:56:16 Micky Verzola ( no email / no homepage) wrote: you're a GOD. I worship you, |
1148 |
Date: 2004-09-06 14:27:36 Chris ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, (sorry daß ich das Guestbook mißbrauche, aber Deine Emailadresse behauptet, deine Mailbox wäre voll...) Sehen wir uns am Samstag auf diesem 15-Jahre-Abi-Treffen? Oder weißt Du von nix? Gruß, Chris |
1147 |
Date: 2004-09-01 20:49:00 Leon ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for all the work that you have into this project. You rock :) |
1146 |
Date: 2004-08-31 22:35:48 stephan ( / no homepage) wrote: pete, this epsxe rocks, one suggestion! in mame there is x-arcade support, could this be added to epsxe? For some reason I do not get the x-arcade to work with epsxe. The joystick doesn't respond? Thanks for your time! Stephan |
1145 |
Date: 2004-08-25 03:59:27 pat ( no email / no homepage) wrote: yo bro like your work great job but when r u gonna start on ePSXeX????? c'mon man keep it up! |
1144 |
Date: 2004-08-24 16:29:36 James Lawson ( / no homepage) wrote: Great job, keep up the hard work. Killer plugins |
1143 |
Date: 2004-08-24 09:40:51 Mike ( / wrote: Hallo hier Mike aus Germany ! Bin PSX - Fan.Wo bekommt man das Kabel von der PSX zum PC zwecks den Bios für die Emulatoren?? .Email ist in der Post - wegen genaueren. Erbitte Antwort - Danke im voraus. |
1142 |
Date: 2004-08-24 03:16:08 New J ( / no homepage) wrote: May be it is time to change the Direction What about a PS2 emulation [^_^] |
1141 |
Date: 2004-08-18 04:05:44 Marcos Venster ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, greetings from Venezuela, here we are some German people too. (Sorry, I don't dare to write in German, I've very bad Rechtschreiben) Nice page, clear design... The older article with the House control is very interesting too. BIOS? My phone company just billed me a month of that, after I called them I found out it was a printing error, it should have been "cambios..." stuff. |
1140 |
Date: 2004-08-18 02:18:42 Stanley ( / no homepage) wrote: YO! keep up the good work, your plugins are always the best man! I was wondering if you are done working on the "PSX GPU OGL/D3D driver"'s |
1139 |
Date: 2004-08-12 15:46:12 a user ( no email / no homepage) wrote: yo pete couldn´t you invent something like auto scan for games |
1138 |
Date: 2004-08-11 21:31:05 ( no email / wrote: Thanks for those Plugins, great work :) |
1137 |
Date: 2004-08-11 08:18:36 ????? ( / no homepage) wrote: ?? |
1136 |
Date: 2004-08-10 19:15:19 Rockford ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! Your plugins are really great. Superb work, thanks, to you I was able to play Final Fantasy 9 in 1280 x 1024. Yep it worked, well till... yes, till I installed Windows XP Service Pack 2. Now its no more useable :-( I still get a picture but only 1 - 1/2 FPS :-( (Before I had much over 60 FPS). I don´t blame you for that. Surely Micky Soft (Microsoft) has broken the compatibility but perhaps it can be fixed? |
1135 |
Date: 2004-08-09 20:07:59 D.D. ( / wrote: thanks pete for ur wonderful work. u've made millions of ppl happy around the world. |
1134 |
Date: 2004-08-03 10:26:59 WodahsEht ( no email / no homepage) wrote: The current state of copyright/patent law in my home country of the USA is indeed disturbing, and it's getting worse. Politicians in both of our country's main political parties love to step on people's creative and personal freedoms at every chance, all for the sake of the $$$. Sad thing is both parties claim to be champions of the people. Give me a break. WodahsEht |
1133 |
Date: 2004-08-02 14:58:36 Ryu ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete pwnz!! l337 plugins, l337 frontends and overall pwnage:D |
1132 |
Date: 2004-08-01 21:36:22 Stanley ( / wrote: you by far have the best working plugins for almost all my PSX games. when ever I know somebobdy that is new to PSX emulation I send them over to your webpage to get your plugins. It's been a while since I been to your webpage, I guess I should tell them all your new address. (and some maybe some un-named emulation websites that still have your old link) |
1131 |
Date: 2004-07-30 16:11:29 Jimbo ( no email / no homepage) wrote: u rock dude site great goodplugins |
1130 |
Date: 2004-07-28 22:53:05 gamer767 ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for the awesome work you have done for the ps1 emulation scene. I use your open glide plug-ins for ePSXe all the time. I'm pretty dense when it comes to computers and technical stuff but even a twit like me can see you put in a lot of effort and time in your graphic plug-ins. Well, I just wanted to convey my thanks for your work. You have my respect and gratitude. |
1129 |
Date: 2004-07-28 12:08:12 baka ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plug-ins are the best ever. I've downloaded your psx plugins as they came out one by one and I was more amazed at each new release. I hope you continue to do brilliant work but I think I'd like to see more PS2 video plugins |
1128 |
Date: 2004-07-27 17:02:43 Wirhe ( no email / wrote: Nice job -the best plug-ins available, IMO. Hope to see someday more filter effects added (for example: effects PaintShopPro can automatically create, namely "coloured edges" -they makes even old games look SOOO much better ;) Good summer. |
1127 |
Date: 2004-07-26 18:22:19 Ronny Neubert ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete! Congratulations! Congratulations for publishing the next part of your hit series "Pete's collection of fairy-tales". It took such a long time for the latest installment, but is as brilliant as ever! Bravo! N.B.: It is very refreshing to read the thoughts of someone, who obviously not only has the ability to do brilliant codings, but can also do "freehand thinking". (I know the predjuces against the "2??? ... Ahh, you mean 0010!"-fraction, if it comes to that point ;) So please don't give up your "Idle thoughts". The "Standort Deutschland" needs some people with opinions, that weren't be re-checked before with the personal spin-doctor. Best regards and I can't wait for your next release! ... What, ehhhmmm plugins??? Nooo... A new part of the "Fairy tales" :) |
1126 |
Date: 2004-07-25 21:02:24 John Ho ( / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to say that I enjoyed your plugins and appreciate your work. Thanx Pete! |
1125 |
Date: 2004-07-24 19:13:12 Argo ( no email / wrote: Pete rulez....... fairy tales or not!! :) keep up your *wonderful* work! |
1124 |
Date: 2004-07-21 23:18:56 Carles Oriol ( / wrote: What's the matter about praying the tree I've in my garden!!! Do you have photos about it? - Last messages are ridiculous. The only think It's important here it's the incredible magic on Pete development. ah... if you made a virtual praying-tree emulator. Please send me a copy. Go ahead with your work Pete! You are the best! |
1123 |
Date: 2004-07-18 14:32:16 Pete Bernert ( no email / wrote: Usually I don't answer to entries in my Guestbook (discussions can be done in my messageboard, not here), but I want to give Gabriel (post below) an answer: Sorry, I will not change anything in that tale. 1. "OK, you're not Christian". I was born, baptized and raised as a Catholic Christian. But luckily my parents teached me that I have to use my head as well. 2. "but you haven't the right to insult religion". I cannot see how I have insulted religion. All I hinted was that it may have certain consequences if big institutions are gaining control over basic things of life. The last example was the Catholic Church holding the rights about everybodies (including non-Catholic people's) sex life. Is this an insult? No, it's an horror-thought, imho, and that's why I have included it in this tale about software patents. Maybe you mean that telling me that the Catholic Church wants to have such powers is insulting by itself. Well, if I look at certain conservative church rules ("no sex until marriage") or statements from the Pope about contraceptives, I don't even think that my tale is very far fetched. Personally, I don't care if somebody prays to the Christian God, to Allah, Buddha, or even to a Tree in his garden. Basically, if it's fine for him, and he doesn't shove his believe into everybody elses throats, than it's fine for me. I despise fanatics and "I have the only truth" opinions. To quote the introduction of each of my tales: "there exist as many 'truths' as people crawling around in that funny world". That's my believe. |
1122 |
Date: 2004-07-13 10:53:07 Gabriel ( no email / no homepage) wrote: In your "Fairy tale: I have a dream, ah, idea" I really dislike the end: I think it's very offensive. OK, you're not Christian, but you haven't the right to insult religion. I would be happy if you remove that unhappy end from your site. Thanks. |
1121 |
Date: 2004-07-12 18:48:39 Jis ( no email / wrote: Hey i from Ghent and i have to say this is a fantastic site!I can't believe what a superbe work you've done all this years, and i'm sure you helped countless people, including me!Keep it up! |
1120 |
Date: 2004-07-12 14:27:22 jumo ( / no homepage) wrote: you're great ^^ |
1119 |
Date: 2004-07-11 20:04:09 Peter ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, hab dich auf dem kleinen bild erkannt ! lang ist's her...schätze, so lang' wie deine haare ;-) |
1118 |
Date: 2004-07-11 05:27:35 Carlos ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete What a great work you still realise in all this years !!!! Don´t give up man For all Germany and humankind Carlos-Brasil |
1117 |
Date: 2004-07-11 02:46:53 könig ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks for the plugs bro, you make these games look like friggen PC games, keep up the great work!!! '=^) |
1116 |
Date: 2004-07-10 14:09:41 limmkan ( / no homepage) wrote: how to have ps2 ....BIOS...WHERE..? |
1115 |
Date: 2004-07-10 09:35:56 Drac ( / no homepage) wrote: Exelent work Pete!!!:) Don`t give up, You`r The Best!!! |
1114 |
Date: 2004-07-10 00:11:22 linden watterson ( no email / wrote: Thanx. Your plugins make life so much easier. I actually prefer using my comp to the actual console. The save state feature in alone is worth the trouble to gather the plug-ins. And yours have worked the best. |
1113 |
Date: 2004-07-04 13:18:32 jim ( / no homepage) wrote: Somebody please help me to config pete opengl plugin for Final Fantasy IX! Send FAQ to my e-mail please. Thanks! " |
1112 |
Date: 2004-06-30 03:36:18 aussieadi ( / no homepage) wrote: hello pete, i use this emurayden emulator for psx but it doesnt require any plugins to work, how come? No hassle to use unlike most emulator i tried. Could u plz explain this to me if you have some spare time?? thx |
1111 |
Date: 2004-06-26 06:21:35 garanius ( / wrote: Wow a great website... hum u were talking about a PS2 emulator FOR PS2... does it really exists ?? But your link was wrong. please where did you found it ? |
1110 |
Date: 2004-06-25 01:00:19 Daniel ( / wrote: Hey Pete I just want to ask you for, if you want to work on a new project I have been developping for 5 months with a small team. ;) |
1109 |
Date: 2004-06-23 11:48:47 pete ( / no homepage) wrote: hi my name is beatrice |
1108 |
Date: 2004-06-21 06:28:21 ganga ( / no homepage) wrote: i'm a beginner on programming. if you teach me(probably won't) i'm willing to help. |
1107 |
Date: 2004-06-16 21:46:46 Jaq ( / no homepage) wrote: Just thought I'd drop a line since I've been using your plugins for a while now. Thanks for all your efforts Pete! You are the MAN!!! |
1106 |
Date: 2004-06-16 16:10:58 aprillia ( / no homepage) wrote: Cool stuff .... Keep the good job ... Peace & Love |
1105 |
Date: 2004-06-16 05:21:06 juan ( / no homepage) wrote: no puedo configurar el bios del psx 1.6.0 |
1104 |
Date: 2004-06-16 01:43:56 richard ( / no homepage) wrote: good site.. i can now play some playstation disc in my PC. Thanks. more power. |
1103 |
Date: 2004-06-10 15:26:19 Alex ( / wrote: Hey i'm trying to use your PSX emulator and am finding that the graphics are pretty bad. I've got a ATI Rage Pro Turbo 3 and don't no what the best plugin would be..can u help? |
1102 |
Date: 2004-06-09 18:40:23 mr_scroodge ( / wrote: You´re the best Plugin programmer, i know. (Are you German?) |
1101 |
Date: 2004-06-08 05:24:45 SF ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey thanks for all the plugins you created. Without your accomplishments, ps emulators sure won't be the same =) |
1100 |
Date: 2004-06-06 23:29:49 cccc ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Mr Peter,I am from China,My display device is ATI 7200 ,I can't make the frame better,so I need you help,I don't konw which driver is better.Can you tell me how to adjust the driver and which is suitable for my ATI 7200 , Thank you very much. You know ,I like you drivers which you make and I always support you.And thank you very much again! |
1099 |
Date: 2004-06-04 14:19:21 billy bob ( / no homepage) wrote: hey, did ya know that red lettering on a red background is hard to read? maybe that's why ur blind!! |
1098 |
Date: 2004-06-04 02:58:22 Beowulf ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Keep up the good job bud |
1097 |
Date: 2004-05-30 13:28:51 Minkoff ( / wrote: Wow Pete. You are the greatest. I have yet to see a plugin for ePSXe that surpasses yours! YOU ROCK! |
1096 |
Date: 2004-05-23 17:06:01 snooops ( / wrote: "Somebody please help me to config pete opengl plugin for Final Fantasy IX! Send FAQ to my e-mail please. Thanks! " I have the same problems, please send me a FAQ also. So long, Snooops |
1095 |
Date: 2004-05-23 02:38:36 Silvério ( / no homepage) wrote: Valeu! Seu trabalho é Demais! Você está de parabéns. Silvério- Brasil. |
1094 |
Date: 2004-05-20 08:19:21 Mizencev Sergey ( / no homepage) wrote: Somebody please help me to config pete opengl plugin for Final Fantasy IX! Send FAQ to my e-mail please. Thanks! |
1093 |
Date: 2004-05-19 09:51:56 Mizencev Sergey ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi!I'm from Russia and i very like PSX.I use your plugins and thank you for you do! P.S.Sorry i can take some mistakes. |
1092 |
Date: 2004-05-18 19:13:46 Horaci ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks a lot dude!! Brilliant job ;D |
1091 |
Date: 2004-05-17 03:46:29 Faithful ( / no homepage) wrote: Wow. I've always been a long-time fan of your work. I remember your plugins from the day I layed eyes on Epsxe. I actually bought Bleem at the time believing that somehow, the emulator that went 'commercial' could have been the answer. You have not only proven that wrong, but most honorably kept the hopes of many 'single-digit budget' programmers and coders lit like a candle showing that you can do much without having to put in cosmic amounts of money on behalf of investment. Good work, and I hope to see more of it. |
1090 |
Date: 2004-05-16 14:56:02 cyberobs ( / wrote: keep up the very good work! ;) |
1089 |
Date: 2004-05-16 08:48:14 ron ( / no homepage) wrote: U rock the PS emulator world with ur kick-ass work! Keep up the GREAT work! |
1088 |
Date: 2004-05-13 13:39:09 wilber ( / no homepage) wrote: porfavor |
1087 |
Date: 2004-05-12 18:06:12 Phunk ( / no homepage) wrote: Love your plugins. The PSX emu world would not the same without them. But there is still one thing I really want, and thats "Truform" support in your OGL2 plugin. Truform should make the PSX games look mutch nicer, so i hope you implement it soon. thnx |
1086 |
Date: 2004-05-11 21:05:42 plamen ( / no homepage) wrote: hello and my friend found site with psx emulators.we managed to start them but ur emulator support psx roms realy good.we even joked that we should bye a dozen of beers for Pete because nice job with emulators.i guess it was not easy to make them.i dont know what patience u should have to make them work but u realy deserve a dozen of beers.:-))).good luck and let got bless u man. |
1085 |
Date: 2004-05-08 22:39:42 Tb ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi I am stil a PSX gamer. I got a modded xbox and played some fine old PSX games on it... The only ting thats missing is a plugin wich enable hardware acceleration. Is it possible if you Pete could give away source for one of your plugins? |
1084 |
Date: 2004-05-07 18:57:57 VFP Programmer ( / no homepage) wrote: How about PS2 GPU? |
1083 |
Date: 2004-05-07 09:02:41 Mithran Arkanere aus Argea ( / no homepage) wrote: I'm sure most peoplehadtoldyou this before, but I'm also sure you'll like to read this again: THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU, so on. Now I'm only missing final fantasies from IX on(includin PS2 ones) to have played them all (in all plataforms!). My old pentium 700 thank you too. Now I'm feelling like I owe you something, so I'll help you in whatever you ask if I can (but money bussiness, I'm a poor, you know, If I had money, I'll buy the PS2, ;) ), I'm a cheap programmer from spain, I can translate almost anything, (and I've translated ePSXe and a couple ou your plugins to Spanish and Galician). Just ask and I'll tell you if I can. |
1082 |
Date: 2004-05-05 21:04:17 TDragon ( / wrote: You stupid traditionalist, why keep such a sucky page format going after it's outlived it's usefulness so long?! I'm going to take your stupid peopssoft plugin and pirate the code and make my own gfx plugin that beats yours into the dust and teach you a lesson you SUX04!!! Just kidding; I've been very impressed by all your PSX emu work (and especially the peopssoft plugins; they're the only ones that run FF9 and Chrono Cross decently on my noteboook). Keep it up |
1081 |
Date: 2004-05-04 00:45:37 Namunist ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete you are the coooooooooooooooolest bicycle-racing champion out there. I challenge you to a bicycle race! |
1080 |
Date: 2004-04-29 23:09:59 mgs4solidsnake ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi ; please i want to ask that when i run pcsx2 0.7 beta with SPU2PeopsDSound.dll ; it says after pcsx2 first time configuration "plugins\SPU2PeopsDSound.dll : error loading SPU2irqCallBack: error loading symbol " ; does that mean that plugin needs some modifications !!! please help me in that |
1079 |
Date: 2004-04-28 05:37:15 Fire Knight ( / no homepage) wrote: After actually reading the message board I realized it's in English... I'll put up my previous question up there. |
1078 |
Date: 2004-04-28 04:05:19 Fire Knight ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, I wanted ask about the peopsSoft gpu plugin. Between D3D, Open GL, and Direct Draw, Direct Draw runs things most smoothly on my computer, so as you can guess I wanted to use the peopsSoft gpu. But I have a problem, when I enable any filter, such as 2XSAI, it limits the frame rate of the game to exactly 30. I doubt it's matter of computer power. My comp is currently a 1.2GHz Athlon and the video card is a GeForce 4 Ti 4200. Is that how the gpu is made? Or is it some sort of problem I have? Sorry I didn't put this up on the forum but that seems to be in German. |
1077 |
Date: 2004-04-26 15:22:14 TY ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You are the best!!! :) |
1076 |
Date: 2004-04-24 23:15:40 Myron Chen ( / no homepage) wrote: PETE, YOU ARE THE PSX PLUGIN GOD!!! It is the first time I've been to your site, and I like everything about it. Everything is free, plus no membership crap. THANK YOU |
1075 |
Date: 2004-04-22 20:21:45 Argosoft ( / wrote: hey! finally your own domain! :D a little advice: you should make the frame on the left "intelligent" : @800*600 it is too ... thin :) great work! |
1074 |
Date: 2004-04-21 22:31:53 Chris ( no email / no homepage) wrote: As a coder myself I know how valuable feedback is. It makes you feel good that your project is helping someone, and you get an ego boost from the positive words. Well that's what I want to give you. A great "thank you!" for making the best PSX plugins available. I am using them with total success to play games I've wished to play again ever since my PSX broke. |
1073 |
Date: 2004-04-21 06:45:04 Nick ++Euroman007++ ( / no homepage) wrote: Excellent Job on the Coding.... Well Appricated.... Keep with the tickin Pete +++Euroman007+++ |
1072 |
Date: 2004-04-21 01:25:25 benitojuarez ( no email / no homepage) wrote: keep up the good work man, and dont even think about ps2 plugins till that emu is stable =P, keep givin us the good stuff man. |
1071 |
Date: 2004-04-20 11:04:14 WHOPODER!!! ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good job Pete! Thank for your good plugins. Are you thinking about PS2 Video plugins? I hope ;) WHOPODER!!! Brasil |
1070 |
Date: 2004-04-20 07:51:31 retroK ( / wrote: Hm, new Design... but Frames? |
1069 |
Date: 2004-04-18 11:15:24 alessio ( / no homepage) wrote: Way to go.. you're doing a great job man, keep it up :-) Thx for all |
1068 |
Date: 2004-04-15 12:28:15 Mind ( / no homepage) wrote: hi peter it is really nice to learn so much at single place keep it up and have good time bye |
1067 |
Date: 2004-04-15 05:15:40 Renegade Viking ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey pete if you copy a psone game with Alcohol 120, will it play on PC? Does anyone know? You'd designed the Cd driver, right? Nice plugins for PSXE. You made PSXE a lot better then the Bleem demo. Of course Bleemed sucked! Congrats to you! |
1066 |
Date: 2004-04-10 12:37:40 Argo ( / wrote: hey! the genius is preparing PS2 plugins!! :DD GREAT PETEEE!!!!! |
1065 |
Date: 2004-04-10 01:02:38 MacFreek ( / wrote: good plugins Pete... |
1064 |
Date: 2004-04-09 15:00:01 konrad ( / no homepage) wrote: I need a Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.71 for epsxe 1.5.2 |
1063 |
Date: 2004-04-07 16:43:11 nichole ( / no homepage) wrote: hey sexy lol |
1062 |
Date: 2004-04-06 10:07:45 Luc ( / no homepage) wrote: Hoi Pete can you help me on a PS2 emulator or ware a cant finf it end how copy the PS2 games THX sorry fore my english a im from Bruges |
1061 |
Date: 2004-04-01 14:34:34 bimbim ( / no homepage) wrote: hi, i just wanna ask you. does your plug in work with onboard card like sis630. Thanks for the answer. |
1060 |
Date: 2004-04-01 14:05:50 ismael ( / no homepage) wrote: I just download the epsxe emulator and I have some problems. First the game runs to fast and second, it doesn´t run the sound. What can I do? please answer my questions Thank you |
1059 |
Date: 2004-03-31 07:20:58 neptron ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks alot for your gpu plugins.. fucking nice pieces of code. i've been using them for what.. years? now ^_^..good luck on your quest, mang. |
1058 |
Date: 2004-03-27 18:29:57 Me:) ( / no homepage) wrote: hi:)well....heres a prob....i got geforce 4 mx 440,and problem is it doesnt support pixel shaders,and since it doesnt support it,i cant play splinter cell:(but anyways,do u have an emulator to emulat pixel shaders?i just heard that there are some....or ur page isnt about that?anyways,thx a lot:) |
1057 |
Date: 2004-03-25 23:35:13 abraham ( / no homepage) wrote: hi |
1056 |
Date: 2004-03-25 07:38:59 Amplificar ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plugins are excellent. Thanks for helping make emulation easy and fun :D |
1055 |
Date: 2004-03-21 22:12:09 Peronzole ( / no homepage) wrote: I'd like to have the source of your hardware plugins! |
1054 |
Date: 2004-03-18 15:43:15 SiXtenSE ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete RuleZ |
1053 |
Date: 2004-03-18 15:38:35 Gary ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks For the GPU's much needed. |
1052 |
Date: 2004-03-17 14:41:18 Fbio ( / wrote: Man, congratulations 4 your pluggins!!! Perfect i can say. well, i'm from brazil, can you tell me a good configuration for my video card (GeForce 4 MX440 TV OUT 64Mb DDR) for Final Fantasy VIII game? |
1051 |
Date: 2004-03-17 01:57:37 lord__cyber ( / wrote: Good plugin, but I have a question, which plugin works ok with Megaman Legends 2, using ePSXe v1.5.2? or I have to use the 1.6.0 version? please answer me to my mail |
1050 |
Date: 2004-03-16 06:31:59 Rodolfo Torres ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for the plugins !!!! Gracias !!!! |
1049 |
Date: 2004-03-15 08:44:04 jeff marshall ( / no homepage) wrote: pete your shit works good what do you think about petes x-box on pc |
1048 |
Date: 2004-03-14 11:32:37 george ( / no homepage) wrote: what is the name of the latest bios for PS1.i want the name not the file.thanks |
1047 |
Date: 2004-03-13 23:07:40 Majinho ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello! I just don't know if it's a problem with the plugins or the emulator(ePSXe), but when i am playing Thousand Arms, at an part that the little adventurer go to forge his weapon,the game just crashes. I don´t know if it's CD-ROM plugin or the CD-ROM itselfs, well, it would be great to have your help. Thanks! |
1046 |
Date: 2004-03-11 17:29:18 Jonathan Hunt ( / wrote: Thanks for the fantastic Playstation plugins. It's great to be able to play all my old PSX games again on my PC |
1045 |
Date: 2004-03-11 02:19:33 Stanley ( no email / no homepage) wrote: your PSX Plugins, are so sexy! thank you! |
1044 |
Date: 2004-03-07 19:37:08 Steven Perry ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, I'm going to choose my words carefully... YOU MAKE (or are involved in making) THE BEST FREEWARE PLUGINS FOR FREE PSX EMULATORS THAT THERE ARE! Keep up the good work man! YOU KICK ASS! I'd love to tell you suggestions and bug reports but I think I will email you a more detailed report of that stuff later.... Sincerely, Steven Perry |
1043 |
Date: 2004-03-06 19:48:05 Roberto ( / no homepage) wrote: I have a problem, when I start ePSXe I go to File and then start Cdrom, but cd cannot start, system tells me this message : "Gpu Pete Open GL2, no WGL extension!" What could I do?? Thank you for support |
1042 |
Date: 2004-03-05 05:55:45 Mike ( / no homepage) wrote: Nice job,the software actually works.I was shocked and couldn't beleve how simple it was.Graphics,gameplay works nicely,,Keep up the good work!!! |
1041 |
Date: 2004-03-04 23:07:47 Jamerio Jones ( / no homepage) wrote: I have a question when I was trying to run the program and everytime I run it, it says " missing shader extensions" and I can't figure out what is wrong with it. I was hopeing that you can bestow some knowledge on me about it because I tried everything I could think of.Please send the info ASAP thank you. |
1040 |
Date: 2004-03-04 02:25:01 Fulama ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I've only just downloaded ePSXe and with it am using Pete OpenGL 1.75 plugin. the playstation games load, but the game clips/animation/startup videos all run too fast, like twice as fast & no sound. I'm new to this, Would anyone know why this happens?? - maybe it's just a setting or something. computer specs: AMD Athlon 2500+ (1.9Ghz) ATI Radeon 9500 pro 128mb nVidia Soundstorm |
1039 |
Date: 2004-03-04 00:56:53 kakakuku ( no email / no homepage) wrote: pete , your are best! l love you!! :) |
1038 |
Date: 2004-03-03 11:41:34 :D ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you ROCK!!! |
1037 |
Date: 2004-03-02 08:06:38 jeff marshall ( / no homepage) wrote: i use epsxe very new to psx emu i get the games to play but the sound is choppy as hell how do i fix this prob.2i cant get bleem to even come on i lost as hell |
1036 |
Date: 2004-02-28 23:06:51 soul ( / no homepage) wrote: 70pps :-D good i idea :-D greets |
1035 |
Date: 2004-02-28 02:00:09 Leusoj ( / no homepage) wrote: very cool... |
1034 |
Date: 2004-02-26 10:10:35 Salvo ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for the great work done to let us people use PSX games on PCs!!! |
1033 |
Date: 2004-02-24 04:55:59 LordVanidor ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete is the man. You are a god among men my friend. Thank you for your coding! |
1032 |
Date: 2004-02-21 20:52:29 Rodrigo_Brasil ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hello, I would like to make a suggestion for Pete Bernert: In view of its excellent works with relation to the PSX, because you do not try to follow for the area of emulation of 64-bits (N64), as for example, in the one confection plugin of video for N64 with the same quality of those plugins of PSX? P.S. sorry for the poor english, thanks for Babel-Fish.... =) |
1031 |
Date: 2004-02-18 07:50:12 ROMANCING TRAIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: PETER PLZ REPLY ME.........ACCEPT MY APPOINTMENT PLZ................................^_^ |
1030 |
Date: 2004-02-17 20:26:32 Tap ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Shit u re my inspiration promise i ll kick those code after i see your computer nest i love it |
1029 |
Date: 2004-02-17 00:05:11 nbaflyer1717 ( / wrote: Great Job on those plugins! You've unlocked the future of PSX emulation! Keep up the good work ;) |
1028 |
Date: 2004-02-14 02:00:59 Chunkey ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Whoaaa I like your little computer nest you got there |
1027 |
Date: 2004-02-10 23:50:50 Greenwing ( / wrote: you're like my god =) well one of them your among tim cain and others =D |
1026 |
Date: 2004-02-10 04:35:48 DD ( / no homepage) wrote: DDD |
1025 |
Date: 2004-02-08 23:37:21 dursun ( / no homepage) wrote: echt super vielen dank peter cok cok tesekur peter galitera peter mach weiter so gutgut. |
1024 |
Date: 2004-02-07 18:02:37 Marco ( / no homepage) wrote: I have a motherboard with video on board ( SIS ). Can I run EPSXE ? If yes what plugin ? Marco from Rio de Janeiro - Brasil thanks |
1023 |
Date: 2004-02-07 13:04:12 Z.P.F ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank U for your doing:) |
1022 |
Date: 2004-02-06 18:33:21 Dr.Kavan ( / no homepage) wrote: Great Releases!!! Hella Readmes !!! What else can you ask for when readind those, if they're full of quotations of the best bands in the whole world... S U P E R B |
1021 |
Date: 2004-02-06 16:23:11 istME! ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, vielen dank für deine exzellente plugs :) mach weiter so! |
1020 |
Date: 2004-02-06 09:46:42 Jonathan Darbon ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, just wanted to say that your plugins have made a great deal of diffrence to the performance of my ePSXe program, so thanks alot. |
1019 |
Date: 2004-02-01 16:28:44 slippy ( / wrote: hey pete update your pics of ur self on your site those pics are over 2 yrs old or did u have a b day yet(just askin),later oh well old habits die hard i know |
1018 |
Date: 2004-02-01 11:13:34 ROMANCING TRAIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: YOU ARE OUR GOOD TEACHER ...PLZ TEACH US AND TELL US ABOUT HOW TO CREAT THE EMU...........PLZ........YOU ARE GREAT!TYPE SOME WORDS FOR US IS EASY FOR YOU.........PLZ HELP US......... |
1017 |
Date: 2004-01-30 19:33:07 R3D_5T4R ( / no homepage) wrote: thank u so much for your OGL...!! GOD JOOB...! :) can u transfer your brain to me...!! he...he...he...!! big respect from x10c_02 - JTK - Indonesia ::R3D_5T4R:: >> oh..yeah...your room very ****ing nice...!! |
1016 |
Date: 2004-01-30 17:41:35 FallenAngel ( / no homepage) wrote: These plugins are nice...thx Pete |
1015 |
Date: 2004-01-27 19:54:49 Tidus ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete your plugins are best! how about to start creation of PS2 emu plugins...anyway thx you for your great OGL2 plugin! i dont know what i do whit out it! congratulation from RUSSIA! |
1014 |
Date: 2004-01-27 10:42:42 undeadanger ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for all the info i needed to play my games , keep up the good work , |
1013 |
Date: 2004-01-26 12:55:08 DreamingHeart ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just would like to thank the great man who made such plugins to run the PS games, I love your plugins and I hope you continue to amaze me and my friends -who play wiht me ps games on PC-with more brlilliant plugins.... |
1012 |
Date: 2004-01-25 12:17:29 Athena ( / no homepage) wrote: Keep up the good work Pete ! congratulations from France ! |
1011 |
Date: 2004-01-24 02:56:06 alexander ( / no homepage) wrote: Hola Soy un hombre colombiano de 29 años hace aprox. un año estoy en el cuento del los emuladores y me gusta mucho espero seguir aprendiendo y poder hacer accesible a todos el conocimiento que uno adquiere ya que asi no dejamos que la industria vill nos derrote <gracias y buena suerte |
1010 |
Date: 2004-01-23 14:26:42 Harle ( / no homepage) wrote: I Pete plugin sono i + fighi! |
1009 |
Date: 2004-01-22 14:14:29 HikYama ( / no homepage) wrote: Good job with the PSX plugins, Pete! They (graphics and sound) are fantastic!!! Please, keep working guy! |
1008 |
Date: 2004-01-19 20:53:05 the-diabologic ( / no homepage) wrote: nice work =D |
1007 |
Date: 2004-01-19 16:53:04 Ed ( no email / no homepage) wrote: keep up the good work |
1006 |
Date: 2004-01-19 11:42:37 ROMANCING TRAIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: PETER PLZ GIVE US SOME APPLY OR ADVICES.....PLZ TEACH US !....... PLZZZZZZ...........^_^ you are our TEACHER !! |
1005 |
Date: 2004-01-18 16:56:57 Richard ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, just quick msg to say: YOUR PLUGIN IS Awsome! :P keep up the good work dude. |
1004 |
Date: 2004-01-17 09:42:11 IRFAAN001 ( / no homepage) wrote: HOW TO COPY PLAYSTAION CD ON HARD DISK |
1003 |
Date: 2004-01-16 14:37:32 rd ( no email / no homepage) wrote: this page rocks. thnx for all your hard work :) |
1002 |
Date: 2004-01-15 17:21:14 iostream ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Echt saubere Arbeit Pete, iss wirklich beeindruckend was du so drauf hast. Keep coding! |
1001 |
Date: 2004-01-15 15:34:52 ROMANCING TRAIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: sorry....i don t have any email......but i have my ICQ NUMBERs =218825117 plz send me any information that you can provide......we want to know it very much...... thanks!.........and i learnt how to use the hex it helpful to creat the emulator?..... WHAT s programme that must i get?? |
1000 |
Date: 2004-01-15 15:07:33 ROMANCING TRAIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: sorry....i don t have any email......but i have my ICQ NUMBERs =218825117 plz send me any information that you can provide......we want to know it very much...... thanks!.........and i learnt how to use the hex it helpful to creat the emulator?..... |
999 |
Date: 2004-01-14 18:22:05 Turtle ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Pete |
998 |
Date: 2004-01-11 19:34:06 Pete ( / no homepage) wrote: well as an absolue beginner, i'm real gald to have found you!... damn its not as easy as I'd hoped, but gett9ing there slowly.. hope u sort the email garbage problems out! |
997 |
996 |
Date: 2004-01-08 06:17:52 ROMANCING TRAIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey! you are doing great can you do it?? can you teach us something?? give us some clues to creat the emulator please!!.......................... can you creat a low level faq on your website? please...... all we are interested in it........ |
995 |
Date: 2004-01-07 04:58:39 littleTux ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete thank's again for the new XGL2 driver for Linux, It works really well, sys spec: Dual Xeon 2.8, Tyan Radeon 9700, XFree86 Xinerama, debian. |
994 |
Date: 2004-01-06 03:51:39 Kenneth ( no email / no homepage) wrote: THANK YOU! Sometimes I wish I had a fragment of your programming talent. This Joe Sixpack sends his thanks for your plugins... |
993 |
Date: 2004-01-05 20:15:56 Devilhope ( faka@cg.yu / no homepage) wrote: |
992 |
Date: 2004-01-04 22:06:34 Miles ( no email / no homepage) wrote: The best Plug-Ins for EPSXE Congratulations Pete's |
991 |
Date: 2004-01-03 08:23:33 Red Canda ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey! Thanks for the plugins. I could help you in coding in Visual C++, if you like, but give me instructions. =) |
990 |
Date: 2003-12-31 14:17:09 harry mason ( / wrote: hi thanks to u im able to play the best game ever SILENT HILL 1 now in high res graphics soooo cool :> |
989 |
Date: 2003-12-30 17:20:01 Lena ( / no homepage) wrote: Wonderful and helpful website. Thanks for all your hardwork! |
988 |
Date: 2003-12-29 17:48:13 David ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, if you were fat you'd kind of look like Peter Jackson (the director). :> |
987 |
Date: 2003-12-29 01:54:23 Jeff ( no email / no homepage) wrote: 'Merry Christmas & Happy New Year" Pete!, OpenGL2 v2.04 works fine on my Linux box with Tachyon G9700 pro, no crashes. Thank you |
986 |
Date: 2003-12-28 13:14:08 Darrin g ( / no homepage) wrote: thanx alot Pete for all your hardwork just wanted you to know it is g8ly appreciated here in canada keep up the g8 work :-) |
985 |
Date: 2003-12-27 03:14:30 Jamod ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for the great stuff... says a friend from Germany. P.S:I didn't know you look like Jesus :-) ---MERRY CRISMISS--- |
984 |
Date: 2003-12-25 22:49:27 Problems ( no email / no homepage) wrote: OpenGL2 v2.04 crashes always when I try to configure or test it. Where's the problem? I'm using Windows2000, Radeon 9700 Pro and latest omega drivers. |
983 |
Date: 2003-12-25 19:39:59 Argo ( / wrote: Merry Christmas Pete!! :) |
982 |
Date: 2003-12-22 03:53:43 Godkin ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete!! You are 'da man'! Your work on the psx emulation scene has been fantastic! Thanks for allowing me to finish ff9 when my psx fan melted my psx! You should move on to ps2 emu and continue your legacy into the next gen scene. Either way, thanks! |
981 |
Date: 2003-12-19 20:50:09 Andrew ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Black Dove, Thank you for this great plug-in but I have a trouble. In the game Fear Effect 2 some of graphic items not shown properly or hidden. I hope you can fix this bug. Thank you for listen! |
980 |
Date: 2003-12-18 09:38:00 DarkLord ( no email / no homepage) wrote: FANTASTIC PAGE! THX for your big efforts to keep the PS spirit alive. |
979 |
Date: 2003-12-15 11:44:46 taikongren007 ( no email / no homepage) wrote: qwqwqwqw |
978 |
Date: 2003-12-12 22:04:09 anonymous ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, thankyou for your support on the linux platform, without you this would not be possible for us *nix users. keep up the goodwork :) |
977 |
Date: 2003-12-10 15:02:35 NeoBlood ( no email / no homepage) wrote: just wanted to say : "thank you!" for your great work! ^.^ |
976 |
Date: 2003-12-07 21:30:17 oscar ( / wrote: hey men i need some games and the emulator from play2 can send it. |
975 |
Date: 2003-12-05 16:35:14 Tuomo Vuorinen ( / or wrote: When I try to start my playstation game. emulator sends message: Mission render-texture extension! And then I put OK and next messaga is: No buffer available! What I should do to get playing??? Tuomo Vuorinen Finland |
974 |
Date: 2003-12-04 07:02:10 Murray ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey, man. Great page. The graphics plugins you make are awesome and really works great. Keep at it, mate. :) |
973 |
Date: 2003-12-02 08:56:58 marco ( / no homepage) wrote: hi im writing you hoping you can help me to run final fantasy 7 and other games on epsxe 1.6 i have an amd xp 1.7 ghz processor 256 mb ram a geforce fx 5200 with 128 vram i have been trying to run the ff7 with your ogl 1.74 plugin and it just goes too fast no matter what i do then i tried to run it with your ogl 2.3 plugin and i change some things there and other things there and i cant make it run nice. sometimes it goes too fast and sometimes it goes too slow... please help me configurate the plugin!! waiting for your answer: Ocram PD could you tell me about a nice sound plugin for psx? |
972 |
Date: 2003-11-30 02:14:14 Granduke ( / wrote: Haha.U web sxxks!Just Kiddin'.I just wanna let u know,ur pluggin's GREAT man. Sweet silence (haha).U gonna need them man.Thanx again. (If u need supply of psx game (to emulate of course),i can sent it.Got tones of emm. |
971 |
Date: 2003-11-29 14:02:25 bill ( / no homepage) wrote: here's one for ya how do i get my bios from my playstation |
970 |
Date: 2003-11-29 04:40:35 Razyel Krvz ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Man Great Page,Danke a lot for all your time making this, go Ahead y que Dios te Ayude Amigo |
969 |
Date: 2003-11-28 15:24:50 Swen ( / no homepage) wrote: I want to play PS games on my PC. Thank you for your good job ! |
968 |
Date: 2003-11-26 16:33:52 ivan ( / wrote: Hi Pete, I want to play PS1 games in my xbox, and I think you have the key. |
967 |
Date: 2003-11-25 13:42:57 Richard Dean ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thank You |
966 |
Date: 2003-11-25 04:58:41 Seth Draconis ( / no homepage) wrote: †HOLY† CRAP, THANKS ALOT PETE!!, (only thing I need now is a PAD.dll unless its somewhere on your site and I'm just blind, hehe) Well, I would just like to thank you for all the hard work and time that you've more then likely put into this site and its files. Thanks again, Seth! (This is one very pleased customer signing off!) |
965 |
Date: 2003-11-24 19:28:34 jape ( / no homepage) wrote: hi, my problem is that cd-music do not work in game PARODIUS, sound effects works but music not.What is the problem? Can you send me e-mail to solve this problemo? |
964 |
Date: 2003-11-22 21:43:14 alex ( / wrote: hi pete, i am from Germany. I've downloaded a PS2 Emulator, but it doesn't work. Can you help me? The Emulator is Emulone. Can you design Web sites? Because my old Website is not the best. Please take a look of it and say me how do you find it...? Please answer on my E-Mail. Nice Greetings alex |
963 |
Date: 2003-11-22 17:32:41 Argo ( / wrote: WOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!! PS2 plugins!!!!!! I love you peteeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! |
962 |
Date: 2003-11-22 10:13:46 Anthony Lee ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey thanks for creating a great homepage although you should heed the advise of your friends and give it a little make over. The information is sound and thanks to you Im playing PS1 games without any problems on my PC. Id love to understand how it all works but its all way over my head how does anyone learn how all this works opengl here d3d there I cant help but wonder do you would need to read a mountain of books to even begin to learn any of it. Thanks again Pete ('C',) |
961 |
Date: 2003-11-22 07:49:28 Ardain ( / no homepage) wrote: Great website you have here! This is the number 1 PSX plugin site!!! |
960 |
Date: 2003-11-21 08:00:15 Johnny Hallyday ( / no homepage) wrote: Great plugins, keep up the good work and thank you for your involvement in the psx emu projects |
959 |
Date: 2003-11-18 19:32:39 Ed ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, all i'd like to say is THANKS! thanks for the plug ins and all the time im sure you invested into these plugins. You rock man. |
958 |
Date: 2003-11-15 04:54:18 Antrie Doquo ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for your beautifull plugin, for it I can play my favorite games. Thanks so much. |
957 |
Date: 2003-11-14 18:28:58 mic ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete!!! I have got a pentium 733 Mh , 256 Ram and TNT2 32Mb model 64. how tipe of plugin I must use with epsxe 1.40.I ask you for this because when I play whit ISS PRO EVOLUTION 2 the game is slow. Plese help me.... Bye Mic (thank you for all!!) |
956 |
Date: 2003-11-14 08:56:44 fragiskos ( / no homepage) wrote: After the new crash-fix for Geforce 4 card with Win XP on the 2.03 version of the OpenGL2 plugin, I have to say, this is the best plugin I have ever seen!!! You are really incredible! (Pete Bernert is not a human; HE IS A MACHINE! :-)) |
955 |
Date: 2003-11-13 18:02:09 BzyRes ( / wrote: Yeah! Pete, good work. Your plugins are the best. Yeah! Polish power of the ePSXe - |
954 |
Date: 2003-11-13 11:31:28 patrik ( / no homepage) wrote: FF9 cd4 when you going in the tree of life its only black!!! are it any fix for it ? |
953 |
Date: 2003-11-11 08:40:38 Ivan Maldonado ( / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to say, God bless you and Jesus loves you. :) God has given you a VERY bright mind. :) |
952 |
Date: 2003-11-11 03:48:45 kasut ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plugins is the best plugins i've ever tried. Keeps up the good work |
951 |
Date: 2003-11-10 06:03:25 Patrick Rivera ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Could anyone pls send me a manual or something i could use to make my emulator run... coz i can really follow the instructions attached with the emulator... Im using a ePSXe... me too i also want to learn game programming... pls!!! |
950 |
Date: 2003-11-10 04:37:19 philip v. naparan ( / wrote: nice work. pls email me co'z i want to learn game programming :-) |
949 |
Date: 2003-11-09 18:18:11 Ryan ( / wrote: I love your work! your plugins are the best so far, and I hope they stay that way. So keep doing what your doing, and remember the people love you.. PS. please try to up compatability (tony hawks proskater) |
948 |
Date: 2003-11-04 08:56:36 Thetargos ( / no homepage) wrote: I was wondering, will you make available the OGL2 plugin for Linux? Currently I use your MesaGL 1.74 and man it flies on my rig! (have to explicictly limit the FPS to 60!) :) |
947 |
Date: 2003-11-03 06:50:02 Fox Hounder ( / no homepage) wrote: I love your Plug-ins... Do you realise your plug-ins are the best available on the web! No really, its true! |
946 |
Date: 2003-11-02 11:53:02 SektorJedi ( / no homepage) wrote: How do I do so that the option SHADER EFFECTS and do USE PIXEL SHADER... does it work? When I activate any one of those two options he gives mistake. |
945 |
Date: 2003-11-01 22:54:26 AyaMonhu ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks for all of your work!! i can finally play all of my favorite psx games on linux :) |
944 |
Date: 2003-10-30 23:59:49 Zog ( / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to thank you for your work and to show you the greatest respect for the help you gave us to emulate our favourite PSX games :) |
943 |
Date: 2003-10-30 23:19:05 jose ( / no homepage) wrote: you made a great work!, you can cut your hair (it´s a joke je je) |
942 |
Date: 2003-10-27 17:13:36 alflud ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, the site is EXACTLY what it should be man! - No fancy banners - No poxy pop-ups - No time to load itself into my browser man and that's all us humble surfers look for dude!!! :D btw: LOVE your nest man* |
941 |
Date: 2003-10-24 08:59:45 Criatiano Pinheiro ( / no homepage) wrote: Man, your homepage is great. I found what I was looking for in there. But, I've a question: I've installed ePSXe and your OGL 2.2 video plugin to start playing, right? Now, the problem is: My discs are not running. In screen appears a message saying "No WGL extensions". What does it means? Can you help me? Thank you!!! |
940 |
Date: 2003-10-21 16:13:41 Duan ( no email / wrote: Just wanted to let you know that you're doing a great job. Go Cougs. |
939 |
Date: 2003-10-20 09:06:38 Mike ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Real great stuff you got here - keep up the nice work ! |
938 |
Date: 2003-10-19 20:47:18 VESELIN ( / no homepage) wrote: nothing is working with GEFORCE 4 .WHYYYYYYYY??? |
937 |
Date: 2003-10-19 19:48:57 Alex ( / no homepage) wrote: Why aren't there any links to the games on the games page? |
936 |
Date: 2003-10-18 14:57:55 Daveed ( / wrote: Ok... I thought people had computer setups like yours only in movies (The Core, Matrix, etc...) Wicked shit man! Love the plugins. Rock on! |
935 |
Date: 2003-10-13 21:09:27 LEESMITH ( / no homepage) wrote: any one like dbz i got dbz no link or requesting goin on pete so give me an i.m. using my name link got psx roms |
934 |
Date: 2003-10-13 21:03:56 LEESMITH ( / no homepage) wrote: wassup dude love your site allways used ur plugins ever love u guy keep up the good work |
933 |
Date: 2003-10-13 00:55:51 Tais ( / no homepage) wrote: Woah, your plugins works just perfect! I've tried several other graphicplugins for psx emulators but they were all crappy untill i found yours! Thank you very much for your hard work, Pete! |
932 |
Date: 2003-10-11 09:16:27 Cloud Strife ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, Thanks for replying to my email (I really didn`t expect you would reply to it as I`m thinking that you`re always too busy). Anywhay here are some more bugs (no buny) that I found, but first I would like to know if there are some bad efects if I set my "buffer flipping mode" to "block transfer" (like games slowing down,showing garbage,etc.). Oh and when I said a plugin that auto-configures itself or to configure it once and to work with all games (PSX), I ment like in the real PSX.As far as I know if you have a psx you just have to insert the cd and the game works without having to configure it before (maybe it auto-configures itself ?).In the emulator you have to configure the video plugin each time you want a game to work perfectly.I think you understand what I mean. And now the bugs.In Resident Evil 2, when I use you`re Direct3D plugin some colors don`t appear as they should have,like blood that is brown (wich should have been red with some monsters).This doesn`t happen with you`re OpenGL plugin.By the way, why does Direct3D runs faster than OpenGL mode? Another bug is with Final Fantasy IX when you select continue and shows "slot 1" and "slot 2".Maybe you know but in the backround there is a grey square-like picture extending from the top to the midle of the screen.Well, if you noticed the color disapears, slowly geting blacker and blacker as it get`s to the midle till it disapears completly.Thats with the OpenGL plugin.In you`re Direct3D plugin it just shows a grey square-like picture, but the color doen`t get blacker as it goes to the midle, instead it just disapears completly when it reaches the midle.This also happens at the menu where the character`s image apears. Sorry if I had some gramatical mistakes, I`m a little nervous because I don`t speak in Enlish very often,cause I don`t have someone to talk to all the time.By the way I`m from Romania. And as a final note, your plugin rocks! Actualy, I consider it your`s are the only plugins that work like in the real psx (well exept for P.E.Op.S but thats you`re work to,right?).I really hope I have some more time to talk to you (maybe on the chat?) because I find you`re ideas really interesting.Believe me I`m REALLY interested in you`re pugins and everythingthat has to do with computers (actually I like almost anything in the world, even sports-just a little.). And one more question:we`re do you usualy read you`re bug reports (in you`re emails, guest book, or the mesage board?I guess the guest book`s out so I won`t post any here).Soryy if there was any inconvinience. Till next time, Cloud |
931 |
Date: 2003-10-10 15:34:23 G ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I've been using your plugins for ePSXe for a while and even on my old video card (Geforce256) they were good. Now I've made it into the 21st century with a new ATI card they kick arse. You're a talented chap mate. Thanks! |
930 |
Date: 2003-10-10 10:56:27 Fenda ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete i'm from Indonesia thanks for your plugin without it we can't play. Thanks again and Godbless you... |
929 |
Date: 2003-10-10 02:00:56 FyuX ( / no homepage) wrote: Heyho Pete Best Greetings from a Germany Game Programmer ;) Without your Plugins i couldn't play so much Games without Erorrs ! Live Long :] |
928 |
Date: 2003-10-07 22:22:11 Mauricio A. G. ( / no homepage) wrote: I don't speak so much english but, I tell you that your plugins are the bests, I've played a lot of psx games thanks to your plugins, thanks pete A dreamcast emulator? bye.. |
927 |
Date: 2003-10-07 10:47:05 Obren ( / no homepage) wrote: Love your work. My undying gratitude for your work. Thanx a lot from all of us on the net that love games :) |
926 |
Date: 2003-10-06 03:13:31 greg ( / no homepage) wrote: this sites kool |
925 |
Date: 2003-10-02 16:04:38 Mathew ( / no homepage) wrote: i love this page it so simple none of those stupid fancy effects going it just all right there no bs in the way |
924 |
Date: 2003-09-28 12:03:37 Cloud Strife ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, Sorry for disturbing your sweet silence (thats if you get my email),but I found some interresting bugs here,that were in all you`re plugins. The first bug is that in a 3D game (or in a game with a little 3D enviroment) the pixels (or whatever they`re called) start to loose they`re position (or coordinates if you prefer).For example in Duke Nukem if you are in the first level and you`re facing a wall, if you move a little you`ll notice that a part of that wall is sort of stretching ,than returns to normal, then does it again, than finaly normal.This only happens when something moves and not if it stands still, and only in 3D games or 2D games with some 3D models and with all you`re plugins (for example in FF9 when Zidane breathes his right foot -thats left if he`s looking at you- is sort of stretching to his left or right).This doesn`t happen in 2D games such as Digimon World. Another glitch is that in Resident Evil 2, in any movie there are some garbage on the upper side of the screen and the down side, were the screen usualy get`s black so that you understand its`s a movie.This happens only with you`re OpenGL plugin.I tried the swap front\back detection and it works only in the intro, but when the game starts it does it aggain, so you have to press Esc and resume the game to work.This option doen`t work to well and it`s annoying because you have to turn it of when the movie ends or else you get garbage.The only good fix I could find is by turning Antialasing from my GeForce 2 card on but it slows down in some cases.This also happens in Digimon World 3 only that it can`t be fixed with Antialasing.End of bug (you`re problably happy that thats,right?) Oh,and the last and final question (if you`re still reading and I`m not borring you).Why don`t you make a plugin that auto-configures itself or better yet a plugin that you have to configure it first and to work with all games perfectly?I usualy have some trouble with FF9 and Duke Nukem because in ff9 i have to turn on the Ofscreen Drawing to standard to see the battle menus, and in Duke Nukem-Time to kill to None so that the screen in the intro movie doesn`t "vibrate".This is just a curiosity question and i don`t mind in you`re not anwsering it, because I know you`re busy. Well finaly I have an AMD K-7 1.2 GHZ processor, a GeForce 2 MX 100/200 64 MB VRAM card,and 128 MB RAM (UDRAM to be more precise).And btw. I really love you`re plugin,and everything that has to do with emulators, games, computers,and so on.Oh,and final note.This is my first email I wrote to you.Hope you had fun reading it. Keep up the good work, Cloud |
923 |
Date: 2003-09-27 20:43:53 Navid ( / no homepage) wrote: HI saubere Arbeit weiter so! |
922 |
Date: 2003-09-26 20:03:32 gazorninplat ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you fucking rule !! :D Keep it up dude, your work is really inspiring :D |
921 |
Date: 2003-09-26 12:33:59 James St. Clair ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication |
920 |
Date: 2003-09-23 18:20:12 firman ( / no homepage) wrote: hi there! actually i'm enjoying your 'works' a lot!i mean,they really help me enjoy playing psx using my pc. That's cool job dude..keep it work,will ya!:)hehe.thnx a lot! |
919 |
Date: 2003-09-23 13:04:34 Tassadar2k3 ( / wrote: Ich liebe deine Plugins! Du bist der beste!!! Ich love your Plugins! You´re the best!!! |
918 |
Date: 2003-09-22 20:37:08 LENIN ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, deine PlugIN`s sind die besten, gute Arbeit weiter so !!! |
917 |
Date: 2003-09-22 02:38:09 Todd H. ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you're the man. Old School programmer. Does it for the fun and the challenge of it. Wish could still do it, stopped in the early 90's with C64 peek and poke. Anyhow, thanx for the gpus! Todd H. NY, NY |
916 |
Date: 2003-09-18 20:02:08 Paulo César Siqueira ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete Here in Brazil your plugins are the favorites to people who are emulator fans. I Just want to express my thankfulness....You are the man. The world needs more people like you...thanks a lot!!! |
915 |
Date: 2003-09-16 15:01:31 Killjoy ( / no homepage) wrote: Trame, try explaining this in details at |
914 |
Date: 2003-09-15 23:35:47 Trame ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Hi pete... well im kinda new in the psx emulation and right now im trying to figure out how to play super robotwars alpha, well i can play it but after the naming of ur character, and then the fight.. it goes to the talking, and i guess it makes some kinda sounds or something then it just stops.. dont know wat to do here pete.. help! |
913 |
Date: 2003-09-14 06:35:15 Jon ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete You are the man... thats all there is to say!! |
912 |
Date: 2003-09-13 21:09:34 Tommy Cobalt ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! Hi everybody! After readin' your introduction I gave up mailing You... Are You Interested in polish version of documentation? I'm downloading OGL2, OGL and D3D plugins now, in few days transation will be ready. Mail above =) Keep your good work! |
911 |
Date: 2003-09-13 14:05:47 BDash ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, like all ppls here and over th world, I have to thank you for your great work, all your GPUs I'm using (sw + d3d) are the best I ever tried. Well done and keep your work! ^_^ |
910 |
Date: 2003-09-12 15:02:23 tire ( / no homepage) wrote: here from china. sorry about my poor english,I just want to say THANK YOU and your hard work. Pete's plugin is my favorite :) |
909 |
Date: 2003-09-11 18:07:31 Lee-Xai ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey, Pete. VERY nice work with the Plugins. Ur Windows/Linus PSX Plugins are the best (i'm using v. 1.74 OGL) but could u PLEAAAAAAASE insert an Anti-Aliasing filter ? Ya know the models look good in FF8, but the Backgrounds...OMG ! They're horrible. With OGL2 2.1 Plugin, the Backgrounds r fine, but the Models are crazy pixy and the screen flicker suckz. Pleaze insert an Anti-Aliasing filter for PSX Plugins ! |
908 |
Date: 2003-09-09 21:11:39 dean stone ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for all of the hard work!!! good luck for the future!! |
907 |
Date: 2003-09-09 16:59:51 Matthew ( / no homepage) wrote: Your site is very informative and straight-forward. Thank you. |
906 |
Date: 2003-09-09 16:04:15 daniel ( / no homepage) wrote: which is the best configuration of ePSXe for windowsXP? thanx for zour reply |
905 |
Date: 2003-09-08 06:53:28 Rend ( / no homepage) wrote: Keep up the good work man, you rock! |
904 |
Date: 2003-09-07 06:01:41 berserkgarcia ( BERSERKGARCIA@HOTMAIL.COM / no homepage) wrote: how you are extraordinary felicidades¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ |
903 |
Date: 2003-09-02 08:13:14 TS ( / no homepage) wrote: The PS EMU not just depend on improved GPU plugin Example; Pete's OGL 2.1 etc. Your SPU, CDR and control pad plugins also played their parts to achieve quality PS EMU. Keep up the good works.;) |
902 |
Date: 2003-08-29 17:26:49 sanpha ( / no homepage) wrote: hi can anyone please show me how to slow down pete's d3d drive 1.74 |
901 |
Date: 2003-08-29 17:22:42 sanpha ( / no homepage) wrote: hi i want to know how to slow down pete's d3d drive 1.74 can you please email me |
900 |
Date: 2003-08-29 05:15:03 anonymous ( no email / no homepage) wrote: we are enjoying thx to you |
899 |
Date: 2003-08-27 00:36:25 Ramón ( / no homepage) wrote: just thank you, your are the razon that i trow away my playstation and enjoy the epsxe to the limit |
898 |
Date: 2003-08-24 12:01:28 behben ( / no homepage) wrote: i dont understand why your plugin opengl2 make epsxe crashes :( help me plz |
897 |
896 |
Date: 2003-08-21 21:44:20 bjMa ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi! your plugins are the best ;) .. |
895 |
Date: 2003-08-19 22:47:30 Draco ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for the new OpenGL2 :-) The old one was very good and the new one is better:-) I think? I am going to know with my new PC if:-) but not for weaks:-( |
894 |
Date: 2003-08-19 18:50:48 Javid ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello PETE. PLEASE write on my e-mail addres how to config. plugin to polay games good and beautiful.I have : Celeron 1000, GeForce 2 64 mb,192 mb ram. Javid from Azerbaijan. I'm waiting for your answer. |
893 |
Date: 2003-08-19 14:54:44 AbbasJin ( / wrote: I like ur work Pete!! Keep the good work up .. and i llike ur plugins too... Abbas from Pakistan |
892 |
Date: 2003-08-19 05:50:25 Jase Lee ( / wrote: Hey, I loved your work on PSX emulation. I took notice on the emulation 2 years back and has no time since to check out. And recently when I looked back, so many things have changed, ePSXe 1.60 has been released, your video plug-in went to 1.74 and so much changes! Just want to say thanks and a great job you have done! |
891 |
Date: 2003-08-17 19:33:47 Marco ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Peter, thanks very much, right now I'm enjoy what might be imposible, play "Play Station" with high quality at my computer. Marco, Brasil. |
890 |
Date: 2003-08-17 13:34:11 vb ( / no homepage) wrote: man got 2 say great work with OpenGL2 v2.1 keep it coming ps ur homepage is ok but it's wat u can do it count more than anything else (the plugin is more important, man that is gooood jod i play psx game on my pc not my playstation thank to u):) |
889 |
Date: 2003-08-16 11:15:55 MV ( / no homepage) wrote: Biggg thanx for plugins!!! I love plaing PSX games on PC !!! Thx PETE!!! |
888 |
Date: 2003-08-16 07:00:00 eddy irwan ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I would like to thank you for your GPU plug in. The best plug in on ePSXe. Ed |
887 |
Date: 2003-08-14 14:14:50 servlet ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi.. I am from Brazil!!!!! I own an Radeon9700pro 128MB!!! Thanks for the plugin. What about ps2 plugin? :) |
886 |
Date: 2003-08-13 23:41:25 Pelle^One ( / no homepage) wrote: How bout some languagepacks for the config dialog? that would be good, could help u with a swedish translation ;). and making the plugins opensounrce would be sweet to... anyway, thx for the only 100% reliable psx plugin out there, bout sound and gfx. //pelle |
885 |
Date: 2003-08-12 16:53:29 Cysco ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I've only used your plugins for PSX. Definetly the best. Any PS2 work in the future. *wink*wink* =) |
884 |
Date: 2003-08-12 16:14:48 Thyge ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey nice job with all your upgrades.. But i have one problem, when i am playing Tekken 3, then at the end of the game when the movie has been shown, it just freezes then (black screen)can you help me there? :) Thyge |
883 |
Date: 2003-08-12 08:16:20 JOL -_-dob ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I m alpha and omega......THANK FOR YOUR GREAT JOB ......COULD YOU TELL US WHERE CAN YOU GET THE PROGRAMME THAT CREATED THE EMULATORS AND PLUGINS....... PLEASE BE A GOOD HOST .....LET 's SHARE MORE WITH YOU......< _ > |
882 |
Date: 2003-08-10 15:06:32 Tatsuya ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I'm Japanese. Thank Pete for such an excellent works! I think that these are very hard... I express deep respect for you! Byebye. |
881 |
Date: 2003-08-10 05:50:28 Neo ( / no homepage) wrote: honestly ... i have used many GPU's and yours is by far the best. no crap, just niceness. ^_^ |
880 |
Date: 2003-08-09 02:14:57 stratosphere ( no email / no homepage) wrote: great work pete, keep on track , god bless u |
879 |
Date: 2003-08-06 18:37:26 Strider ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete! felicitaciones tus vainas de emulacion de psx son las mejores! traduccion! Pete! Congratulations your psx stuff is the best like i mean "state of the art" |
878 |
Date: 2003-08-06 18:34:35 Strider ( / no homepage) wrote: Compadres buenas tardes! a todo colombiano(a) si es que existe! que le guste este cuento de la emulacion de psx y arcades! Saludos desde bogota! |
877 |
Date: 2003-08-02 15:16:55 Geecee ( / no homepage) wrote: We love you Pet from all the guys of the philippines. Keep up the good work god bless |
876 |
Date: 2003-08-02 13:59:18 Jinus ( / no homepage) wrote: Very Good Job :))) |
875 |
Date: 2003-08-02 13:57:02 Vejita666 ( / no homepage) wrote: Great work Pete! I tried new Opengl2 plugin and it works fine to me(radeon 9000 128 SDR, Athlon Xp 1800+)! On plugin defoult settings with that new kind of fulscreen filtering it works better(speed + motion blur effects) than both D3d plugins, Opengl1 plugin and Open Source Software plugin! Keep this project up! |
874 |
Date: 2003-08-02 12:28:04 Mighty Mo ( no email / wrote: Pete you need to get 7-zip program ( so you can compress your zip files a little more using zipmax ( It's an excellent program that will compress zip files a little more than winzip / winrar can. Check it out! |
873 |
Date: 2003-08-01 14:36:07 Long ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Nice Job and yes you look cool =) Oh ans keep up with the updates!!!Thanks |
872 |
Date: 2003-07-31 15:18:04 Leandro Costa Pinheiro ( / no homepage) wrote: I realy love this Guy, your emulator is the best one. |
871 |
Date: 2003-07-31 14:50:06 Paolo Roat ( / wrote: English to Italian translations - English to Italian translations by mother tongue professional translators. Traduzioni dall'inglese all'italiano da parte di traduttori madrelingua. |
870 |
Date: 2003-07-31 01:17:56 John ( / wrote: im having a lot of trouble getting ePSXe to work and i dont know why, im using all your plugins and following guides on how to put it together for it to work..... but it still plays my games to fast, i fooled around with the FPS but still nothing changed, the audio plays about 50 times the normal speed to, i need some help, if you could IM me on AIM "MestHead72" with some ideas to help me that would be awesome, I'd love to hear from someone! thanks.. |
869 |
Date: 2003-07-29 10:44:02 nikos ( / no homepage) wrote: hi.i am nikos.I have downloaded pcsx for psx.When i configured it,i set the sound,the graphics,the cdromand the bios,but,i can't configure teh first and the second controllers.Where can i download them? |
868 |
Date: 2003-07-29 10:26:53 PaRa ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great work, keep it up:P olives: The 'when i stand on the world map,the background is all black, but when i move the cursor,the background appears again' on FFT, i have the same problem, but isn't needed. You can hold square or triangle (cant remember which) and scroll around the map to view it if you really wanna |
867 |
Date: 2003-07-28 08:42:24 a_en ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks for the great plugins. |
866 |
Date: 2003-07-22 13:25:36 CyberGhost ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Pete Great Job! |
865 |
Date: 2003-07-19 14:41:19 Liu_from_China ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for your work on the emu area, it is great! I have dreaming of playing all the old games (in my childhood) on my PC, now most of them come true... |
864 |
Date: 2003-07-18 16:39:50 Alex Grouzdev ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank's,Pete!!!!! |
863 |
Date: 2003-07-16 08:26:15 olives ( / no homepage) wrote: hi,pete,I'm a Chinese I wanna report a bug to you when i use ur plugins(including d3d/d6xd3d/opengl these three) to play FFT(Final Fantasy Tactics), i got this bug. when i stand on the world map,the background is all black.but when i move the cursor,the background appears again,and dismiss when i stop the cursor. if i use the soft plugins(including Pete's Soft driver and P.E.Op.S soft driver) ,this won't appear my computer is Celeron 1G/128M ram/intel 810 graphics controller hub(with the mainboard) BTW:I wanna got ur email address,can i? thanks anyway |
862 |
Date: 2003-07-14 18:37:10 Javid ( / no homepage) wrote: Please help me to configur Video plugin. What i must do to play with good graphic all games. I have 64mb GeForce2 MX400, Intel Celeron 1000Mhz, 192 mb of ram.Heeeeeeeeeeeeelllllp. Plssszzzzzzz |
861 |
Date: 2003-07-13 06:19:08 phr4ck3r_0k1 ( no email / no homepage) wrote: H3y j00 r0x!!@!!!@!@!@#$%@@$#^&# 7h4nk5!!@#$%#$ |
860 |
Date: 2003-07-12 05:29:33 paul ( / wrote: audio problems with a few games metal gear solid in particular. using Dsound 1.7, SPUasync simple reverb with SPU IRQ seems to work the best but over a few minutes becomes extremely choppy audio only by the way i have a ASUS A7V8X kt400 chipset radeon 9700 pro onboard audio that supports dolby digital 5.1 80 GB HD's 7200 rpm and 8 MB cache 512 DDR (400)MHZ any idea's? mebbe point me in the right direction another sound plugin for this particular game?? |
859 |
Date: 2003-07-11 04:01:11 bruce ( / wrote: hi pete, how couuuuuuuuuld u be that great?!! i really dont have a clue 'bout hardware coding, and just for c# and php coding, i m already giving my full energy, say, do u have any suggestions 'bout how to start hardware coding? i really want to start but i totally got no idea at'll. keep'up the good work! and, i m enjoying epsxe with ur newest plugin very much! thanks, thanks. |
858 |
Date: 2003-07-07 09:18:01 MisterX ( / no homepage) wrote: First of all: Thank you! Sorry for my english, it isn't well. Your PSX projects is a real usefull thing. But what do you think about emulation the DreamCast? May we hope for the DreamCast emulator/plugin releases from you? |
857 |
Date: 2003-07-05 08:02:45 Nick ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete! You are the best psx emu plugin coder! Thanks to you, i am playing ff9 by the original cd! |
856 |
Date: 2003-07-03 12:25:55 Tommi ( / no homepage) wrote: yo! you are god man, yours plugins is great! man! keep going ( sorry Im from poland so my anglish is suck :) |
855 |
Date: 2003-07-01 08:46:41 heyimsu ( no email / no homepage) wrote: just wanna say you do a great job |
854 |
Date: 2003-06-29 12:50:41 LANTERNKING ( / no homepage) wrote: Oh! First ,thank you for your latest OGL plugin 1.66 everything seems to work well ,but when I chose TEXTURE FILTER --MODEL 1OR2,the filtered effect was so cool,better than SMOOTH SCREEN(OF COURSE),but,you know ,I was running Final Fantasy IX,and there were some menu bugs,I hope you can fix it! THEN,I think it's FERFECT !(RUNNING FF9:)) THANKS! |
853 |
Date: 2003-06-27 10:33:18 Toff ( / no homepage) wrote: Congratulations, Pete, with your new Radeon 9700 pro! I wish I had such a gift myself! Now compatibility of your graphic plugins will greatly improve with Ati cards, I guess (or hope). The process have already begun and showing great results! Give thanks to Alan from all PSX emulation fans with Ati cards out there! Thank you, Pete, your work is invaluable! Greetings from Ukraine! |
852 |
851 |
Date: 2003-06-23 05:23:01 Case ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! WOw you have so many computers! NIce hair! eRRR i cant get your OpenGL driver for EPSXe to work! Do you have a reccomendation on what settings to use for an ATI Raedon graphics card? Thanks and good work |
850 |
Date: 2003-06-21 21:23:00 Destruct|^Dez1 ( / no homepage) wrote: Great site mann!! Belive me when i say yor work is greatly apreciated. |
849 |
Date: 2003-06-21 10:23:49 Alchemist ( / wrote: When will release emulators that work x-box,ps2,dreamcast games? MY BIG BOREDOM. GOOD WORKS... |
848 |
Date: 2003-06-19 20:08:14 Giuseppecannillo ( / no homepage) wrote: you're the best |
847 |
846 |
Date: 2003-06-18 04:29:27 Tanaous ( / wrote: What a great Job~ Greeting from China. |
845 |
Date: 2003-06-16 23:41:00 BOSS ( / no homepage) wrote: Ich dachte schon ich bin der einzige in Deutschland den die Telekom verarscht. Habe im Frühjahr 2001 DSL beantragt, 2 Jahre lang jeden Monat einen Brief bekommen: "Voraussichtlich nächsten Monat verfügbar..." und dann letzten Monat: "Wir freuen uns dass sie sich für TDSL entschieden haben. TDSL ist an ihrem Standort leider nicht verfügbar". LOL!! Und dann muss man noch jeden Tag diese verf.... Werbung mit diesem gerenderten, semmelblonden Laberfuzzi ertragen "Entscheiden sie sich für TXXXXLLLLISDNDSL... ARRGGGHH!!! So, jetzt hör ich aber auf, sonst bricht meine 56k-Leitung zusammen... ;) |
844 |
Date: 2003-06-16 17:59:49 Rafa³ Konieczny ( / wrote: Great ATi improvement. Ther is still one thing. Thera are no yellow rectangles during ff9 battles - special fix doeas'nt work on ati. Really great job! Greeting from Poland. |
843 |
Date: 2003-06-15 20:21:53 Andrew Walsh ( / no homepage) wrote: Great plugins Pete ive been using your plugins ever since i got rid of that Voodoo2 back in the day, I say keep up the good work |
842 |
Date: 2003-06-15 19:51:25 Bruce ( / no homepage) wrote: I love vid games. and am looking for a xbox emu. |
841 |
Date: 2003-06-13 11:06:21 Kim ( / wrote: Keep up the good work, your plug-ins are great! |
840 |
Date: 2003-06-13 04:08:40 adf fdd ( / no homepage) wrote: sg |
839 |
Date: 2003-06-11 04:18:49 liquid ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Abesolutely fantasic Plugin's Pete :) |
838 |
Date: 2003-06-11 00:08:18 Ricardo ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for plugins, yo no hablo ingles pero me encanta la emulación, Sr. Pete, gracias a usted puedo jugar mejor que en una consola, bueno es un decir, I not speak english |
837 |
Date: 2003-06-10 08:56:50 Ess ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for proving that Bleem! was not the apex it claimed to be. I'm still giddy with how well my computer can crank out improved psx thanks to your plugins. |
836 |
Date: 2003-06-09 12:11:51 Argo ( / wrote: WOOOOOWWW! The new plugins are perfect! You're great, Pete! |
835 |
Date: 2003-06-08 15:50:56 Psykko ( / wrote: Congratulation for your work. Your Plugins are transformed my Pc in a Play Station. Thanks for your work! ;) |
834 |
Date: 2003-06-07 16:21:00 david ( / no homepage) wrote: nice page but dont untherstand wich is wich |
833 |
Date: 2003-06-06 21:59:02 Hyun Jin Do ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello~ I can't speak English well. But I want know about video pluguins. My Video card is Geforce4 MX 420 for HP pavilion f50. How to setting? Please teach me |
832 |
Date: 2003-06-03 22:52:36 Matt ( no email / no homepage) wrote: exellent quality of plugins mate! to date i haven't had as many problems with other emulators when i use your gpu's. and spu's and not forgetting the cdrom drivers. by far the best i've tried. if u happen to make a new release with the gpu plugin perhaps you could add more special fixes for older graphics cards who knows. thanks pete |
831 |
Date: 2003-06-02 11:23:25 Faisal ( / wrote: Pete's drivers are the best..!! |
830 |
Date: 2003-06-01 02:40:10 Kelly ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete you are my saviour with all your plugins. If not for you I'd be going crazy trying to fix my psx and ruining it more than it already is :). HIP HIP HOORAY for Pete! |
829 |
Date: 2003-05-29 23:12:50 Patricio ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good Work! all the best! |
828 |
Date: 2003-05-28 12:34:13 M[A]TR[I]X ( / no homepage) wrote: pete porca der trinita' ist ein Mythos!!! danke ich werde wiedergeboren dir auch sexuell geworden.. jedes Mal, das ich dein Foto sehe, verliebt sich von deinem weißen Gesicht!!! es setzt Dingsbumse fort', daß du mit 30 Jahren stirbst!! |
827 |
Date: 2003-05-26 19:20:45 sl1p0 ( / no homepage) wrote: GRANDE PETEEE!! SEI UN MITO VIVENTE!!!! CIAOOOOOOOOOO |
826 |
Date: 2003-05-24 12:30:49 L10nH34Rt ( / no homepage) wrote: Greetings to Pete and hail to all of his plug-ins! You're the man! Carry on m8 :) |
825 |
Date: 2003-05-20 13:15:17 Pierre-Luc Gagnon ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete Just wondering if there's a way to get the swirling effect in FF7 to work. Oh and I read version_1_71 text file and you mention ff7 hates any kind of texture filtering. Well I played it all the way with Extended w/o sprites unfiltered 2d filtering and I found this great, especially in fights! (floors look better even tough there's an effect of 'squares') (I use a GeForce 4 440 mmx 128 bits) Oh and I was playing Zelda ocarina of time last night with project64 and I wondered why there's so few graphic plugins for N64 and why the major bug for this game (menu screen takes looooong to open) isn't fixed yet (and that's an old game). I thought if Pete Bernet made the plugin It would be a long time since it were fixed :). Maybe you should give these guys some advices. Well, take care! |
824 |
Date: 2003-05-20 01:43:00 ernie evans ( / no homepage) wrote: I had left a msg awhile back about having problems with the Pete's opengl 1.71 plugin. I found the problem. I had to shut off all the acceleration features on my computer. See, I have the ASUS A7N266 with the nVidia nForce chpset and had to shutoff graphics and sound acceleration. Infact, I have to run the emu with your plugin with the fps limit turned on because if I don't it runs too fast. And I love the 2xSal feature. Maybe you could try this in 32bit graphics to see if it gets any better. One other plugin that I know of runs 2xSal but its not any good and your plugins have always been the best. I want ePSXe to go even further beyond the capabilities of the playstation. Breath of Fire 3 runs great with this plugin. In fact I go very little sleep last weekend because I am fasinated by the graphics capabilities of your plugin. |
823 |
Date: 2003-05-16 12:25:34 Marcofut ( / no homepage) wrote: hey Pete, your pluggins made of my computer a cheaper PSX :) thanks man... i dont have 400 reais (100 dollars) to buy a PSX here in brazil... thanks again... |
822 |
Date: 2003-05-15 10:23:24 Kim Won Il ( / wrote: Hi~ I don't english -_- |
821 |
Date: 2003-05-13 22:07:01 ernie evans ( / no homepage) wrote: I have always been looking for plugins that run better I have always fallin' back to your plugins. At times they even run games better than the playstation. But did I did run into one problem. I have been looking for a gpu plugin that forces 64 bit graphics or 32 bit textures or both. Recently I got Breath of Fire 3 and it runs great with the Pete's OpenGL plugin 1.70. Well, I upgraded to 1.71 and now I can't run in the higher resolutions. Do you have any suggestions on what I can do? Oh, and if you do make a plugin that does 32 bit textures or 64 bit graphics I would be glad to try it. Thank you. |
820 |
Date: 2003-05-12 17:32:10 fabio ( / no homepage) wrote: hey man, you could tell me how the best configuration for FF8 using you pluggin Peter's D3D for DirectX. My PC is a Duron 700Mhz, 64Mb of Video cash (onboard) accelerator., 256Mb of RAM, my Sound Card is SiS Audio Accerator. thanks |
819 |
Date: 2003-05-12 05:19:12 Akira Vinoe ( / no homepage) wrote: I always follow up your plugins and it's getting better and almost best. You're angel for the Gamers :P Are u going to make PS2 Emulator? Not Yet? Ganbatte Kudasai ne... Thanks a lot. |
818 |
Date: 2003-05-10 04:39:14 Yukino ( / no homepage) wrote: ‚Í‚¶‚ß‚Ü‚µ‚ÄAI'm Japanese.I know about ePSXe recenty and ‚¢‚¶‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚é‚Ì‚Å‚·‚ª‚È‚©‚È‚©ŽŽ‚µ‚½‚¢ƒ\ƒtƒg‚ª‹N“®‚¹‚¸”Y‚ñ‚Å‚¢‚Ü‚·B‚»‚±‚Åpete's Homepage‚É‚È‚ç‚¢‚ë‚¢‚ë‚Èî•ñ‚ª‚ ‚é‚Ì‚Å‚Í‚È‚¢‚©‚ÆŽv‚¢A“ü‚点‚Ä‚¢‚½‚¾‚«‚½‚¢‚ÆŽv‚¢‚Ü‚·B |
817 |
Date: 2003-05-08 05:12:59 Johnny Flash(a.k.a. "Tha Flash,") ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Off the hook. Simply off the hook. I slammed in a few games and poof, every one of em worked fine. Big ups to Pete, and all that hard work. |
816 |
Date: 2003-05-05 17:57:20 A One-Winged Angel ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete is a pimp, Pete is a pimp |
815 |
Date: 2003-05-05 15:10:15 Fredson C. Carvalho ( / wrote: The Best Plug-ins. Congratulations.. The best fan in Brazil |
814 |
Date: 2003-05-05 09:02:39 deathware ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plug in are the best. Well said. |
813 |
Date: 2003-05-04 08:54:52 Squall ( / no homepage) wrote: great stuff / great site - hope for a ps2 emu too ---------------------------------------------------- to your plug ins, working fine --------------------------------------------------- [ I have 1800xp+ with 512 Mb / ATI radeon 9500 Pro / Win M.E. and WinXp Sp1 Dual Boot ] |
812 |
Date: 2003-05-04 00:47:17 Zidane ( / wrote: It would like congratulates it for the great work that you makes in top of Plugins GPU. I live here in Brazil and exactly thus I do not leave to visit its site every day. |
811 |
Date: 2003-05-01 22:14:04 Terry ( / no homepage) wrote: Great site and information. I have a tech question though. What software do you use to find values in RAM for the games to identify and add cheats? |
810 |
Date: 2003-05-01 21:32:38 repo man ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, nice page you got up, i'll try the psx emulators later, anyways dude, you should install one of those phpBB forums on a server - since its free and runs on that.. your forum would look better also..?? |
809 |
Date: 2003-05-01 05:15:09 Cristian ( / wrote: bddhdh |
808 |
Date: 2003-04-28 04:14:46 youduan ( / no homepage) wrote: i want to play epsxe with virtual cd. can you help me what name of pluin and how play epsxe with virtual cd |
807 |
Date: 2003-04-27 21:25:18 stephen (blitz) ( / no homepage) wrote: man pete u kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
806 |
Date: 2003-04-25 15:51:31 domenico ( / no homepage) wrote: you are the BEST! thanks for all |
805 |
Date: 2003-04-25 15:10:48 Draco ( / no homepage) wrote: Good one Pete,s! I love the PSX bit you have:-) |
804 |
Date: 2003-04-25 13:04:36 jimbo roq ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete RULES!!! thanks for the great plug-ins |
803 |
Date: 2003-04-25 13:01:59 CLOD ( / no homepage) wrote: HEllO Master Pete!! how can I create un plugin of video or one of audio in linux for epsx ¿can you help me? Bye!! |
802 |
Date: 2003-04-20 23:12:22 Kitfox ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Mr Pete, :) I just wanted to say thank you so much for being part of the emulation world. You've rekindled my love affair with my aging playstation, now i can play them on my pc with nicer graphics and faster load times too. Once again thanks, I know you get alot of fan emails and stuff. I just wanted to let you know that i am always on the lookout for your releases. And though i am not able to contribute any money (i'm a poor oz bloke just trying to make ends meet :) ) i hope that these words of encouragement will do for now. Many thanks from downunder, Kitfox |
801 |
Date: 2003-04-20 10:39:57 rennie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Habe mir Deine Plug-ins für ePSXe gezogen und Deine "Idle thoughts" gelesen. Deine Sicht der Dinge gefällt mir. Happy coding! |
800 |
Date: 2003-04-20 08:57:00 david ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks for another great job with the new version. I've read somewhere u play diablo2, i'd be happy to donate some items just to give something back for all that u have given my acc=yoy_merlin. Thanks and Peace |
799 |
Date: 2003-04-19 02:53:31 batusai ( no email / no homepage) wrote: i have a intel 810 motherboard with onboard video (4mb memory), what video plugin should i use? |
798 |
Date: 2003-04-19 02:51:41 batusai ( / no homepage) wrote: oh, one more thing, if you want some help regarding website designs, you can count on me on that thing! thanks dude and more power to you! |
797 |
Date: 2003-04-17 22:16:45 jean ( / no homepage) wrote: Que la force soit avec toi !!! Very good work !!! |
796 |
Date: 2003-04-14 18:58:34 Zakastra ( / no homepage) wrote: Well done Pete, you are a God of Emulation, keep doing what you do because we love you for it! Also can you implement resolutions above 1600x1200? |
795 |
Date: 2003-04-13 18:48:18 Lia ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I am so very grateful for the work you do... Keep at it, please! |
794 |
Date: 2003-04-12 12:44:00 Cytha ( / no homepage) wrote: Awesome job, working great and regularly updated. Thank you man. But will some day the accelerated plugins get P.E.O.P.S. 'd? |
793 |
Date: 2003-04-11 07:04:47 akka ( / no homepage) wrote: excellent work on the plug-ins!!! would it be possible for someone to post here exactly what I need to run FF7 properly? (Ive got the psxe emulator, the GPU, and the FF7 discs.) |
792 |
Date: 2003-04-10 04:31:39 kenny ( / wrote: dude you do some sick work man and was wanting to know if you can send me some stuff on the sub of plugins and roms and new stuff like .exe'z and that or any one thats got sick games fuck it every thing thats relivant |
791 |
Date: 2003-04-09 13:15:06 C-NA ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi! pete. thanks!! good job!! |
790 |
Date: 2003-04-09 06:43:59 VIDEOROX ( / no homepage) wrote: hello pete! I'm absolutly thanks to you and real goooooood plugins for PSX Emulators you released. I red the introduction and I guess.. Your hompage design's not bad.. It's very simple and easy to use. And I think, design is not important. It's just a skin.. right? I feel this page just a tresure box! great! Almost korean PSX emulator users are using pete's plugins. they say, it's really cool! thanks pete. - I'm running your plugins on a notebook PC /P3-850, S3 graphic twister/ and It doesn't have any problem :-) |
789 |
Date: 2003-04-07 08:49:35 dan ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete thanks for all the great plugins, keep up the great work. Also I was wondering if you had any tips on how to tweak ur plugins (Im runnung 1.53ghz and a ATI A.I.W 9700 pro :) ) Oh and can you email me when the next plugin comes out the current one that i have is the 1.70 thanks -dan- |
788 |
Date: 2003-04-03 13:40:22 Neos ( no email / wrote: cool site |
787 |
Date: 2003-03-29 17:39:16 Tyler ( / no homepage) wrote: dude i think its rly cool what you do and im just curious what schooling you took to do this and alos i have some bugs with ur d3d vid plugin for epsxe just a few glitches during gameplay but ur opengl one works great.ty and keep up the awsome work!!!! |
786 |
Date: 2003-03-28 10:32:34 Alex ( / wrote: what a downloads your epsxe. |
785 |
Date: 2003-03-27 04:53:18 Ramadhan ( / no homepage) wrote: great Work. But maybe you cna teach me how can you made this all stuff. just like the algorithm, etc. Maybe i can made it for my final project next semester ;P. hey this not joking |
784 |
Date: 2003-03-23 18:10:30 Blake ( / no homepage) wrote: I use epsxe and for my plugins I only trust yours because they kick ass. Keep up the great work!! |
783 |
Date: 2003-03-23 15:37:08 Krakers ( / no homepage) wrote: Im experiencing problem when trying to swich to window mode (alt+enter) or try to go out to emulator window (Esc). Emulator crashes to desktop. Epsxe 1.5.2 on Windows XP on OGL 1.70 Plug-in on Radeon 9000Pro on Catalyst 3.2. |
782 |
Date: 2003-03-22 00:46:44 Gau ( / wrote: cool plugins dude ;) keep up the good work |
781 |
Date: 2003-03-20 07:10:38 Chris Manousis ( / no homepage) wrote: i tried your direct 3d 1.69 plug-in with my intel 740 card and it runs pretty smooth with ridge racer.thanks for your great plug-in!!!!!!!! |
780 |
Date: 2003-03-18 21:49:54 uno que llega ( / no homepage) wrote: A very good work, indeed. Your plugins are the best ones for running a psx in a really decent way on the pc. Keep on! Thanks, Pete. |
779 |
Date: 2003-03-18 21:43:52 gamedude ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Can you make a plugin that will help me with texture problems in Star Wars Dark Forces? |
778 |
Date: 2003-03-18 08:55:15 Jones ( / no homepage) wrote: You've done really a good Job!!! Thank your very much for your hard work - your fantastic plug-ins!! Best wishes to you and your family. |
777 |
Date: 2003-03-18 08:05:40 lj ( / no homepage) wrote: no |
776 |
Date: 2003-03-18 07:26:29 solidsnake ( / no homepage) wrote: thank you .... |
775 |
Date: 2003-03-15 17:35:06 keith ( / no homepage) wrote: Heya Pete! Thanks for your hard work and dedication you put into your plugins....about your webpage....I like it. It IS simple, and that is what's good about it. No flash, no popups, no fat....just good 'ole Pete and his plugins! Thanks again. |
774 |
Date: 2003-03-15 11:07:37 Schuster Bruno ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello. I hope my english is not too bad. I will send you my thanks for your plugins for the PSX-Emulator. I have no problems with any PSX-Games on my PC. I know it's sure a hard work to make this plugins and so I will thank you on this way. Bruno |
773 |
Date: 2003-03-13 07:32:48 dedi barkah ( / no homepage) wrote: i'm from indonesia, our country maybe in chaotic state, but one thing for sure i'll never bored playing psx emulator, with pete's plugin of course ! |
772 |
Date: 2003-03-13 00:18:23 Miguel Ortega ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you very much, fot all that work, I'll want learn all that you know, Im only a beginner. Thanks |
771 |
Date: 2003-03-11 19:53:13 ziggwarth ( / no homepage) wrote: Great GPU plugin! I use it all the time! Keep it up =) ziggwarth |
770 |
Date: 2003-03-11 15:56:55 Ani Kirilov ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete I'd like to thank you for your work that maid it possible for me to use PSX on PC. Keep good work! I wish you everything the best! |
769 |
Date: 2003-03-10 22:15:22 Argo ( / no homepage) wrote: WOOOWWWW!!!! GAUSSIAN INTERPOLATION! GRRRRRREAAAT! Now I can run ALL my PSX games without any problem! WAAAAWW! |
768 |
Date: 2003-03-10 13:11:03 Lyle Layos ( / wrote: I would just like 2 say great job on all your emu plugins. Compared to all other gpu, spu and cdr plugins yours really works and looks great! Keep it Up!!!! |
767 |
Date: 2003-03-10 05:54:54 Leo ( / no homepage) wrote: 'bout time i signed the guestbook, i always forget :| keep up the good work pete, you rule! |
766 |
Date: 2003-03-09 04:50:12 The Sentry ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, I am just one more user of your psx gpu plugin (ogl). It goes without saying that it works perfectly. I just wanted to drop a line to say a very big thank you for your effort. If you ever happen to pass by Rome, I'll be more than happy to buy you a round, you deserve it. *TheSentry phases out in the darkness... * |
765 |
Date: 2003-03-07 12:35:03 Arnie LR ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete great plug-ins they working just fine many thanks. |
764 |
Date: 2003-03-07 11:14:34 Krakers ( / wrote: There is a problem with ati 9000Pro (and mayby on other radeons). T start plaing on full screen i heve to go to window mode (alt+enter) and again >alt+enter> - game will run on full screen. OGL Plugin! See ya! |
763 |
Date: 2003-03-06 21:43:05 Damodar ( no email / wrote: from the peeps of portugal we send u a message of continuous progress in the plugins and other great stuff for development |
762 |
Date: 2003-03-04 14:01:40 Fabrizio ( / no homepage) wrote: With my Config PIII 650EB 384Mb Ram PC133 Ati Radeon9000 64mb DDR SbLive! PeteD3D ( ogl crash :(( ) 800x600 with AA 4x at...50/60 FPS... ALL GAMES!!! this configuration is BEST to play all PSX games with "old" pc... sorry for my bad english i'm italian:) Ciaoo!!! |
761 |
Date: 2003-03-02 21:26:08 Psy-Q ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm writing a howto for using ePSXe on Linux, and Pete's plug-ins are the only sensible choice. With that and AmmoQ's joypad plug-ins, you can turn any Linux box into something better than a real PSX ;) |
760 |
Date: 2003-03-02 18:27:52 Magdy ( / no homepage) wrote: Great work done here, only done by a Master. Keep up the good work. |
759 |
Date: 2003-03-02 08:27:13 Vesku ( no email / wrote: Fine! I found psx-plugins, what I was looking for! I will add your page to my favorites! |
758 |
Date: 2003-02-27 13:05:39 Aska ( / wrote: Hi~ I'm Korean. I can some ENG. Your Pete's D3D plugin is Very good. thx. |
757 |
Date: 2003-02-25 19:21:28 metzelder ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ATI scheint das Problem aussitzen zu wollen ... Hab jetzt erneut darüber gepostet. Diesmal ein Zitat von Ihnen. ;) |
756 |
Date: 2003-02-25 09:29:37 jaja ( / no homepage) wrote: Keep up the good work! I hope you'll be releasing new versions regularly for your fans to download! :) |
755 |
Date: 2003-02-24 14:04:29 ngoc mai ( / no homepage) wrote: i want new bios if you have send file to me Thank you |
754 |
Date: 2003-02-24 02:33:40 wang zhanwen ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I am from China. Thanks you for your exellent plugin! |
753 |
Date: 2003-02-23 16:24:09 max ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I'm sorry for my bad english but i'm italian :-P I have bought Final Fantasy Anthology to run it on the epsxe emulator by using your driver, but anything work correctly! If you want i can send you an ISO file of the CD's (only if i understand how to do) to test it. Most of the wrongs are legated at black screen in texture filling (I think! ), the game is fully bidimensional and maybe it's itself an emultation of NES, cause Final Fantasy 4 run on it. I wrote to you cause you are the best and i know you can fix it!!!!!! :) Thank you for all you made! max |
752 |
Date: 2003-02-23 11:14:28 Krassy ( no email / wrote: I like your Page and i want to tell you THANKS FOR ALL YOU CREATING. |
751 |
Date: 2003-02-17 18:17:40 agung ( / no homepage) wrote: you are the hero for the gamers, can i help you to develop the emu? |
750 |
Date: 2003-02-17 09:28:35 sixx ( / no homepage) wrote: damn great! what a piece of work. i played your emu from 1.5.0 and upgraded to 1.5.2 and it still KICKS ASSS!! thanks for being a generous-genius man on earth, pete.. ;) regards from jakarta, indonesia |
749 |
Date: 2003-02-15 06:43:03 John ( / no homepage) wrote: I know you probably get stuff like this a lot, but I was wondering if you could help the guys over at the Dreamcast sence with the Playstation emulator that they have been working on. Right now a GPU plugin that supports the PVR-DC graphics card is needed, because the CPU is currently doing all the graphics, and it is really slowing things down. The emulator is from the PCSX source and there are several people who know a lot more about it than I do at and/or thanks for your time. |
748 |
Date: 2003-02-14 01:45:59 johne ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for all the time you put into this, your plugins exceed all others!!! |
747 |
Date: 2003-02-13 14:57:12 William Roa ( / no homepage) wrote: Me gusta los juegos y la emulación |
746 |
Date: 2003-02-13 04:18:40 Victor Awunudo ( / wrote: Hello Pete.I thimk your work is amazing.Are you sure you never worked with Sony?'Cos if not,then you're a genius.Cheers.I'm from Nigeria(West Africa). |
745 |
Date: 2003-02-12 06:01:34 Juan Pablo Valverde ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, your plugins are GREAT!!!! I'm using the D3D6 one!! I'm JuamPaV, from Argentina! pd:may u try with a Glide plugin (the Lewpi's one runs slooow). |
744 |
Date: 2003-02-12 01:24:58 _Ombra_ ( / wrote: MAN! YOUR PLUGINS KICK ASS!!!! |
743 |
Date: 2003-02-11 10:45:11 Fabrizio ( / no homepage) wrote: why you don't "create" an CELL SHADING features? ok ok ok... it's a joke :D :D :D really tnx pete 4 your plugins ;) ciao! |
742 |
Date: 2003-02-08 22:06:15 Jeetu ( / no homepage) wrote: PETE , you have done a great job for helping in building near perfect Playstation emulator. But now I am a bit worried , because its been some time since any plugin from you been released , is this finally over like epsxe1.52 , Hopefully you would be contributing on ps2 emulator in spare time. Please Clarify. |
741 |
Date: 2003-02-07 09:05:54 miro ( / no homepage) wrote: ok |
740 |
Date: 2003-02-06 18:25:59 GrimlinEater ( / no homepage) wrote: You have got to be the coolest human to live on this planet :) |
739 |
Date: 2003-02-03 18:27:51 Luis Sosa ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank for all archives DarkGrone from Venezuela |
738 |
Date: 2003-02-02 22:48:25 Mike ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks. This really helps. |
737 |
Date: 2003-02-02 14:19:57 smile ( no email / no homepage) wrote: :-) |
736 |
Date: 2003-01-30 06:18:10 Dung ( / no homepage) wrote: I played Final Fantasy IX(USA version). When I leaved Desert place to catch up Kuja then EPSXE emulator haved an error: Opcode 30 UNK(PC 00000084) (12478.32) Then I couldn't continued play. Please help me! Thanks for your helping. My PC config: CPU: Pentium4,Ram 512 SDRAM,VGAcard MSI Geforce2 MX400(32MRAM),Soundcard SB Auddiy2 platinum Emulator: Epsxe v1.5.2 with GPU plugin and SPU plugin are Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.68,P.E.Op.S. DSound Audio Driver 1.3 I played with ISO file |
735 |
Date: 2003-01-26 16:42:06 krest1 ( / no homepage) wrote: pete you are owsome with yours plugins i can finally play all games from psx. thanx |
734 |
Date: 2003-01-25 12:57:58 Fantastic! ( / wrote: Yes, I agree with one of the other posts: your plugins are THE best! =) |
733 |
Date: 2003-01-21 22:43:01 Edivaldo ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete ... You are Fantastic ... Congratulations !!! |
732 |
Date: 2003-01-21 15:34:44 christopher williamson ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for imparting knowledge. |
731 |
Date: 2003-01-20 12:20:47 Duy Tung ( / wrote: oh, no I'm sorry. I rewrite: " When we can play psx2 in our pc. |
730 |
Date: 2003-01-20 07:13:44 Rodel Acaso ( no email / no homepage) wrote: "Ang galing mo pare!!!!!" Thats the Filipino's way of saying your awesome. Because of you, my psx unit is envious of my pc. Thanx Pete! |
729 |
Date: 2003-01-18 14:16:28 Morten Dille ( / wrote: I love your epsxe plugins, they are the best!! |
728 |
Date: 2003-01-18 08:22:10 ExcluMan ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you are cool! |
727 |
Date: 2003-01-14 17:16:35 murat ( / wrote: when we can play psx2 in cpu |
726 |
Date: 2003-01-13 23:39:39 Slander ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey dood, your plugins are great, work the best for me. Just likt to thank ya. I know I wouldnt be able to put so much time into something just so someone can play PSX games, so I appreciate it, later |
725 |
Date: 2003-01-13 04:33:58 Velven ( / no homepage) wrote: Thx for all of the plugin they really do the trick when playing. I always come back for new releases. :) |
724 |
Date: 2003-01-12 07:02:49 Leonardo ( / no homepage) wrote: Very good page and very useful!! Excellent work my friend. From you friend in Brazil! |
723 |
Date: 2003-01-11 14:36:55 Cassio Rogério Lacerda ( / no homepage) wrote: quero emuladores |
722 |
Date: 2003-01-11 07:42:19 Blank ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plugins are damn good, u know that! |
721 |
Date: 2003-01-11 04:10:14 Doug ( / no homepage) wrote: Awesome sh*t Pete! Keep up the good work, I'll check by often to see if/when you are going to do a DirectX 9 version of your Plug-ins. But really all I wanted to say is awesome work Pete, and keep 'em comin'! |
720 |
Date: 2003-01-10 14:26:03 Giang ( / no homepage) wrote: I'm playing FF9 but some movies turn into black. Would you please give me some some advices to solve the problem? Thank you. Your plug-ins are great!! |
719 |
Date: 2003-01-03 01:10:34 Boris ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm using your ePSXe Plug-ins, they work great for me and so I just wanted to say "Thank you!" Thanky you! :-) |
718 |
Date: 2003-01-02 23:29:48 FluXy ( no email / wrote: PETE THANKS FOR YOUR PLUUUGIIIIYYYYNZ From Germany !!! ^^ |
717 |
Date: 2002-12-30 15:14:47 will_davids ( / no homepage) wrote: I have Radeon9000 in my machine(WindowsXP Pro,Celeron1.2, 512MB), but when i play any 3D games(except TK3) by using your OpenGL plugin, a lot of texture turned into black. Would you please give me some advices(I don't like D3D, looks uglily and slow). Thanks for your great working. |
716 |
Date: 2002-12-28 20:35:51 Argo ( / no homepage) wrote: Happy new year Pete! WOW! Silent Hill is wonderful with your plugins! |
715 |
Date: 2002-12-26 10:47:47 LaZaRuS ( / no homepage) wrote: I want questions whether you me to help koenntes it goes around it am degrees at savage the arm to play with ePSXe still quite far at the beginning have the tear to hand over and the final opponent thereafter remains defeated the play to stand thus it is a text field to watch the Curser flashes inside only if I on my Gamepad presses happens nothing: ( do you have ne idea? |
714 |
Date: 2002-12-25 13:43:06 daroum ( / no homepage) wrote: your plugins are great very good job , i have a matrox g200 and your gpu plugin seems to be the better around for these graphic cards . i'm trying to have optimum performance for my pc to emulate playstation games . since it's a pentium III 450MGZ some playstation games are not emulated at the desired speed , the point is that the soft gpu is too slow at high resolution but more compatible the D3D is faster but less compatible , why don't you try to combine the best of the too to produce a plugin which can correctly emulate playstation games at good speed and good graphics , i'm not myself a very skilled programmer and i know that itsn't as easy as i imagine , but from my modest experience i know that there's a way , so your the developper do your job :-) , just joking . hope you'll consider this small message and that you'll bring us more wonderfull plugins . thanks. |
713 |
Date: 2002-12-25 08:46:46 Soilent Green ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Merry christmas! And thank you for making such great plugins!!! Your the best dude! |
712 |
Date: 2002-12-24 22:26:05 Jean ( / no homepage) wrote: Merry Christmas ..........!! |
711 |
Date: 2002-12-23 14:23:50 Jeffrey Chan ( / no homepage) wrote: your Plugin is a killer thanks alot |
710 |
Date: 2002-12-23 11:07:25 jumpman ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hello pete merry christmas ^_^ |
709 |
Date: 2002-12-21 07:15:45 Marky ( / no homepage) wrote: Hahahah, your GPU is great, thanx very much. I love it, but i still confuse what is that fps limitation, or autodetect fps... , well, could you explain to me please? |
708 |
Date: 2002-12-16 03:59:47 PJ ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Pete. People such as yourself, make it possible for people like myself to enjoy the things that are out there. I also think it's favorable that we share the same name. Bye. |
707 |
Date: 2002-12-14 16:08:02 david ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete, That's still have an obvious problem in "Digimon Rumble Arena". Hopefully, you can fix this ASAP. Thanks, david |
706 |
Date: 2002-12-13 19:21:02 Fabio ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Well, Pete... a Fan I had to drop by a few words, first I'd like to say that I admire your work, I saw the PSXs Emulators be born, and now I see them running all grown up, mainly thanks to people like you. Second I'd like to say that your plugins not only help emulate the PSX, but better the gameplay, enhancing the graphics so much. Third, a little suggestion... ...can the plugins soon have DX8.1 Support... ...with the latteste graphics card on the market (ATI R300, and NV30) PSX2 has already become a reality... ...and PSX can only improve... Well, that is a lot of words.., but have a merry christmas and good luck... |
705 |
Date: 2002-12-13 14:55:19 REno ( / no homepage) wrote: nothing left to say.. u are messengger from heaven |
704 |
Date: 2002-12-13 01:50:55 hendra ( / no homepage) wrote: hey pete,i how many computer at your home,if a want to became greet progremer where i star |
703 |
Date: 2002-12-11 23:14:49 Witchdoctor ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete! Excelent work :-) |
702 |
Date: 2002-12-11 10:17:27 someone ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete I love you |
701 |
Date: 2002-12-06 18:28:58 BidD ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your fucking awesome Yo the man Pete |
700 |
Date: 2002-12-06 09:13:53 tovantan ( / no homepage) wrote: cheats for epsxe |
699 |
Date: 2002-12-06 04:21:13 jeremy ( / wrote: nice work you are doing here , keep up the good work and stay cool with life :) cheers man ! |
698 |
Date: 2002-12-05 21:15:55 Rafal Konieczny ( / wrote: New frame limitation/skiping is great, but i found two issues: 1) Going between "screens" in games like Chrono Cross is causing sound speed up - On blank screens game is losing its fps. 2) FF Tactics intro is running very badly (it wasn't perfect on previous plugins, but now worse then ever. |
697 |
Date: 2002-12-05 06:35:24 Yoshiyuki Blade ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you are awesome. Great job and good luck on other stuff!! ~Yoshiyuki Blade |
696 |
Date: 2002-12-04 11:38:51 Marc Evans ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for your tireless efforts in making PSX emulation a reality. Your plugins are excellent. :) Lets hope that PSX 2 emulation is not to far away cheers. |
695 |
Date: 2002-12-03 00:26:17 the beast ( / no homepage) wrote: heyyy i just will remind you the ps2emu i try to download it but it dosen`t work=/ anyway i hope you will fix it soon=) you have greast psx plugins it work damn good on my epsx emu=) |
694 |
Date: 2002-11-26 21:42:13 G. Salazar ( / no homepage) wrote: Hola |
693 |
Date: 2002-11-23 16:39:36 Killjoy ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for your great plugins, my ePSXe is always configured with yours IS it (teknically) possible to see, one day, the same config Mauricio said: "Have always wondered, why your homepage is so simple..... Im not a programer, but i believe you can do better than this. " Keep it this way, it's good enough to be visited that Peops one which enable VideoRecording in OGL |
692 |
Date: 2002-11-23 00:36:15 Mauricio Serrano ( / no homepage) wrote: Have always wondered, why your homepage is so simple..... Im not a programer, but i believe you can do better than this. |
691 |
Date: 2002-11-22 19:14:58 Alessio ( / no homepage) wrote: I hope that you are going to visit my Island soon! In Sardinia you can find beautiful girls, sea everywhere, hot weather and fantastic tipical food! You should taste our "Mirto", a very alcoholic and sweet nectar! It's Greaaaat! See you soon!! |
690 |
Date: 2002-11-22 15:31:45 Big_Blaster ( / wrote: Good psx plugins u know how to do it i se u have alot of computers i se u like them but do u need so many ? |
689 |
Date: 2002-11-21 08:02:40 Mraty Olly ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks a lot for your psx emulation plugins! |
688 |
Date: 2002-11-20 14:58:52 kjk ( / no homepage) wrote: Oh! Pete. You're a genius to make such emulators. Thanks for the infos and downloads. |
687 |
Date: 2002-11-19 18:38:19 the pelinörtti ( / wrote: you got many computers dont you 6 i think it was on the photo hehe do you really like computers? what would you do if you have´nt computers |
686 |
Date: 2002-11-12 23:20:42 Marvel Miraculous ( / wrote: Hello all emu-people, especially Pete. Greetings from Russia. I love you all. |
685 |
Date: 2002-11-12 17:41:02 Michael ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete is a great guy. He sent me some PSX demos awhile back. Thanks Pete. Regards |
684 |
Date: 2002-11-12 02:33:25 Yann Vernier ( / wrote: Thanks a lot for your psx emulation plugins! I'm running Final Fantasy V here, and pscx does a better job than my PSX itself. Only thing is I don't seem to get effects (fb read) and high-res textures to cooperate nicely. |
683 |
Date: 2002-11-11 14:24:14 Crix ( / no homepage) wrote: HI. I've seen the picture named 'The Black Dove at work...' . You do have a lot of computers. LOL. Thanks for your great works.I really appreciate you for them. |
682 |
Date: 2002-11-10 18:23:27 NaYoung ( / wrote: Sweet & Awesome =3 (Well Done!!!) |
681 |
Date: 2002-11-09 22:31:05 Dan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey genious,your plugins have made it to Spain also.THX a lot,thats all I have to say... |
680 |
Date: 2002-11-09 03:14:04 vyse ( / no homepage) wrote: pete you got some kool stuff but do your x box and ps2 emu really work and where the hell i can find some video plugin help me out. |
679 |
Date: 2002-11-07 12:17:29 don ( / no homepage) wrote: Your the best Pete, continue the good work.. |
678 |
Date: 2002-11-01 10:21:43 Joshua Schaeffer ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you are a badass. Don't think for a minute that your contributions aren't appreciated! |
677 |
Date: 2002-10-30 16:56:12 Power LICH ( / wrote: Nice option is very slow.(open gl)Change off screen drawing at position 1 for faster psx game. |
676 |
Date: 2002-10-30 05:18:17 noone ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I cannot get my games working with the ogl plugin on my radeon 8500 :( |
675 |
Date: 2002-10-28 22:34:41 voodooz ( no email / no homepage) wrote: you rock! :-D |
674 |
Date: 2002-10-28 18:58:49 Peter ( / no homepage) wrote: Guten Tag. Ich heisse Peter. Ich komme aus Slowenien. Ich spiele gern gute Spiele. Gerade spiele ich gute PSX Spiele auf PC. Danke. ( Se vidimo na morju ;)) |
673 |
Date: 2002-10-28 14:26:41 Trung ( / no homepage) wrote: Chao Pete! Your plugin is outstanding! It just rock n roll PSX games on my box! Your gpu plugin it the BEST! BEST! |
672 |
Date: 2002-10-28 09:42:14 Remco ( / no homepage) wrote: Great work. I love you. But going on. Greet from holland |
671 |
Date: 2002-10-27 21:00:03 Giulio ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Greatttt work.... you're a master! Greets from Italy. |
670 |
Date: 2002-10-26 05:31:59 Kain ( / no homepage) wrote: Excellent site, nice work! You are the man! |
669 |
Date: 2002-10-25 22:46:45 Francisco Ramìrez Arce ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, i'm from Costa Rica and I just want to say thanks for all the free stuff we can get in your web site. I think you have a great talent and from the first time a read your page i knew exactly what it's all about. YOU RULE! |
668 |
Date: 2002-10-24 09:08:11 STM ( / wrote: Rock on Pete! Your plugins rock! |
667 |
Date: 2002-10-23 11:19:12 parotaku ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello from France. Thanks a lot for your amazing plugins, Pete!!! Emulation rocks!! |
666 |
Date: 2002-10-21 05:43:32 Ryan Wang ( / no homepage) wrote: Greeting from Shanghai,China. You've done the great work. GOOD LUCK. |
665 |
Date: 2002-10-15 10:21:00 Lourival Carlos Tedesco ( / no homepage) wrote: Tks for PSX PlugIn´s, All works 100% in my AMD 1700+,512 DDR ram,GeForce 2 MX400 64 mb, Soyo Dragon Plus,Windows XP. In Brazil, your plugins are the number one ;-)) My English isn´t very good, sorry :-( |
664 |
Date: 2002-10-13 17:57:24 emanuele ( / no homepage) wrote: pete you are very rock!!! tank you from italy a SICYLIAN USER !!!! |
663 |
Date: 2002-10-07 23:11:44 hessenkerl ( / wrote: Hallo, and sorry - my english isn't good. So I will go on in german. I hope you can translate it. Ich habe folgendes Problem: Endlich habe ich BIOS, VIDEO und CD-ROM Setup hingekriegt und habe die Videooptionen so eingestellt, das ich einwandfrei spielen kann. Leider bekomme ich keinen vernünftigen Sound hin. Mein PC: OS = WinXp, Sound OnBoard (SiS 7012), CPU = AMD XP1700+, 256MB DDR-RAM, Programmversion: ePSXeCutor 1.0.2 Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt mir helfen - eine deutsch Version der Benutzeranleitung wäre ideal!!! Danke! Gruß hessenkerl - |
662 |
Date: 2002-10-03 09:20:46 Isac ( / no homepage) wrote: You are Great Plugins Developer Thank you for PSX Graphic Plugins from Thailand |
661 |
Date: 2002-10-02 18:45:05 excorcist ( / wrote: nigger |
660 |
Date: 2002-10-01 13:11:19 Werbanern ( / no homepage) wrote: Howdey Pete!Great job that you done on the plug-ins,especially ePSXe plug-ins.Keep improving especially on cd-rom plug-in and sound also. Greetings. |
659 |
Date: 2002-09-30 21:56:11 Vamp ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! Great site. All the downloads kicked ass. I don't think you should stop making patches for the emulators and stuff. Could you please make a good sound card becuase all my games are fuzzy and real spurious. I can't find a good one anywhere on the net!!! |
658 |
Date: 2002-09-30 17:30:28 Sascha ( / wrote: Hello Pete, your plugins are so great and I'm going to be a big fan of you and your work. Do you think you can build a plugin for a Force-Feedback-Wheel who works with the ePSXe? I would like to play Gran Turismo with my Wheel. But there are no plugins for it. Greetings from Germany (Baden-Württemberg) bye |
657 |
Date: 2002-09-29 08:57:33 greg berdet ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thank you Pete for the great PSX Graphic Plugins Greatings from Germany Greg Berdet |
656 |
Date: 2002-09-27 13:53:57 Oll ( / no homepage) wrote: mm, i bought myself a new pc, and tried couple of psx emus. they kinda sucked. but somehow i got to this website and i that thee pete :) PS i'm an estonian |
655 |
Date: 2002-09-26 12:48:59 corogo ( / wrote: greetings for the greeeat job,pete!you allow to us,psxmaniacs,enjoy in our PCs al the real experience(graphic and sound)of a playstation with your perfect plugins!!!i will repeat the ask of other peoples:do you make plugins for emulators of ps2 or dreamcast? keep the espectacular work!!! from BRASIL! |
654 |
Date: 2002-09-25 00:18:33 -dizzy- ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey man, I just got to say you are a pure genius! I love the plugins you made. GENIUS!!!!!!!!! |
653 |
Date: 2002-09-24 20:02:11 Check ( no email / no homepage) wrote: the latest direct sound plug in don't have sound in Tales of Eternia but I use the old MIDAS 1.7 plug work.but it have some chei sound.I already tick all the sound in config.May you try it?check it if this a problem on the plug in.I use epsxe 1.52. |
652 |
Date: 2002-09-24 13:59:14 s_cube_00 ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, I thing your plugins is Very Good,Very Best..for PSX. But, where is the ps2 plugins ? Good Days...(Excuse me for my english)..Bye & Smile. |
651 |
Date: 2002-09-23 00:07:00 zoma ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks your GPU is great |
650 |
Date: 2002-09-22 12:45:10 liguanqi ( / no homepage) wrote: thanks for ur plugin ,i enjoy it very much,i am a chinese ,and i like you very much |
649 |
Date: 2002-09-20 14:40:30 Ogi ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete's GPU plugins kicks ass! from Bulgaria |
648 |
Date: 2002-09-19 19:57:50 vOODOOX ( sl@G.COM / no homepage) wrote: jUST WANNA SAY THX FOR UR CDR PLUGIN AS IT IS THE ONLY ONE THAT WORKS RELIABLY IN XP tHX m8 btw IM FROM UK |
647 |
Date: 2002-09-17 06:20:20 elrond ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thanks! I found best GPU. |
646 |
Date: 2002-09-17 01:02:12 Berliner ( no email / no homepage) wrote: PETE DU BISt ein FREAAAAK! zum Glück gibs Leute wie dich ;) |
645 |
Date: 2002-09-13 16:56:56 Snor ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, keep up the good work!! Your plugins are the best! Are you also planning to create plugins for PS2?? Greetings from Holland |
644 |
Date: 2002-09-13 04:21:52 edwin ( / no homepage) wrote: tnx for your gpu plugin, im your indonesian fans |
643 |
Date: 2002-09-12 22:09:20 calvin ( / no homepage) wrote: what is pete spu plugin??? if it fit 1 mb can you e-mail me it? |
642 |
Date: 2002-09-12 18:14:24 RGSPro ( / wrote: Do you think you will ever code GPU plugins for PS2 emulators? That would be rad. I love the work you have done for what PSX emulation is today, thanks! |
641 |
Date: 2002-09-09 01:19:23 yuki ( no email / no homepage) wrote: @Thank`s! GPU plugins you make for emulators is great. |
640 |
Date: 2002-09-07 07:45:29 Krakers ( / wrote: Hi. Thakns for great GPU plugins but there is a problem whith "dancing" textures on the world map of FF9. |
639 |
Date: 2002-09-06 20:15:54 Igor ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete! Thank you ! Your emulator is the first stuff that works at my PC. From Russia with love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
638 |
Date: 2002-09-05 18:01:52 Pedro ( / wrote: Great thing you make for emulators. Keep up the great work, greetings |
637 |
Date: 2002-08-31 10:59:30 Travis Vroman ( / wrote: Hi, I'm Travis Vroman. I run FireSlinger Corp. (sometimes called FireSlinger Studios). First of all, I greatly admire your vast amounts of programming knowledge, as I am just a beginner. The Plugins for the emulatora are spectacular. I saw the message on the top of the page and was wondering if you were considering changing the site to a more efficient design, as well as looking cool. I am willing to do this for free, as I am trying to promote my work. Please contact me at the above e-mail address when you recieve this message. Thank you for your time. |
636 |
Date: 2002-08-29 04:24:26 henry ( / no homepage) wrote: Great plugin ! I wonder u can improve it anyhow on the speed ! |
635 |
Date: 2002-08-27 18:43:33 Hunchback ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wirklich nette Seite mit den besten PlugIns, mach weiter so;) |
634 |
Date: 2002-08-23 23:18:42 tourisugari ( no email / no homepage) wrote: good job! |
633 |
Date: 2002-08-19 19:43:51 joe ( no email / no homepage) wrote: youre stie sucks |
632 |
Date: 2002-08-16 20:30:58 Gamma ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I´m always astonished when I have a look on your site. I believe you could do a better assembler programming job than me. Greetings from Gamma! |
631 |
Date: 2002-08-15 07:14:37 CodeTom ( / no homepage) wrote: Sorry das ich hier auf Deutsch Poste aber mein Englisch ist nicht ganz okay !Ich finde das ist eine klasse Seite habe bis jetzt mit all den Plugins keine Probleme gehabt Funktioniern echt super ich hoffe es kommen bald neue... |
630 |
Date: 2002-08-13 23:37:34 MasterYoshidino ( / wrote: woohoo nice plugins :) lookin nice there :) |
629 |
Date: 2002-08-13 06:25:46 CoSTa ( / wrote: pete, you're doing just great job with your plugins for psx emulation. they're just great! warm greetings from poland! |
628 |
Date: 2002-08-11 14:30:04 zuka ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for your plugins Good Job!^^/ |
627 |
Date: 2002-08-11 10:17:01 gilly ( / no homepage) wrote: thank`s for for this good website! |
626 |
Date: 2002-08-09 15:16:30 kenta ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I downloded your plugins. Thankyou very mutch. Sorry. i am not good at English. |
625 |
Date: 2002-08-09 12:00:38 marky ( / no homepage) wrote: please could i have a link to download your D3DDX7 gpu driver as the other file did not have it many thanks |
624 |
Date: 2002-08-07 13:46:17 Lim-Dul{CoD} ( / wrote: Pete rocks hard! You're a German, aren't you? I've been living in Germany for 7 years :-D (though I'm from Poland). Btw. Pete looks kinda like a post-hippie =) Lim-Dul, King of Darkness, Founder of The Crusaders of Darkness Visit us @ |
623 |
Date: 2002-08-06 04:39:24 sep ( / no homepage) wrote: i have a little problem at dino crisis 2 well in this stage were u will be using the girl, ur in this stage where you go underwater, well i cant see the character?? why is that but theres no problem before that stage. |
622 |
Date: 2002-08-04 11:47:49 Mohammed ( / no homepage) wrote: Guys like you make the world a better place (I mean it), bye |
621 |
Date: 2002-08-04 11:42:32 Katana ( / wrote: Your PlugIns are awesome. Very good work. Greetings from NRW/Germany |
620 |
Date: 2002-08-03 17:19:21 Dan ( / no homepage) wrote: whats with this red thing on your site the sites simple and nice itself but the red thing makes me dizzy and thanks for the great plugins |
619 |
Date: 2002-08-03 13:42:02 Wiseman ( no email / wrote: Your plugins 0wn. Great job! Greetings from Madrid, Spain |
618 |
Date: 2002-08-02 12:04:06 kk ( / wrote: Your plugins are great!!! But could you improve??? my digimon world 2 and world 3 had a bit of problem... could you solve it for me??? |
617 |
Date: 2002-08-01 22:01:02 Jacks ( / no homepage) wrote: Great just great!! Your Plugs are awesome.. great unbeliveable and so on Kepp up the magnificent work! But have you ever tghought about a pc ( windows) emulator on the ps2. Id like to have my ps2 to have blue screens! Would thet be possible? |
616 |
Date: 2002-07-31 05:31:31 pinky ( / no homepage) wrote: my video card is intel(R) 82845G/GL what plugin should i choose |
615 |
Date: 2002-07-31 02:26:09 Lindsey Dubb ( / wrote: Hi -- Thank you for all the great effort you've put in to your plug-ins! They're all great, and have allowed me to spend lots of time revisiting games I might otherwise have seen as obsolete. |
614 |
Date: 2002-07-30 20:26:23 C ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey man, I wish I knew at least a little bit of what you know about computers and stuff. Maybe someday. Take care. |
613 |
Date: 2002-07-29 13:44:45 hawkei ( / wrote: Thank you for your plugins, your fancy PC setup and your cool hairdale!!! Greetz from Würstchenland, hawkei |
612 |
Date: 2002-07-27 13:21:40 tmtuan ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plugins epsxe work very good.Thank you very much.But now i'm playing game Valkiry profile and all your plugin sound not work.the game always stop can you help me.thank you |
611 |
Date: 2002-07-26 20:52:31 Dennis Meyer ( / wrote: Your epsxe plugins are great !! good work!! |
610 |
Date: 2002-07-24 20:04:17 thrillboy ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you sooo much for your video-plugins! They are the best! Greetings to Schoenbrunn! |
609 |
Date: 2002-07-24 02:49:20 Matt ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! You're the most coolest guy on earth!I like all your stuff especially OGL1.64 gpu,that plugin makes my psx game looks so awesome!Who needs a psx anyway when we can play a better version of games with an emulator(with your plugins,that is :D).Keep up the good work and we all really appreciate the work that you and the other coders have contributed to this scene.Btw,what do you do for living,just curious :)? Later... |
608 |
Date: 2002-07-23 21:42:17 Sabo ( / wrote: you look like a cool guy! and your plugins are good man, keep up the good work!!! |
607 |
Date: 2002-07-21 03:59:50 A.Kuswadi ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! It' me , again ! I've tried your gpu plugins, really..really...really great , Man ! Thanks ...!!! Ever think to build emu for PS2 ? |
606 |
Date: 2002-07-16 00:15:14 error guy ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey PETE! RAD PLUGINS! WORK GREAT! KEEP UP GOOD WORK MAN! ERROR in FF9 FMVs: savestate during FMV, load it(using your plugin, D3D)NO SOUND THEN! Works fine on other grafx plugins, but yours mutes the FMV sound after loading a save state into a FMV in FF9. THOUGH AFTER THE FMV, SOUND IS BACK. EPSXE. |
605 |
Date: 2002-07-15 01:50:33 A old gamer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Fantastic GPU 1.6.4 driver, make me playing my old psx games better than on my console! Great work!Do not give up..... |
604 |
Date: 2002-07-14 23:14:08 Jess ( / no homepage) wrote: In FF8, I'm not getting any movies, at all, there is sound, but no movie, can I fix it? |
603 |
Date: 2002-07-14 12:41:28 FFfan ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi,I used your Plugin in Legend of Dragoon ,but I didn't remove blue glitches even I used Fix PIII730 4MB on board 128Mb Thanks,I love you so much |
602 |
Date: 2002-07-13 03:43:42 Dave ( / no homepage) wrote: Really congratulations for your great work! Your plugins are the best avaible on the web!! I wouldn't be able to play my favorite games without you and your fantasic plugins. Once again, congratulation and keep up your nice work! |
601 |
Date: 2002-07-12 09:46:52 Issac ( / wrote: Your plugins own, keep up the good work! You buy any chance jam to Rhapsody? |
600 |
Date: 2002-07-10 09:29:23 Diego ( / no homepage) wrote: Many thanks for making those fantastic plugins. You are a god, and I will make you a church: The Holy Church of Sanctus Bernet. Well, thanks once more. Bye |
599 |
Date: 2002-07-09 16:34:14 A.Kuswadi ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Bro ! You know what...? I really-really admire u...I mean a lot. You really did a great job on PSX Things...... Keep workin', Bro ! And....I wonder if u're workin' at PS2 Emulator to work on My PC..... Long life, Man ! |
598 |
Date: 2002-07-09 02:09:07 Pablo ( / no homepage) wrote: Solo queria agradecerte por gastar tiempo programando estos FANTASTICOS plugins (los mejores, lejos!!!).Me gustaria meterme en el tema de la programacion de plugs para psx ¿hay algun lugar para sacar informacion? GRACIAS de nuevo! |
597 |
Date: 2002-07-08 13:34:47 Shane ( / no homepage) wrote: I have problems on breath of fire3. When Balio and Sunder have their gang surrounded by a bridge and when you defeat their gang, Garr joins your group then it says choose any 3members, I press continue then it says ID Report Error, but when I play it on playstation I get passed the error also I can change my members. |
596 |
Date: 2002-07-08 11:58:16 CrEaTor ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just Like To SAy Keep Up The Work Black Dove and providing such a great plugin i use it and recomend it to everyone keep this great project going south african fan |
595 |
Date: 2002-07-08 02:57:05 Sephiroth ( / no homepage) wrote: sup, i just wanted to say i love your work. All of it, i just made my Legend of dragoon ISO and its nice as shit :) |
594 |
Date: 2002-07-06 22:59:37 Á¤¿µµÎ ( / no homepage) wrote: hi~ |
593 |
Date: 2002-07-05 10:29:47 zz ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! pete I have a question.I and some of my classmates all use nvidia TNT2 vanta or m64.But on some computers, the OGL driver runs very fast while some are too slow <=9fps. And D3D driver still has problem, we often get some funny colors. Please keep working! God! |
592 |
Date: 2002-07-02 01:49:35 Arie Lendra Putra ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, g8 working on your psx plugins i really enjoy your GPU plugins especially OpenGL one, i have some suggestions, why don't you put nVidia FSAA option on your GPU Setup Page, i really enjoy playing with FSAA enabled, but i only run it at 640x480 16-bit/32-bit because if i increase it the performace will suffer ( will not reach 60fps ), is there any ways to speed them up? i'm waiting for your GPU 1.64 (he he he), One thing ( does't mean to discredit your SPU Plugin ) why Eternal SPU's sound quality is better than yours( the reverb and the sound rate )? eventhough your SPU is faster than Eternal. I've tried your GPU in Many games and 99% is WORK GREat, do you know in my country(Indonesia) a PSX CD is only cost you 0.3 US$ ( of course its piracy ) but i 've tested many games works fine even the New Lilo & Stich, Winning Eleven 6, FIFA World Cup 2002 that i just bought yesterday, the only matters is when i enabled FSAA, many static Loading screen is Missing even Offscreen at higests setting, and when i played Dino Crisis 2 (and finished it), on the underwater scene i have to turn on Full Vram Primitive. OK then better work on your programming ( i only programmed with C/Java he he he ) ,See Ya |
591 |
Date: 2002-07-01 16:33:36 dUSt ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ur opengl plug worx fine and kix some gfx-card's ass! excellent work of ur's! just keep on doing nice things! ;) greetz dUSt |
590 |
Date: 2002-06-29 11:09:52 jpn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: A poor translation with translation engine« __________ Thank you [ thank you ]! . You are uncanny! . You are God! . !!! which respects you. It is thank you !!! anyhow. |
589 |
Date: 2002-06-29 10:59:22 485mhzer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤! ‹M•û‚ͦ‚¢!_‚¾!‚·‚²‚¢!‘¸Œh‚·‚é!!! ‚Æ‚É‚©‚‚ ‚肪‚Æ‚¤!!! thank!! |
588 |
Date: 2002-06-29 06:11:51 Mr.Um ( / wrote: verry good!!! Thank!!! |
587 |
Date: 2002-06-28 21:16:30 power lich ( / wrote: I tried all of soft gpus. Knack's soft gpu is the best. Use scanline for better visual. |
586 |
Date: 2002-06-23 23:10:38 Gareth ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I love all your plugins but i wish you could make a better graphics plugin. |
585 |
Date: 2002-06-23 10:46:14 RAMA ( / no homepage) wrote: I like very much ISS PRO EVOLUTION 2. But when I installed new drivers for my video card this games sometimes playing too slow, sometimes too fast. Can be this problem solved ? |
584 |
Date: 2002-06-23 03:32:04 Cloud ( / no homepage) wrote: do you need openGl to run the you plugins? |
583 |
Date: 2002-06-22 10:04:41 RAMA ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi there! Hello from Russia. Thank you very much, Pete, for your ARTWORK. Your plugins are the best of the best. Do you have any plugins for IMPACT emulator? Thank you very much again! :) |
582 |
Date: 2002-06-20 21:52:25 power lich ( / wrote: s3 trio 3d/2x has not rendering function. Try one of soft gpus or change your card. |
581 |
Date: 2002-06-18 17:09:45 john red ( / no homepage) wrote: Its only another thanks to you I wish i could have somthing to offer people out there like u do thanks.. |
580 |
Date: 2002-06-18 01:48:59 Skeet ( / wrote: thanks for the stuff... i still have yet to see if the whole epsxe emulator works though from sin sity, las vegas, NV |
579 |
Date: 2002-06-14 01:11:09 David ( no email / no homepage) wrote: i very glad to be able to use all your work. Mi pc is now a playstation. thanks from spain |
578 |
Date: 2002-06-13 19:37:24 Thijs Rieken ( / no homepage) wrote: I play AMD ath600 128 RAM Nvidia geforce2mx400 64mb. An rpg game called Jade Cocoon, which I am heavily hung on to, has a slight prob with ur plugin: the health bars are displayed twice the length they should be! Except for this I just loooooove ur GPU's!! |
577 |
Date: 2002-06-11 10:21:33 Loo Seng Mun ( / wrote: yo man.... your plugin is the best but still can't run properly on some game like japanese game... keep working hard. |
576 |
Date: 2002-06-10 00:44:11 Edie ( / wrote: What is the nature of your bisnis? I saw many computers there. Can I get the source code of your D3D plugin? I want to learn for my self, maybe I could make a good changes specially for my onboard i815(8Mb) :) cheap eh? You do a great jobs for those plugins, how you do that? Thanks, more words later... Edie |
575 |
Date: 2002-06-08 09:54:45 Spectre ( no email / no homepage) wrote: From Russia with love! Thanks for plugins! sorry for bad English... good luck! |
574 |
Date: 2002-06-07 06:42:42 minh hieu ( / no homepage) wrote: i have s3 trio3d/2x video card what drive gpu support with my video card the pete gpu is very slow |
573 |
Date: 2002-06-04 09:25:44 Kerg ( / no homepage) wrote: Es gibt bemerkenswerte Menschen!! Don Miguel und Du Pete.. gehören sicher dazu.. |
572 |
Date: 2002-06-03 02:45:27 Alyss ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, you're great! Tanks to your work, i can play my (broken) PS games ^_^ |
571 |
Date: 2002-06-01 00:11:53 Subra Jamal ( / no homepage) wrote: I downloded all these gpu's and saved them in my plugin files in my epsxe version 1.5.2. and then when I went to wizard configuration after i past the scph1001.bin part, they said i still didnt have a gpu.What wrong with my emulator? |
570 |
Date: 2002-05-31 13:59:08 Tendo Okaido ( / no homepage) wrote: Congrats!!!!!!!!! Alle deine Plugins laeuft sehr gut, Danke Vielmals. Tout votre Plugins travaille tres bien, Merci Beaucoup. Todos Tus Plugins Trabajan realmente bien, Gracias Eternas!!!! |
569 |
Date: 2002-05-30 11:58:56 Path ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great Work 1.62 Pete~!!!! Very thanks ur plugin. I will use ur all plugin 4ever! |
568 |
Date: 2002-05-30 09:07:14 lek ( / wrote: hey i really like what you've done with your plugins.FF8+FF7 runs great with your plugins keep up the good work :) |
567 |
Date: 2002-05-30 01:37:17 Joaquin ( no email / wrote: I´m from Argentina!!! You are great! with your stuff I play Winning Eleven 2000 in my pc! |
566 |
Date: 2002-05-27 16:55:06 D.O.S. \x/arLord ( no email / wrote: YOU IS THA' MAN! PETE RULEZ!!! |
565 |
Date: 2002-05-27 01:13:04 TrueKaiser ( / no homepage) wrote: i think your plugins make the psx emu run better then the orginial psx |
564 |
Date: 2002-05-26 12:36:43 david ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I just want to say a big thanks for the effort that you put into your site. Its appreciated. |
563 |
Date: 2002-05-26 03:18:33 David Freeman ( / no homepage) wrote: Keep up the good work, e-mail me if you have any questions for an electronics tech. I might have an answer. Peace. |
562 |
Date: 2002-05-22 13:47:01 mista ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ach, ganz vergessen: der hammer ist, dass deine gpu bei mir auf einer !defekten! gf2 wunderbar läuft ! alle anderen 3d-apps fliegen mit hardreset davon, sobald auf die karte 3d-mässig zugegriffen wird. psx läuft, hehee, das rult vielleicht :-) |
561 |
Date: 2002-05-22 13:42:52 mista ( no email / no homepage) wrote: alter, wenn ich daran zurück denke, das wir uns schon fast einen runtegeholt haben als duddie's psemupro in der urversion (dos) gerademal die psx-exe auslesen konnte (wilde zahlenkolonnen) .. feier, faust-auf-tisch-dresch.. und jetzt - absolut top, vor allem, dass du dem thema treu geblieben bist ! wann beginnst du mit pete-gpu4pcsx2 :-) ? |
560 |
Date: 2002-05-19 13:39:22 Doydu ( / no homepage) wrote: In your Brazil plugins they are extremely known!!! Among my friends it is almost your pattern plugins! |
559 |
Date: 2002-05-14 15:15:12 Wizkid ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete has m4d el337 n1nj4 sk1llz. :D Thanks alot for the kickass gpu plugins. Shouts out from Norway. |
558 |
Date: 2002-05-14 05:21:02 fan ( / wrote: thanks for your hard working,and since last year, i forgot VGS and bleem!,started to use epsxe,your plug-ins made me happy,thank you~ thanks from china |
557 |
Date: 2002-05-12 09:06:17 Acab S(h)ura ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi great Pete! Sorry, but i have a question. Can you suggest to me where i can find other configuration for the epsxecutor? (sorry for my bad english). Oh....your plug-in are great!!! |
556 |
Date: 2002-05-09 10:47:21 duangchalerm ( / no homepage) wrote: you so cool little voice from thailand |
555 |
Date: 2002-05-08 05:14:11 Kerwyn Archibald ( / wrote: Well my webpage is not yet complete , you will see a curtain there if you do go there, but my main goal there is eventually support the online video game players who so much deserves bragging rights where it's due . i.e. (return to castle wolf.., medal of honor) and other games. The best luitenent, best medic, best engineer, straightest shooter, fastest killer ,etc.. but i'm not here for that , I'm here to than God for sending someone like you to earth to carry on such a wonderful legacy of such a great system. The PSX.. Thank you so much for creating this emulator and most importantly , enhancing it's abilities to do better things ahead. You must be one depressed man , because I can see how much work is put into this. I also intake a few C and C++ projects and I'm working on a Dreamcast emulator called PlayCast But anyway, I love playing final fantasy VII and I really wanted to relive the moments of this game. The graphics is top notch, running at a perfect 32mb, and a 640x480 res.. perfect. a few stops here and there, e.g. when a battle is initiated , there is a slight pause in the swirling of the screen then next you see the battle field with you vs enemies, but that's ok, I'm sure that once I make the CD's ISO format, that would patch up. Also I must say that the video plays, e.g. when cloud jumped on the train to escape soilders was on que, no loading time what soever, imagine ISO? I do have one problem with this game that really chops off 50% of my fun level, and that is the sound. This happens in certain circumstances when you need it most.. Example. WE ALL NEED TO HEAR CLOUD SLASHING THAT HUGE SWORD THROUGH HIS ENEMIES ,but you also want that sword to sound like one and instead it sounds like a coin slash instead of a sword slash, it's really disturbing , and also some of that other sounds that i expected to be there isnt. Now before you assume anything . i.e. selecting for example the CDDA and the XA sound , that has been nurtured all the way , I have read all your readme files 10 times over and made all the adjustments needed , I do have a soundblaster live 5.1 , which should be no problem , and also i don't think that this emulator takes full advantage of the sound card anyways. My video card is a 32 bit radeon ve . I do have the intention of buying the GForce 3 card very soon, maybe that would help.. But the sound in unsatisfactory in this case and if there is any patches that i need to know about , please let me know . I have downloaded all the plugins, so that's not the problem.. Please help me P.s. I have some games that dosen't work at all, please update me on them and tell me if it's at lease work in progress.. (Dragon Valor, GrandStream Saga) Alundra works fine , boy does it bring back memories. Thank you so much for that ,, I'm also working on making a better emulator for Killer instinct I and II.. Till then .. the kid ..... Kerwyn. |
554 |
Date: 2002-05-07 12:27:06 fabbroZ ( / wrote: Yeah Pete :) Great job Congratulation and Best regards from ITALY :D |
553 |
Date: 2002-05-06 15:29:42 John ( / no homepage) wrote: Your page is very good I don't know the the F**k they were talking about. I'm currently learning C++ because i got EPSXE and i wanted to do something like that but i don't have the souce code and i was wandering if you would help me out. |
552 |
Date: 2002-05-02 23:19:25 ComSorg ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. It was just an innocent joke, nothing more. Actually I think Russia is wonderful place to live despite its constant political turmoil and other displays of "magic" as you called it :). And of course nobody thinks Russian people drink vodka 24/7, its just a funny stereotype it's fun to play with. :) |
551 |
Date: 2002-05-02 23:04:57 Spectre ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey! people! dont offend me! Russia its a country of magic! %) crazy politics, peoples, very anger police! its very cool! yes, im undestand everybody of we is off if drink also vodka that im... but im a work on im help people.. and make me money! im not a loaf!.. goodluck! =) |
550 |
Date: 2002-05-02 09:23:07 Path ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete Thx u all plugin! I will use them all! Best wish from China to U |
549 |
Date: 2002-05-01 12:00:17 s.a ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for your new plug in. |
548 |
Date: 2002-04-30 22:38:21 ComSorg ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You better avoid going to Moscow unless you want to put an end to you life, because you'll have to drink vodka with every crazy Russian who appreciates your great work. Believe me, no organism could sustain such high alcohol concentration in its blood (unless you have a Russian roots and been practicising a lot). :) |
547 |
Date: 2002-04-29 16:41:34 bahram ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Thank you for your new plug in you rock |
546 |
Date: 2002-04-29 16:32:26 oscar ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thank you |
545 |
Date: 2002-04-29 13:54:16 obsidian ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, thanks for the great plugins! They rock the house... |
544 |
Date: 2002-04-29 03:06:21 Squaresoft74 ( / no homepage) wrote: Yeah Pete :) Keep up the great job Congratulation and Best regards from France :) |
543 |
Date: 2002-04-29 00:24:39 Spectre ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello! Maaan!! you are coooool!!!! im from Russia, Moscow with love! %-))) Thak you very match! for your work!!! if you go to Moscow, call me and you and me drink a vodka! %))) thats is all... Bye! =) |
542 |
Date: 2002-04-28 16:51:03 Slayer Moon ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Use WinRAR to compress all of your excellent works ! |
541 |
Date: 2002-04-28 16:41:02 fluxy ( no email / wrote: YO cool worx!!!!!!!! |
540 |
Date: 2002-04-28 12:24:33 ammoQ ( / wrote: Excellent work, pete! Thanks! |
539 |
Date: 2002-04-27 02:45:21 kkk ( / no homepage) wrote: thank you |
538 |
Date: 2002-04-26 19:58:23 lObster ( / no homepage) wrote: Top class, top class!! Your plugins are top class!!! Thanks a lot Pete!! :-D |
537 |
Date: 2002-04-25 20:58:40 orl ( / no homepage) wrote: jjj |
536 |
Date: 2002-04-24 15:23:09 Ricardo O. Tiburzio ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete's Thank you for you work is very good. Best regards Ricardo from Buenos Aires Argentina |
535 |
Date: 2002-04-24 05:34:56 Jamie ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi,pete,how are you? I am really fond of your fine plugins and all.kinda admire you*^^* for bringing us so many good stuffs.and,if it is possible,come and visit here in China, you won't regret it~ |
534 |
533 |
Date: 2002-04-18 22:00:30 Telly ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pete love the plugins by the way intel 82810 video card bites my card wont let me change resolution higher than 640 480 no idea why your plugin rock though keep em coming |
532 |
Date: 2002-04-14 22:48:36 Reinaldo Carvalho ( / wrote: Hi Pete! i am a brazilian boy and student of computer science. i think that you is really great programmer! =) Bye.. Sorry my poor English. years ago i dont practice.. A Linux User! |
531 |
Date: 2002-04-13 05:40:48 Chad ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Chad here. Haven't been in the guestbook since somewhere around 470. First of all, your plugins are awesome. Nobody is more dedicated or better than you. Second, you should get rid of that crap written by "Loaki". Well, not much else to say... haven't got any new PSX games to test... FF8 and Red Asphalt still working great... So what about that Blaze & Blade game? Is it cool? Where did you get it? |
530 |
Date: 2002-04-12 19:59:59 power lich ( / wrote: Dracula 2 square problems are still appearing. (v3) |
529 |
Date: 2002-04-12 05:18:14 Matthew ( / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to say that this is really great. My Playstation broke and now I can still play my wonderful games. Thanks Pete. |
528 |
Date: 2002-04-11 19:14:02 flabioh ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, are you one of the people that helped with the renderers for ZiNc? If so, please visit the ZiNc message board because there have been a few posts in regards to the renderer.;f=24 Thanks |
527 |
Date: 2002-04-11 06:34:39 Loaki ( no email / no homepage) wrote: "Auricom wrote: Hey, loaki, you are the bigest fuck of them all. And you fucking ipionion doesn't care to anyone!" HEY AURICOCK I DIDNT CATCH THAT MY IPIONION WAS IT? FUCKING GENIUS, I WISH I COULD BE AS INTELLIGENT AS YOU!! |
526 |
Date: 2002-04-11 00:05:09 power lich ( / wrote: Everything is Allah.(As God in your language.) Pete is a theist. |
525 |
Date: 2002-04-10 22:09:14 Garrett ( / no homepage) wrote: The new GPUs are great. I couldn't get FF9 to work right before but now its almost perfect. |
524 |
Date: 2002-04-10 15:33:25 Auricom ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey, loaki, you are the bigest fuck of them all. And you fucking ipionion doesn't care to anyone! |
523 |
Date: 2002-04-09 19:16:39 Spectre ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello! I`m from Russia with love! %)) Thank you for quality plugins! and for you do this free! The plugins worked excelent!! One more thanks and sorry for bad english... Good luck man! |
522 |
Date: 2002-04-09 15:35:54 Ryan ( / no homepage) wrote: very good plugins Pete! keep up the good work! |
521 |
Date: 2002-04-09 12:37:29 rinoa ( / no homepage) wrote: I can't finish Valkyrie profile with rank A because there is a critical error when Lizard revives Valkyrie,a never turning back black screen. :( plase help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
520 |
Date: 2002-04-08 21:33:19 ReMUs ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, Some damn good work your doin', Nothing pleases me more than ppls faces when you put a psx disc in a PC AND IT LOADS. SWEET. Also, The OpenGL plugin is the dogs bollards 8o). Don't work to hard, Get some R&R. |
519 |
518 |
Date: 2002-04-07 22:04:24 Drazen Pekusic ( / no homepage) wrote: tell me,man,sometimes about you playstation emulators!!! |
517 |
Date: 2002-04-07 04:19:15 Blah ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I'm finally convinced... Pete is God.. And God is good. |
516 |
Date: 2002-04-05 19:50:21 BIG R. ( DJRASHDOG@AOL.COM / no homepage) wrote: I'M USING TOOLS AND I HAVE A Q:THE GAMEPAD IS NOT WORKING .. IT PLAYS FFIX |
515 |
Date: 2002-04-04 22:34:02 axus ( no email / no homepage) wrote: your plugins rock dude!!!!! |
514 |
Date: 2002-04-04 19:48:22 power lich ( / wrote: hi there Pete Have you test new ps2 emu? Is it working copied ps2 games? Does it compatible with pc dvd-rom drivers? for instance: LG,Pioneer |
513 |
Date: 2002-04-04 13:49:39 yc.zhou ( / no homepage) wrote: I have met some problems when playing valkyrie proflie.When I enter some places ,the screen turns black- the plugin I'm using is pete's soft driver1.54,and the emu is epsxe 1.51,can you help to solve it? It will be very kind of you. |
512 |
Date: 2002-04-04 10:33:34 arsinic ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey wussup, jus wanna give you props on your plug in, nice job. ;x |
511 |
Date: 2002-04-04 01:02:01 Spekkio ( / no homepage) wrote: Droolworty plugins.... And the plain site design is all you ready need anyway |
510 |
Date: 2002-04-02 11:49:34 Mes ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, wollte dir nur sagen das ich deine Arbeit bewundere!! |
509 |
Date: 2002-04-01 16:52:54 Mr.Firestarter ( / wrote: Hi,Pete There is a problem with "Jackie Chan Stuntmaster".After first logo,game is stopped. Your plugins are rules all PSXEMU world,so keep it that way |
508 |
Date: 2002-03-30 21:55:48 power lich ( / wrote: Ahoy Pete 16 mb voodoo 3 out,16 mb tnt in because Frank Harbert's Dune can't work on v3. It wants 16 mb tnt. Did you test Guilty Gear X? It is ps2 emulation game for pc. |
507 |
Date: 2002-03-30 15:07:28 Roc Deng ( / no homepage) wrote: I like you Plug-ins very much! It's the best one!!! |
506 |
Date: 2002-03-28 03:45:57 CEmil ( / no homepage) wrote: OK This glicth is in both your DX and OPenGL plugins IF i put the res higher then my desktop res in the plugin i the startbar show in the game and it stays on screen while playing the game this need to be fix for people that have 800x600 desktop res to play the games at highr res's like 1024x768 and 1280x1024 |
505 |
Date: 2002-03-27 21:07:48 power lich ( / wrote: Ahoy Pete There are visual problems for characters on King Of Fighers 96,97,98 at your gpu d3d see you later PART BIONIC AND ORGANIC NOT A CYBORG CALL HIM PSYCHOTRON MEGADETH |
504 |
Date: 2002-03-26 07:15:27 tom ( no email / no homepage) wrote: yesterday i get psx game RASCAL to worked with open gl I COULD NOT get the game to work! the game is from psygnosis...can it be because i heavy protection or what? anybody? |
503 |
Date: 2002-03-25 20:49:06 tfi ( no email / no homepage) wrote: You're simply a guru. A genius. I'd really like to have your brain... Greets from Italy :) |
502 |
Date: 2002-03-23 21:22:22 Ken_Masters ( / Http:// wrote: Cool page man! good plugins! that photo 'The Black Dove at work...' is cool! Wow |
501 |
Date: 2002-03-22 14:35:56 Hayoto ( / no homepage) wrote: Thx pete for the hard work and updates you rock |
500 |
Date: 2002-03-22 03:55:16 david lopez arreguin ( / no homepage) wrote: hi, "saludos" from mexico great plugins, i have a riva tnt2 and a voodo banshee creative video cards, for yours plugins the best video card is the creative blaster banshee¡¡, and it works with de "old" driver, no the recently drivers from de homepage, the drivers from de cd instalation are good, and directx 7.0, works¡¡, ah one thing i upgrade de bios only that |
499 |
Date: 2002-03-21 22:15:19 Gustavo ( / no homepage) wrote: Dude your awsome i finaly found what I needed thank you. |
498 |
Date: 2002-03-21 03:09:30 CEmil ( / no homepage) wrote: How bout puting the ablity to adjust the brightness in your opengl plug-in u have it in your D3d plug-in but not in youe opengl Why?? |
497 |
Date: 2002-03-20 20:39:44 Bill ( / no homepage) wrote: Great plugins, thanks |
496 |
Date: 2002-03-20 15:25:36 liquid ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi, pete I like the fary tale section lol! |
495 |
Date: 2002-03-20 01:29:19 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hooray, now lewpy is back... hmm, what does that mean? ;) |
494 |
Date: 2002-03-17 20:21:37 power lich ( / wrote: Ahoy Pete I don't understand that why lewpy's gpu's mdec quality is better than yours. And why your mdec qual.still same although you release every month a new gpu? See you later... |
493 |
Date: 2002-03-15 09:26:56 Max ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks Nave. |
492 |
Date: 2002-03-15 00:38:31 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Max, go to the compability lists in the emulation sites and look for your entry to see if this game works at all with ePSXe. Try some differnet combinations of settings in your plugins. I don't have this game so I can't help much. You can also try to post on the ePSXe support messageboard in and see if someone will help you. Pete rarely posts in this guestbook so I guess it's up to you. |
491 |
Date: 2002-03-14 22:21:24 daniel ( / no homepage) wrote: hello pete first at all i will say ´thank you for all your support. you are great your plugins are great . im watching emu szene for several years. and your plugins becomes more and more complete. so now im asking you. is it possible for you to make plugins in the same quality for n64 emulators? it seems that this is more complicated because there are only a few plugins outthere.maybe you can put some FAQs for plugins programming on your website. so keep great. |
490 |
Date: 2002-03-14 19:40:50 Wizkid ( / no homepage) wrote: Big ups to you man. Your plugns own. Just a quick question tho. I'm experiencing your latest OpenGL pluging hanging my machine and printing lots of small white squares over my screen. Just wondered what it could be. (Using Geforce3 ti500 with the 27.42 drivers) Anyways, keep up the good work, kupo! (^0^) ;] |
489 |
Date: 2002-03-14 19:18:14 Satisified User ( no email / no homepage) wrote: First off, let me say that I haven't used my PS1 in over a year... I just moved and saw my game collection, and looked into emulation for my pc. After just a few hours of research on the net, I was up and running! Very easy to use, I use ePSXe 1.5.1 nicely done freeware package. I was ready to purchase Bleem! but couldn't find it anywhere (ie, and related sites) Anyway, i use Pete's plugins and have _no_ problems! Thanks to everyone who worked on this project! |
488 |
Date: 2002-03-14 10:39:30 Max ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete and Nave, Please tell me why I can't play Beast Wars Transformers in Epsxe version 1.5.1?Do you have any suggestion to make this game work.Please tell me Pete or Nave,I need and answer because I only have 2 days to play the computer starts from now.Please help me. |
487 |
Date: 2002-03-14 01:09:05 Trigger Happy ( no email / no homepage) wrote: It's people like yourself that make the internet interesting. Thanx |
486 |
Date: 2002-03-13 20:03:25 Dario ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete I'd tell you something "strange" about subchannel reading with your new cdrom plugin on the new epsxe. I've got a Yamaha Cdrw8424 on WinMe, and I believe it supports subchannel reading since I've made many backup copies of protected games/programs, and I've never encountered problems. If I choose subchannel reading (I tried with all options: directly from cd, with info file etc) no protected games runs (i've got resident evil 3 pal italian and final fantasy 8 pal italian, and none of them loads this way). This is not so strange, I thought maybe my cdrw is not supported.. the strange thing is that if I don't choose any subchannel option and I try to run a game copy protected, it runs! doh! I'm reffering to the copy of resident evil 3 that I made with clonecd: with old epsxe it used to hang in the first screen without ppf. With final fantasy 8 I've another kind of problem: it hangs at the beginning of an mdec late in the game, nearly at the end of disc 1 (after the witch speaks and kills Rinoa's father, if you've played it), and I can't get it to run with all version/configuration of epsxe and your plugin, old or new, neither with the proper ppf crack: sometimes I get an error (dohh zero reg != 0), if I try to use a hd image i get error "opcode 3f UNK (PC001e8cc8) (27117969,19)" I remember that during burning with clonecd around 77% of progress the disc hanged for a while, then started to burn again; i guess that's part of the protection (bad sectors on the disc), but I don't know how to get it work; i hope that you have some advices on both issues, especially I really would find a way to play ff8! |
485 |
Date: 2002-03-13 12:54:32 Hans ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete and Dave, I have a question.Can you tell me how I can play Beast Wars and Digimontamers:Digimon Rumble Arena in epsxe version 1.5.1?When I try to Play both of the games,there crash and I don't know how to make it work.Pleaseeeeeeeee tell me how i can fix the problem. |
484 |
Date: 2002-03-13 02:02:59 Dan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, just wanted to stop by your homepage and find out a little about you. I've been using your plugins for a long time now. I remember when I saw that you wrote audio plugins as well as the amazing video plugins. Now I am reading about your amazing cdr plugins! Thanks for all your hard and intelligent work! |
483 |
Date: 2002-03-12 20:31:34 Edward ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for Linux version plugins. 70 fps in 800x600 mode is great ! |
482 |
Date: 2002-03-12 04:54:51 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: FPSE, We will remember you, please RIP... :( |
481 |
Date: 2002-03-11 20:35:45 Tatunoko ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good afternoon My name is Tatunoko. I don't know English. The plug-in which you made is wonderful. But, there is a funny place with some of the games. Ranma 1/2 Battle Renaissance There is a part which graphics isn't indicated in. All of this are the same with D3D OGL SOFT P.E.Op.S. But, when it is SeguD3D, E}I{'s softGPU, it is indicated. Therefore, it is not the problem of EPSXE. Here is a screen shot. Here is a saving state file. prays that it is repaired. Then, prays that a word is understood. |
480 |
Date: 2002-03-11 19:21:40 Rama ^_^ ( / no homepage) wrote: Hallo, ich wollt mich auch mal für deine gute Arbeit bedanken. Deine Gpu´s sind klasse.... |
479 |
Date: 2002-03-11 10:19:12 Hans ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete, You have already make a new plugins for cdr.Congratulations.Why you don't make a new version of gpu and spu plugins that compatible with epsxe 1.5.1?I hope you can considered about my suggestion.Bye. |
478 |
Date: 2002-03-11 00:14:15 power lich ( / wrote: Viva football's sound problem The game's mdec music is slow. I tried everything but no success.(your spu) See you later Pete Take care of yourself. |
477 |
Date: 2002-03-09 23:39:37 Exile In Paradise ( / wrote: Greetings from Texas, Pete! Wanted to share a problem and the fix with you: Hardware: Dual P-II 450 with nVidia GeForce 2 MX OS: RedHat 7.2 kernel 2.4.9-31smp Video Driver: nVidia_kernel 2.4.9-31smp 2802 OpenGL: nVidia GLX 1.0 2808 Emu: ePSXe for Linux 1.5.0 GPU: gpuPeteMesaGL 1.0.58 SPU: spuPeteOSS 1.0.14 Using the default RedHat install, I was able to install nVidia Linux drivers and have ePSXe work perfectly. After upgrading RedHat 7.2 to 2.4.9-31 and nVidia drivers to match, ePSXe would crash when the gpu plugin initialized. I switched back to gpuPeteSoftX 1.0.54 which worked well but slowly. A few seconds digging through nVidia's Linux driver FAQ revealed the fix to get the MesaGL plugin working: sudo /sbin/ldconfig cleaned up the libGL links modified by the nVidia GLX install. Hopefully this info gives a little more about systems where your plugins work, and helps someone else avoid a lot of frustration. Thanks very much Pete for all your hard work!WipeOut doesn't even look this good on my PS2! |
476 |
Date: 2002-03-09 16:18:27 Taufik ( / wrote: Hii Pete What wrong, Why you don't make a new GPU plugins? I always check you site, to get new GPU plugin ;) bye |
475 |
Date: 2002-03-09 03:06:48 Hans ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete, Why you don't make a new GPU plugins? |
474 |
Date: 2002-03-08 03:00:13 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Michael, try to set "frame buffer textures" to "2: GFX Card Buffer", it may slowdown even more, but if you wanna see those fancy yet, no offence, meaningless effects, that's the only way I guess... :P |
473 |
Date: 2002-03-07 00:15:40 Michael Klotsman ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, I'm currently using ePSXe 1.5.0, with you OpenGL Plugin (1.58). Most of the games I play are perfect, except for a few like Final Fantasy 8 and 9. Whenever I start a fight, there is meant to be a screen shift (if you've ever played any of them on the PSX). Now, when this 'shift' is meant to happen, there is a very serious slowdon, which lasts for about 20 seconds until the 'shift' ends. What can I do to improve/fix this? I'm currently using an AMD Athlon XP 1600+ (1400MHZ) with an ATI Radeon VIVO. I'd really appreciate your help cause your plugin works the best for me. Thanks in advance. Mike ;) |
472 |
Date: 2002-03-06 18:34:20 Arundo ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi I don't know where else I could ask so I hope you can help me. For example the PAL FF7 works fine for me on epsxe with all your plug-ins. But FF8 jap. for example doesn't work. I don't know why? The emu says it ain't incompatible... |
471 |
Date: 2002-03-05 15:21:48 lu ran ( / no homepage) wrote: I use linux and the drive provided by Nvidia. Now I'm using Mesa GPU, the speed is great.but no matter what SPU I choose except null SPU, I always get a segmentation fault, If I use mesa lib, It seems the SPU is ok, but the speed is very very slow, Is this due to Nvidia's buggy driver or something wrong with the GPU or SPU, I just write to tell you this. Hope you can make some improve in the next version. Thank you very much |
470 |
Date: 2002-03-05 03:03:21 Chad ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Oh yeah one more thing, in the "tested" PSX games section of this site (the place that lists some games & demos and how they work), how come "Blaze & Blade" is in there? I looked it up and it wasn't released in US except on PC, so I thought the PC port might have screwed the game somehow, so the PSX version would be better. I noticed the text was German or something, how can I get this game and, most of all, is it cool? |
469 |
Date: 2002-03-05 02:49:34 Chad ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Chad here again. As many PSX games will have minor or sometimes major bugs, I would like to help other people as much as I can with advice on how to get a game to work. The most recent problem I seen posted on here was with Legend of Dragoon. I don't own that game, but I might soon (gotta go on a PSX game shopping spree). So I'll do whatever I can to try to get as many grade-A PSX titles to run good, but I need some advice myself...I mentioned this before, but Rogue Trip and Eternal Eyes have some bugs if I could somehow figure out how to fix these. |
468 |
Date: 2002-03-05 00:19:48 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Arkam, you don't need the stupid "ps2emu" to play your games on the counsle itself, it's just a h0ax |
467 |
Date: 2002-03-04 22:45:32 mike ( no email / no homepage) wrote: o yea and one more thing YOU RULE MAN!!! thanx for building this web site man it rules yea |
466 |
Date: 2002-03-04 22:40:16 Mike ( / no homepage) wrote: ok pete iv'e look around and read a whole bunch of stuff, downloaded a few new plugins and some emulators and read a few of your helpful hints, but im stupid and i still need help i was wondering if you could help... i need to know what is the best combonation of tools, emulators and plugin settings to use to get an opnium preformence with ff7!? |
465 |
Date: 2002-03-04 21:30:59 Pete's fan ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plugins are very good! And also your room! I played Driver 2, and I've a (little) problem: game menus disappear or show garbages. I've a GeForce 3. And please, continue the nice work for our poor mortals! Thanks! tfi |
464 |
Date: 2002-03-04 16:36:28 arkam ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, the Link for download de ps2emu for ps2 its not working, i want to try it in my ps2, please can you fix, thanks |
463 |
Date: 2002-03-04 14:51:53 Sébastien Harelle ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, It seems that there's a little bug in xenogears with the OGL and direct3D plugins : there's a black screen instead of the background picture when calling the menu. However, your plugins are great (the best ones with lempy's)!!! |
462 |
Date: 2002-03-04 06:40:20 Redlenard ( / wrote: When I used your plugin, the picture still look garbage. But your plugin still the best |
461 |
Date: 2002-03-04 05:19:50 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hmmm, then why do you "decide" that lewpy is dead? sorry for my comprehension but "must be an end" doesn't sound like an advise... I am just saying that we should give our support to the emu coder no matter what he is or is not doing, so be calm powerlich, and stop calling people idiots, please. ;) |
460 |
Date: 2002-03-04 00:55:39 power lich ( / wrote: I don't like other speaker for me. I didn't give a command to Pete. I only gave an advise. you misunderstandable idiot. |
459 |
Date: 2002-03-04 00:36:39 Nuno Coelho ( / no homepage) wrote: First of all, a deep and sincere thanks for the development of great plugins for PSX emulation. The bug i'm posting happens in "Chrono Cross". In some scenes where "heat waves" or a circular effect occurs (like a water circle after a stone is thrown in the water)the screen turns almost all black except for a small part of the screen. This happens in the latest version of your D3D and OGL plugins in EPSXE. With your software plugin, this doesn't happen. System: Athlon 1GHZ, 256MB RAM, Asus GeForce2MX 32MB. Sorry for such a long post. |
458 |
Date: 2002-03-03 17:03:56 Doug ( / no homepage) wrote: I can't seem to "the Lengend of Dragoon" to work. What can you suggest. Sometimes I can get it to start, but not very far into it, it freezes. ???? |
457 |
Date: 2002-03-03 07:36:04 neoh ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete,Why you don't update your homepages. |
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Date: 2002-03-03 06:00:21 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Whether it should be an end to his PSX emulation coding or not is left for Pete himself to decide, not you powerlich... |
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Date: 2002-03-02 23:50:57 power lich ( / wrote: Well Pete I don't understand that why he is working too long for his holy gpu. I follow you and you release your gpus every month. I appreciate your efforts for psx emu. And finally I think your psx emu work must be an end.Because you solved that psx one exactly. I like to do a favor everyone.Especially for you. |
454 |
Date: 2002-03-02 23:45:15 Chad ( no email / no homepage) wrote: This is the first time I have been here... First off, I have been using ePSXe and your plugins for some time, and they work awesome!!! All other emus and plugins are very incompatible, slow, or buggy (mostly buggy), but these just rock!!! So, props to you for that. I have a few PSX games, so here they are and how they work: Final Fantasy VIII is working great. Eternal Eyes runs good too, but the camera is shaky (not sure if it was originally supposed to be like that, maybe someone else knows). Red Asphalt works good, but sometimes messes up graphics on title screen and sometimes freezes when watching car company movies. And as for my one PSX that doesn't work, Rogue Trip, it DID work in ePSXe vs. 1.4.0, but not in 1.5.0. I have already deleted the 1.4.0 version, so can't go back. It has title screen errors, it did in 1.4.0 too, but in 1.5.0 it freezes when you select a car. I have tried different configs with the plugins, but it doesn't work. Last and least, my 2 stupid PSX games, Psybadek and Total Eclipse Turbo, work also. Keep up the good work, Pete. Chad |
453 |
Date: 2002-03-02 21:32:05 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: PETE, THAT IS YOUR FIRST & WISEST MESSAGE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN THIS BOARD! YOU ROCK!!! LOL |
452 |
Date: 2002-03-02 14:27:54 Daniele ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete Thanks a lot for your plug in, I'm italian boy and sorry for eventually errors of grammatical but I study English at school and I'm not expert. Thanks,Thanks, because I have resolt a problem with Xenogears on epsxe. Thanks, Thanks. You are great!! Bye Daniele |
451 |
Date: 2002-03-02 13:39:46 Pete Bernert ( no email / no homepage) wrote: mmm... powerlich... I think that Lewpy can live with your decision that he is dead ;) mmm... but could you do me a favour and declare me dead as well, so you don't have to waste your precious time anymore with your wise messages on my guestbook? :) |
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Date: 2002-03-01 20:20:54 power lich ( / wrote: best mdec graphics are at lewpys old gpu I decided that he is dead. |
449 |
Date: 2002-03-01 18:53:03 Flávio ( no email / no homepage) wrote: D3D 7 is the best alternative for my VOODOO4 AGP CARD.(better than Lewpys GLIDE). Thank you Pete..! |
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Date: 2002-02-28 11:39:12 sabrina ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete, I have a question.Why I can't play Gran Turismo 2 in ePSXe version 1.5?Can you give me a suggestion,what I shoul do to correct this problem please.I really hope that you will help me about this problem.I really want to play this game. |
447 |
Date: 2002-02-27 06:10:13 Peter ( / no homepage) wrote: Oh i used Pete's DX6 D3D Driver 1.58. It works as well on my PC as on TV. Only problem i got is that when i play BOF 3 ...... startin of the game i was fightin this "Boss Goblin" ( a monster who order others to fight a person he aim ) ..... the problem is WHENEVER he escapes..... the game just hang there....... am i the only one who get this problem ? is there hope for this problem? |
446 |
Date: 2002-02-27 02:25:54 doby_clark ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey pete, i just wanted to tell you that your plugins work great, i just wished that there was a more compatable audio plugin for the ePSXe emulator, i have been searching, and have had no luck finding a compatable plugin for tony hawk, and mostly any other game without it working seamlessly. well that is it, if you have any suggestions please write me back. thanks, doby clark p.s. please dont post my e-mail on your sight, i only give it to people i know/trust/need thanx again |
445 |
Date: 2002-02-26 19:43:43 xobro ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! May you please put also the old versions of your great cdr plugin for download on your page? You already do this for the others plugins... It would be useful because FPSe works better with versions before 1.04 Thanks in advance and keep up the great work! ciao |
444 |
Date: 2002-02-25 02:54:02 nick ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete Why when i use your cd rom plugins for epsxe it doesn't work? |
443 |
Date: 2002-02-24 18:56:32 STAGEDIVER ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just two words : THANK YOU !!! I use all your plugins and they work best for me !!! (AMD Athlon 500@733, ASUS K7-M, GeForce 2 GTS, Soundblaster PCI 128, 768 MB RAM) Continue your fine work ! Thanks again ! |
442 |
Date: 2002-02-24 01:35:27 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: wow, you all must think that Pete is a full-time emulator developer LOL... remember, he is doing all these for fun, PAY him if you want to make him do what you want him to do! |
441 |
Date: 2002-02-23 23:22:42 Teoh ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete,can you make a new version of gpu plugins that can solve alll the problem in psx games please. |
440 |
Date: 2002-02-22 22:31:14 power lich ( / wrote: update your site with useful news. |
439 |
Date: 2002-02-22 12:54:56 keith ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, Why don't you make a new plugins?You are not clever enough to make a new version |
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Date: 2002-02-21 20:23:01 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Your plugin version are getting better and better.Great work.I have found that mdec in Gran Turismo 2 in Opengl lacks about 10fps compared with Direct3d and SoftGPU.In the last two the mdec quality is great with or without unfiltered buffers but in mdec even the use of unfiltered buffers doesn improved the framerate and the quality worsens alot. I wonder if it is possible to add an option to have and software processing only of opengl mdec so as to play them at reasonable speed. Keep up the good work!!! |
437 |
Date: 2002-02-21 19:27:09 SdshwCecil ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Im sorry. I didn't notice that a few releases of the open source soft GPU had been released. Anyway, the bugs are still present. Being more descriptive they are of the "colorful static" type when the characters attempt to do certain moves. Also, some sprites seems to dissapear occationally, but this could be due to my settings/slow system. The soft setting are to the default nice. Sprite fix for Abe's Odessey does nothing helpful. Also, I don't mean to sound beggy and really appreciate you hard work on the plug-ins. I know you just don't "make" bugs disappear/features appear. |
436 |
Date: 2002-02-21 18:31:54 SdshwCecil ( / no homepage) wrote: Just want to say I love your Soft Plug in for Windows. I like the Open Glide one too, but I use the soft for the games that work best/only with it. I know its open source now, but until there's an official release I guess its still Pete's plug in . Also, Id like to make a bug report involving the Soft GPU for Windows. I can not confirm its a GPU plug in though b/c I have not been able to get the game to work with any other plug in yet on my system. The game is Legend of Mana (US). The only graphics errors I have found mainly occur during a battle sorry I'm not being more specific. Maybe I can fool with things more though. |
435 |
Date: 2002-02-20 03:21:22 Brian ( / no homepage) wrote: Just letting you know that your generosity is appreciated by a common emulator-or. :) |
434 |
Date: 2002-02-19 22:35:23 David ( / no homepage) wrote: tengo un equipo amd Atlhon a 1400Mhz 256 de ram win xp un ati rage 128 pro de 32Mb y no he podido jugar psx con ningun emulador |
433 |
Date: 2002-02-19 13:21:46 Chris ( / no homepage) wrote: I have a problem with your openGl plugin. Whenever I enter a bttle in FF9, it freezes my comp. I have a diamond stealth 32 meg card, which uses the savage 3 chip. I'm just wondering if it is your plugin, or my video card. Your d3d and dx6 d3d drivers work fine. Thanks. |
432 |
Date: 2002-02-19 12:39:11 Sabrina ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Please answer my question.Please............ |
431 |
Date: 2002-02-19 09:59:06 Yoshi ( / wrote:
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Date: 2002-02-19 08:39:39 max ( no email / no homepage) wrote: can you make a newer version of gpu version 1.59 that can fix all problems in final fantasy 9.Please |
429 |
Date: 2002-02-19 08:37:36 Sabrina ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete, Can you tell me why when i play ff9,in the battle mode,there will be no indicator that shows our health and no dialogue box for us to make decision on to attack or to defend ourselve.Can you solve this problem and answer tih question today pleaseeeeeeeeee.I really want to know about it. |
428 |
Date: 2002-02-18 07:26:19 Ricardo Malagon ( / no homepage) wrote: Es muy agradable tu pagina web y tus comentarios en tus paquetes de plugin's. Mucha gente programa muy bien, tu programas bien pero tambien gustas compartir tu exitos con la gente. Disfruto mucho tus textos, porque escribes acerca de tus logros en los plugins de una manera tan amena, que transmites tu felicidad por lo aprendido. |
427 |
Date: 2002-02-18 07:20:51 sabrina ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Can you make the plugin that can solve the problem about glitch and crash at nascar thunder 2002.I hope you can make a new gpu plugins better than your new version 1.58 |
426 |
Date: 2002-02-18 07:07:59 Altima NEO ( / no homepage) wrote: I really love your plugins. Theyre the absolute best! I have a small suggestion tho "TRUFORM" Im sure youve heard of that. Its a technology that is supported by the 8500 Radeon gpu from ATI. For those of you that dont know what it is, it basically interpolates 3d models so that they have more polygons and thus they appear less blocky. And truform can be slapped on to existing models, so the games dont have to be made with truform in mind. If this were added to your GPU plugins it would greatly increase graphic quality in psx games (seeing as how they have fairly low poly models) Great job by the way |
425 |
Date: 2002-02-18 06:40:07 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Gosh looks like Pete's never here or posts anything... :( |
424 |
Date: 2002-02-17 19:32:00 marlon ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pete, think ur plug ins r wonderful, really bring the psx 2 life, but is there a way 2 play parasite eve2 on ur open gl plug in, ive tried but it always crashes after a couple of screens. thanks and keep up the good work. |
423 |
Date: 2002-02-17 09:21:13 max ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello Pete, I have a request.Why when i'm play nascar thunder 2002 in epsxe,the pitcure like having glitches.I hope you can answer this question or develop new pete's GPU.OK.Bye |
422 |
Date: 2002-02-17 02:04:46 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: ahem... since you get so "superb" hardware and the EpsxE team and pete certainly DON'T, plz send some aid to enable them before you ask... |
421 |
Date: 2002-02-16 01:05:19 Kristinn Hergeirsson ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Im taking my first steps in PSX emu. Nice page and great info for newbie like me :P |
420 |
Date: 2002-02-15 20:14:47 Sascha ( / no homepage) wrote: This is in German : Hi Pete Haben sie für den PSX-Emulator auch einen langsehrmen Treiber(.dll)?? Meiner ist für die Spiele zuschnell und deiner auch , leider. Die Musik Spielt so schnell ab das es sich nicht mehr gut anhört und die Mouse ist auch zu schnell (Spiel Gran Turismo) Sonnst ist die Site SUPER !!! |
419 |
Date: 2002-02-15 20:06:33 power lich ( / wrote: Pete I advise you that you write ps2 emu with epsxe team.Don't wonder about our config.I will use super p4 pc and radeon 8500 agp. Technology at these emus. With my regards. PS:YOU DIDN'T CHANGE YOUR HOMEPAGE.I BORE THIS CHRIS STORY. |
418 |
Date: 2002-02-15 19:59:26 Rob ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for all your hard work (Where would us gamers be without people like you)Keep up the good work.... |
417 |
Date: 2002-02-14 03:47:59 isabellacaruso ( / wrote: Eu sou brasileira e nao entendo nada do ingles mas quero montar um site e ter varios jogos para meu computador. muito obrigada, isabella caruso |
416 |
Date: 2002-02-14 03:09:57 Straight ( / no homepage) wrote: It's nothing, i just want to say thanks, i don't know that in this time a good guy like u exists ! |
415 |
Date: 2002-02-14 02:52:33 power lich ( / wrote: bug problem for legend game at when u crush chest. problem: your gpu |
414 |
Date: 2002-02-13 11:26:43 RPGDeveloper ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I just wanted to say: Thx for your plug-ins, you are great ;) |
413 |
Date: 2002-02-12 20:32:21 power lich ( / wrote: pete I NEED A ELECTRO GUITAR PROCESSOR PROGRAMME. HOW CAN I FIND IT? CAN YOU GIVE A NAME? BYE |
412 |
Date: 2002-02-12 07:10:01 Adi S ( / no homepage) wrote: Give me back the chaching read mode!!!!!! Why 'u remove the chaching mode on your pete3d plugin 1.57. i ussualy used the biggest chache mode 'cause my vram is small (8mb) . i can't use your pete3d 1.57 because some glitches and make slow the emu, than i ever used with the old version. Please Give it back the caching read mode to your plugin or else i'm gonna kill 'u ('ops just joking) ps: i still learn english. |
411 |
Date: 2002-02-11 14:36:46 George ( / wrote: Great work on your video plugin Pete. Thanks for bringing it to us! |
410 |
Date: 2002-02-11 00:29:33 jose jorge ( / no homepage) wrote: I need something for chrono cross.......... I am using ePSXe and your grachips plug in but... the game has a big slowdonw in battles.... I had used diferents plug ins but, the best plug in that work whit chrono cross is your plug in..... is there somthing to resolve that, let me know ok? thanks and keep up the good work! |
409 |
Date: 2002-02-10 08:39:20 pat ho ( no email / no homepage) wrote: V157 plugin with epsx150 is fantastic work, congratulations xenon |
408 |
Date: 2002-02-09 20:58:19 george ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just reporting... Extended filtering in Direct3D plugin looks as messy as the extended filtering in OpenGl plugin while this didn't happen i the previous version!! The newly introduced dynamic texture cache introduces artifacts in Direct3D plugin while this doesn't happen in OpenGl!! Finally the unfiltered framebuffer in Opengl give worse quality in mdecs than unfiltered Direct3D framebuffer. Thank you... |
407 |
Date: 2002-02-09 16:44:29 luigi ( no email / no homepage) wrote: sei in gamba! |
406 |
Date: 2002-02-09 01:51:04 power lich ( / wrote: pete actually we are doing something wrong. we still deal with psx one. pc games are better than psx games. we must find futuric game technologies. for ex. writing games(especially frp) and finally great work for epsxe and you unless your gpu and spu emu might dead |
405 |
Date: 2002-02-09 01:40:30 Loopi ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete. Wollt dir nur danken für all deine plugins. Seit Jahren hab ich spaß mit deiner Arbeit. Angefangen bei PSEMU PRO (ich war echt traurig als die homepage verschwand und diesen *X*$$ Bild auf der Seite war....schade drum..) Die Hauptsache ist doch, dass du wenigstens immer noch übrig bist und den Spaß am coden nicht verloren hast. aaach, die guten alten zeiten... so long .. keep on the good work. |
404 |
Date: 2002-02-08 20:48:40 Damac ( / wrote: I jus stepbay to say YOU ARE BEST!!!!!!! Just go on lik that... And don`t stop.... Damac from Croatia |
403 |
Date: 2002-02-08 20:44:00 Arif Tanto Syaliendra ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete, Thanks for providing us a lot-a lot of great features on your plugins. I am the guy who ask you about compiling the linux emulator few days ago (perhaps you don't remember me) and now i can run that emulator on my linux system (not only fpse but pcsx and epsxe as well.) and i would like to report a bug on your MesaGL gpu plugin. The bug is the Final Fantasy 7 texel windows fix is not working (it's really not working i not bsing) Sincerely, Arif Tanto Syaliendra |
402 |
Date: 2002-02-08 19:32:44 Ilia ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete, could you add manual cashe management to your CD plugin? I've got Aopen 1640Pro and Mitsumi 4804Te and they are both bad at reading even copied PSX cd's. |
401 |
Date: 2002-02-08 14:30:32 Aurimas ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, could you add Vsinc option to you GPU plugins |
400 |
Date: 2002-02-08 10:42:51 hang qasturry ( no email / no homepage) wrote: well... i didn't what to say... UR SO GREAT !!! woala... if i'm the writer of this plugin..... |
399 |
Date: 2002-02-07 02:20:46 Siefried E. Espinza ( / no homepage) wrote: Du bist Prima!; vergiss mein deutsch, ich lerne es noch, I admire you, man!, thanx for this great plugins. |
398 |
Date: 2002-02-07 01:16:44 ziming ( / no homepage) wrote: the parasite eve2 can be emulated now with a software named pec to slow it down. the problem fixed although the plug in may have some small bugs i want to thank you for it. |
397 |
Date: 2002-02-06 08:55:04 punkrat ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete: I'm a chinese lived china,sorry for my poor english.Your great job give me great fun!i want to say thanks to you.i wonder if you have writen a GPU for Geforce 2MX,tell me please if you will. And,en...could you write a EMU of DC? Thanks your great jobs again! |
396 |
Date: 2002-02-06 06:09:41 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Kidid, you do NOT need that kind of stuff to play a PS2 game in a PS2 console.... o man I can't believe someone is taking the tales seriously... sigh |
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Date: 2002-02-05 21:58:38 Arif Tanto Syaliendra ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete, I am a new linux user and i have downloaded fpse for linux and it didn work on my linux mandrake system then i goto the readme section of fpse and it says that i must download the source and compiled it for my system but i cannot compiled it since i can understand how to compile it so can you teach how to compile the source please? Sincerely Arif Tanto |
393 |
Date: 2002-02-05 19:17:27 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, The new version of your OPENGL plugin rocks.The visual quality is dramatically improved.Great job!!! Continue suprising us!!! |
392 |
Date: 2002-02-05 17:49:34 David Lau ( / no homepage) wrote: Can you set a freamrate limit checkbox for ff9pal during mdecs please (50 fps during movies 59 during gameplay) Oh and is your open gl / d3d open source? |
391 |
Date: 2002-02-05 14:47:28 kidid ( / no homepage) wrote: pete you said "Just download this file: PS2Emu, burn it on a CD, and insert the CD into your Playstation2 console", but when i click ps2emu,appear private homepage blah..blah.., i need that PS2Emu, please tell me where i get that files ... |
390 |
Date: 2002-02-05 09:03:31 Beny Hakim ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi.. Pete.. ur plugins are best for my VGA Card.. Now i'm playing Monster Rancher 2 (ISO).. but i found a little bug. May I send some screenshot?May be you can fix it.. :) Thanks.. |
389 |
Date: 2002-02-05 05:10:11 Cesar ( / no homepage) wrote: hello!!!!, im from costa rica and i really glad to use u'rs petes software, i got a ati rage and i got a problem whit my open gl, but the dont said nothing, i really think that the ati company dont care about any of us, so if any one can tellme how to updait my open gl whit out loose my tv program, plz help me, but all ways im will be whit all of u "emusguys" keep emu and live 4 ever, and a "Good job for Pete" thanks!!!! |
388 |
Date: 2002-02-05 03:34:22 power lich ( / wrote: I tested your gpu.That works best on voodoo 3. lewpy?He is in the winter sleep. NEVER WINTER NIGHTS 2-I played wu-tang shaolin style. but four personed is big slowdown. |
387 |
Date: 2002-02-04 14:53:16 ziming ( / no homepage) wrote: p.s. many of my friends report the same bug |
386 |
Date: 2002-02-04 14:49:08 ziming ( / no homepage) wrote: the parasite eve 2 have a disc2 when you are in the mine picking up a piece of board to repair the bridge it will jam. |
385 |
Date: 2002-02-03 18:29:30 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Why do I see in the help file that the recommended OS for EPSXE 1.5 is Windows 2000?? LOL |
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Date: 2002-02-03 00:28:27 carlos ( / no homepage) wrote: by the WAY PETE or anyone else could you help me my version of epsxe runs like its in slow motion or is that as fast as its gunna get im new to the whole thing so im not sure well thanks again for the bin and GPU files |
382 |
Date: 2002-02-03 00:12:14 power lich ( / wrote: I turned again w98 se.cause I feel myself as an alone warrior.I decided that slow pc is dead pc. I AM A MAN WHO WALKS ALONE WHEN I AM WALKING A DARK ROAD DAMNED BOOBCAST |
381 |
Date: 2002-02-02 00:56:46 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: things will go on, as the software and hardware support for Windows XP becomes better and better... we should trust Pete don't we, because HE KNOWS THE STUFF! hehe |
380 |
Date: 2002-02-01 20:48:13 power lich ( / wrote: I tried epsxe's spu but it's doomed. I understood that nobody can understand xp prof. for ps emulation. About intel vs amd: intel's game performance is better than stupid amd They always yell: ''Our mhz is better than slow intel'' AND NONAME: I INVITE YOU TO TURKEY FOR SUMMER HOLIDAY. NOBODY CAN UNDERSTAND ME HERE. BECAUSE THEY ARE OUT OF MIND. I AM PREPARING NEW SITE FOR FRP IN ENGLÝSH. DID YOU LISTEN STRONGHOLD MUSICS?GREAT... AND I SAY YOU PETE: YOUR SUGGESTION FOR OTHER EMU'S BECAME LIE. I ENTERED THIS LIAR SITES AND I FOUND BUNCH OF SHIT. THANKS FOR NOTHING. ONLY YOU ARE HONEST. I'LL NEVER BUY A NEW CONSOLES. MAKE OR YOU INTEREST YOUR GIRLFRIEND EVERYTIME. BUT THE WORLD IS TEMPORARY. |
379 |
Date: 2002-02-01 19:01:40 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Great work with GPU and CDR plugin but i think you SPU plugin has a bug. I Gran Turismo 2 there are times where framerate only with your spu plugin drops to 4-5 FPS!!! Also although I have selected in the options menu of Gran Turismo 2 the music level to zero(no music at all) when i enter the game music plays like it was never shut off(iori,eternal spu dont play the music). Please step on this bugs and keep up the good work!!! |
378 |
Date: 2002-02-01 05:40:43 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Power lich, try the internal SPU, it's better than Pete's (sorry Pete :P, but I am waiting for your new version!) @Vegas: don't waste your time, Pete won't tell... go to yahoo! and search for it, you will find it in no time at all ;) |
377 |
Date: 2002-02-01 03:35:03 Vegas ( / wrote: excellent skills pete need the bios file cant find it cound u send me a url of the page thx. |
376 |
Date: 2002-01-31 05:44:10 RAY SHAFFER ( A2MECH506@CS.COM / no homepage) wrote: HI |
375 |
Date: 2002-01-31 01:15:42 power lich ( / wrote: new epsxe report on xp prof. cd rom driver speed:excellent game speed:excellent sound speed:bad and distortion(USE PETE'S) pete's gpu:excellent I ADVISE: USE EPSXE'S CDR PLUGIN FOR W2K INSTEAD OF PETE'S BIOS 1000.SCPH |
374 |
Date: 2002-01-30 21:13:53 gr0x0rd ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete... you rock buddy. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy life to code plugins so us lazy kids can play games. You rule. ~g |
373 |
Date: 2002-01-30 01:57:30 CEmil ( / no homepage) wrote: the map in FFT does not show it only show when i hit the zoom button but even the only for sec is there wat to fix this i hav trie with opengl 1.56b d3d 1.56b and d3d6x 1.56b and it still dont work |
372 |
Date: 2002-01-29 20:45:13 David Lau ( / no homepage) wrote: Can you set a freamrate limit checkbox for ff9pal during mdecs please (50 fps during movies 59 during gameplay) |
371 |
Date: 2002-01-29 17:22:26 Luis Marques ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi. I'm using your openGL gpu on epsxe to play Einhander (Squaresoft shoot'em up). In my system (P3 800MHz, 128M Ram, Riva TNT2 Value) the intro MDEC as a purple hue, which is wrong, since in the psx it as a blue hue. Another thing(I don't know if this is related with the gpu plugin or the main emu core) is that in level 4, there is this water section and the water surface effect are wrong and the game really starts to crawl. Well, tanx for your time. |
370 |
Date: 2002-01-29 15:31:37 Chris ( / no homepage) wrote: I am trying to use your latest CDR plug in but the autodetect function is crashing my system...Can you help me? in great respect |
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Date: 2002-01-28 02:23:08 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: THE NEW EPSXE ROX!!! |
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Date: 2002-01-27 19:26:48 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Where did you hear the specs for playing X-BOX games from? I don't think the consumer DVD-drive is able to read X-BOX DVDs... Besides, for me Athlon XP 2000+ is a better gaming option than the sucker P4 2GHz, which has a slightly better clock speed but much less instructions/sec rate. |
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Date: 2002-01-27 18:40:09 T!M@ ( / no homepage) wrote: Psx emulation fans from russia! Russian versions of Pete's plugins is almost done! |
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Date: 2002-01-26 19:16:44 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Power lich, if you are soooo sure that this X-BOX emu works, plz plz plz show me some screenshots of its interface and some games that work... |
364 |
Date: 2002-01-25 20:02:58 power lich ( / wrote: We need to strenghten our pcs for playing those console's emu.Pete is right. But Microsoft is very panic about V 0.35 x-box emu. They can't stop ftps. we must work on xp cause xp is the future. NOWADAYS IN TURKEY POLICEMEN ARREST INNOCENT PEOPLE WITH LONG HAIRED,BEAST T-SHIRTED,BEARDED GUYS FOR SATAN HUNT.THEY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SATANISM AND FRP.WHAT AN UNDEVELOPED COUNTRY. |
363 |
Date: 2002-01-25 15:48:01 Wayne ( / no homepage) wrote: thnxs for the excellent gpu plugins |
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Date: 2002-01-25 10:27:48 manuel ( / no homepage) wrote: hi there! great job on the plugins! especially your sound plugin which is the only plugin dat runs MGS on my sys! but the spu doesnt support save states though... epsxe hangs when i try 2 save a state... luckily the mem cards r still there..... another thing, there's a glitch in your opengl gpu when i play winning eleven 2000 all versions, the yellow/red card doesnt show up when a player gets cautioned... but the glitch wasnt there with version 1.53..... mayb u can chk it out... :) great job!!! |
361 |
Date: 2002-01-25 02:39:56 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: It is very understandable that everyone wants EMUs for XB,GC,and PS2, I want them too!!! But we should know it is far from our reach right now JUST YET! Don't you worry, power lich, the new version of Epsxe is under development, until then... For now, I guess the PS is complex enough and fun enough and POSSIBLE ENOUGH to deal with... hey we still don't get 100% compability yet! Anyway, I'd like to apologies for any misunderstanding, and let us see if there are room for contribution to Pete's projects and emulation in general... hehe (P.S. Goten, the SCHXXXX.BIN files are BIOSes for the PS counsle, and you should check the homepage first for info regarding them) |
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Date: 2002-01-24 22:29:05 power lich ( / wrote: epsxe is the biggest slowdown on xp species. cdda is not working do not read at cd-rom's music. your plugins like damned zombies on xp. you are thinking only w98 se. I do not like it. games are very slow. ÇOK ÝYÝ BÝR PROGRAMCI DEÐÝLSÝN. (not a mock only reality) LORD OF THE DAMNED(REAL ONE) |
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Date: 2002-01-24 20:08:33 antonio ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete's DX6 D3D Driver 1041 |
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Date: 2002-01-24 12:31:45 Jason ( / no homepage) wrote: i have an enquiry here. i am trying to play ff8 and ff7 on the pc using your emulator and i have one problem, during battle mode, the fighting menu to choose whether to attack , cast magic , or item option do not appear ( the side option in the below of the screen ). i was wondering if anything could be done to make this option appear. Or is it the plugins do not work with ff games? |
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Date: 2002-01-24 06:39:27 Goten ( / no homepage) wrote: i downloaded your newwst PSE and it keeps saying I need <scph7502> what is that and where do I get it?? |
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Date: 2002-01-23 07:07:07 Antonio ( / wrote: Well, what can i say? It's just amazing how you can spend hour and hours in front of a PC working for free (and i'm not suggesting i'm gonna pay anything :P) just for fun's sake! Congratulation! Keep up the good work! BTW, What was the game that inspired you to work on emus? |
355 |
Date: 2002-01-23 00:18:13 elvickz ( / no homepage) wrote: hi! Your plugins are very good... no se en ingles asi que te la dicto en spanish, im a mexican y quisiera saber si algun dia existira un emulador que emule a la perfeccion el psx, sobre tu plugin es muy eficiente yo me he divertido mucho con tu plugin me ha dado horas de juego... thanx por lo que has hecho un gran plug...solo te pido que me ayudes a emular el bust a groove 2 (japanese) ya que les e mandado mails a galtor demo y calb y no hay respuesta, espero que algun dia arregles el problema, si te puedo ayudar en algo como hacer traducciones de tu pagina y documentos me envias un mail, si no pues ni pedo,... ahi nos guachamos.. |
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Date: 2002-01-22 23:32:18 Power LICH ( / wrote: I'm not a stabborn person.Some mindless programmers are yelling about dc,x-box,ps2 emus. But all of them are liar. I don't understand why Pete doesn't deal these emus. He still deal this old psx one. And I think that boobcast is false and never release. AND I AM NOT STUBBORN.YOU ARE LESS KNOWLEDGED. whom you are |
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Date: 2002-01-22 21:07:09 PeP ( / no homepage) wrote: Great work Pete, U'r the best !!! thk's for so great-play-time ;) |
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Date: 2002-01-22 04:40:57 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Power LICH don't be so stubborn... NO X-BOX emus are avaliable this time..... |
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Date: 2002-01-21 20:05:28 Antonio ( / no homepage) wrote: I'm testing the Crash team race in EPSXE and I have many Video Issues, I tested in the Epsxe 1 and I don't get that issues. ¿Why?, ¿is the Plug in?. ¿I tested too in PCSX? How can I fix this? |
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Date: 2002-01-20 04:04:24 Michael ( / no homepage) wrote: Bug Report. It is Kyro related (I know, not again), but I'm trying it anyway (perhaps it helps). Well, my test game was Chrono Cross. When I start it with the Direct3D plugin, the emu and windows crash after the first MDEC before blending to the start screen. When I use filtered MDECs, then the start movie looks very curious, because in first quarter of the screen you can see a copy of the last quarter and what should be in the first quarter is missing. When I use the OpenGL plugins, everything works fine, but there are some heavy slowdowns. I think that this is something with the texture caching, because the game speed really depends on the choice of caching type. From standart to dynamic, it gets faster, but in dynamic, there are still heavy slow downs when the camera moves a lot (in the fights). Especially, if new objects appear, like the enemy, or the player characters. I gets very slow when you try to use magic and can select what magic you want to use. You can see the slots, and if you change from one magic level to another, then it gets really slow, when the level X slots scroll out of the screen and the level X+-1 slots scroll in. The slots are 2D objects. I hope it helps. Thanks Michael |
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Date: 2002-01-20 03:05:28 Daniel T. Stack ( / no homepage) wrote: I've been useing your plugins for a little while now. I have yet to get any other GPU to look as good or work as fast on my system. Thankyou for doing such a good job and I look forword to your updates. System IBM Frankenstine home brew Processor Intel PIII 800MHz OS Windows 98SE Graphics card NVidia Geforce 2MX 32 RAM 512MB Dimm |
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Date: 2002-01-20 01:23:28 Power LICH ( / wrote: I will say x-box emu everytime. Because it is created. Its name is x-box emu v. 0.35 Unfortunately I missed it. because this f....d microsoft guys hacked download server.I couldn't find another server. But that shit men don't stop emu world.HAHAHA DUNGEON MASTER |
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Date: 2002-01-19 11:37:28 Jetha ( / no homepage) wrote: brilliant plugins pete... is there any chance of getting ATi Truform in one of your plugins? would be interesting how it turns out =) |
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Date: 2002-01-18 21:43:37 Gawain ( / no homepage) wrote: Great work ! Your PlugIns are one of the best I know ! |
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Date: 2002-01-17 05:11:44 Nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hmm, why do I still seeing guys hop around and yelling "EMU FOR PS2, XBOX, GAMCUBE!!!"... I can tell you probably not in this year, not next, the the one after the next... |
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Date: 2002-01-16 21:05:28 Power LICH ( / wrote: Your home page is still undeveloped. When will you reorganize it? FROM TURKEY... And what is peops project?Is it new pokemon? |
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Date: 2002-01-16 19:22:58 Engine ( / wrote: Hm ich spar mir mal das Englisch, meines ist nicht so der Hit ;) Ich wollt auch nur mal danke sagen und ich denke auch von einem gewissen Teil meiner member auf unserem board, du leistets jetzt schon recht lange eine geniale Arbeit. Deine Plugins haben auch immer einen Platz in unseren news auf ;) |
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Date: 2002-01-16 13:37:31 Kevin ( / wrote: Hi! i am interested about your program you have made. i like it . But i don know why i play a game called digimon tamers and while i was playing it have annoying things at the background. hope you reply my message. |
341 |
Date: 2002-01-16 03:28:28 Johnson Lam ( / wrote: Hi Pete, You must be a amateur 'stand-up comedy' performer, it's really fun reading your fairy tales everytime! And the latest PEOpS plugin was great, many improvement! Joint force really benefit everyone! |
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Date: 2002-01-15 20:57:20 Power LICH ( / wrote: your gpu works slow at fighting games with voodoo 3-3000 tv out. why don't you solve this problem? AND WHERE IS CURSED LEWPY? |
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Date: 2002-01-15 13:44:56 Larry ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Pete: your gpu opengl 1.56 plugin works great i have a p3 450 with gforce 2 ti and 300 megs of ram and ff9 works great with it but there is one thing when it goes to the fight scene it takes long to get in, will there be a fix for that or is that how its going to stay or do i have it set wrong. thanks. ps:ive tried every plugin and yours works the best of them all nice work. |
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Date: 2002-01-14 19:52:04 Power LICH ( / wrote: This guys won't make a dc emu? Because they are weak at programming. Pete, finish this emu or choose death. I knew you choose death but the life is wonderful with your girlfriend for you. |
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Date: 2002-01-14 16:13:52 wasin rasantear ( / wrote: hello ! pete I am wasin rasantear Nick name cook I am thai people u made everbody is happy with play game station by you're plugin very good |
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Date: 2002-01-13 22:04:26 Power LICH ( / wrote: PS2 GAMECUBE X-BOX EMU WHERE... |
335 |
Date: 2002-01-13 17:46:55 Daniel ( / no homepage) wrote: I want to say only 1thing: YOU ARE THE GREATEST!!! |
334 |
Date: 2002-01-13 02:40:17 Denis Evans ( / wrote: Hi Pete - Just had to drop you a mail:- Really enjoyed your site! - esp. Loved your outburst on Bleem! - I too bought it (£25 bloody quid), sent them a very long mail ages ago about their lack of support, etc.. and of course got no response, so I relate completely to your article ;-) Oh, and of course - Congrats on what are undoubtably (in my experience) the best SPU and GPU plugins I have found for ePSXe! - Thanks for enabling me to FINALLY play my PSX games in (better than) Bleem's promised modes.... Please keep up the excellent work! (Of course, the same goes to the PSX emulation groups in general, BUT your plugins were the only ones I had which worked 100%, once tweaked for each game) PS - **Love the humour and the fairy tales... ;-) (FUNNY stuff!) - I can't believe some muppet moaned about you including so many options! - The fact that there ARE so many is obviously WHY your plugins work so well - You've obviously spent a lot of time and expertise getting things RIGHT... - who WOULDN'T want as many options as possible? (Oh... I forgot.. a muppet!) ;-) Well, thanks again - ** Please update the fairy tales with any more outrageous emails you receive - They make amusing reading!... Den. |
333 |
Date: 2002-01-12 20:49:38 Marcus Russell ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, I can't get sound to work. I am using XP do you think this is why? Everything else works fine, I can get the frame rate up to 150!! |
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Date: 2002-01-12 15:28:49 Neo ( / wrote: Pete u r the best |
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Date: 2002-01-12 04:48:43 Oleg ( / no homepage) wrote: I am using an ePSXe, but Parasite Eve 2 does not work. When i start playing PE2, i am only see thah screen with some Japan words, that's all. What can i do with this? |
330 |
Date: 2002-01-12 00:18:39 Power LICH ( / wrote: Why didn't solve Dracula 2 blinear filtering square problem?or Is it impossible? Are Japans more intelligent than you for ps2?(sony guys) |
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Date: 2002-01-11 21:43:58 Julio ( / no homepage) wrote: Could you make your plugin with an option for...well..display the current time? (in a corner, of course ;) . It's only a suggestion, ' mom gets MAD when it's the 1 a.m. and I am still playing! I'd like to see the clock without change application, you know! Julio :D |
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Date: 2002-01-11 05:52:07 nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: In my opinion an emu on PS2 is not realistic according to the limited speed of home computers... even if someone can make one, it wil be HECKA SLOW! |
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Date: 2002-01-11 00:56:25 Power LICH ( / wrote: Why doesn't say anything about ps2 emu on your home page?Are you dead? FROM TURKEY... |
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Date: 2002-01-10 23:50:47 Scott ( / no homepage) wrote: i just wana tell you that your doing a great job and to keep up the good work :) |
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Date: 2002-01-10 19:45:16 Coky ( / wrote: Hello from Croatia! Nice program. How can I change staff on the psx cd ino ISO on hard disc?? Thanks and sorry for my bad english :-) |
324 |
Date: 2002-01-10 19:13:23 Van ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete. I'm feel cool at send this litle words to a big men like you're and let me talk to you, your work is very harder and you made me think one man can anything he want and like me do something like a game an emu or a console but first i need understand more about this, while let me say "a pc is almost the best way to play" i got a Pentium 200 Mhz and it has been my old friend about few years and let me see everything you and other people has made it for all this. I wish you the better for you and your parents, wife, childs And what can i say....... Thank you. |
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Date: 2002-01-10 14:12:28 ddsdsdss ( no email / wrote: dddddddddddfffdf |
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Date: 2002-01-10 02:42:01 Loo Seng Mun ( / wrote: Hi, I found out your plugin is the most compatitable. Although it still contains some problem in Japanese games but I still support your plugins all over the time. |
320 |
Date: 2002-01-10 02:38:01 Jason Sobieski ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! Your plugins work great on my PSX Emulator! Cool Boarders 3 looks cool. Are you working on PS2 emulation? If not, do you know anyone who is making a PS2 Emulator? Thanks. |
319 |
Date: 2002-01-10 00:47:25 Power LICH ( / wrote: your gpu works slow on x-men mutant academy. I tried lewpys 1.35 but the game did't run with this gpu.Where is lewpy?Still sleeping? I THINK BEST CONSOLE IS X-BOX. I ADVISE YOU TO DEAL WITH THIS CONSOLE'S EMU. |
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Date: 2002-01-09 14:39:19 just a guy on earth ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Needless to explain, you're really the best programmer!! ah, perhaps it's a little out of topic, I'm really curious of how you learned all these programming stuff. What did you learn before? Could you write more about your programming experience especially how you get to this level? if possible, will you provide some links of what you usually read? after reading other people's comments, I have another question. are you or will you be developing PS2 and DC emu? :D man, seriously, i'm totally amazed!! please please do keep it up. |
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Date: 2002-01-08 14:07:55 °ÐrBêÑ° ( / wrote: Just want to say: You rule! |
316 |
Date: 2002-01-07 17:48:47 se-ya ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hello, Pete. Are you developping PS2 emulator ? I wont to play Final Fantasy X on my PC ! Thanks. |
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Date: 2002-01-07 16:59:10 Power LICH ( / wrote: Do you think to join dc emu group for making dc emu? Because they are dealing that emu since 2001 jan. I can't wait anymore. |
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Date: 2002-01-07 00:41:09 nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: uh oh... tryied 1.56B, the problem is still there... |
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Date: 2002-01-06 20:03:23 sektor61 ( / no homepage) wrote: You're simply the best ! |
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Date: 2002-01-06 18:16:13 Power LICH ( / wrote: Are you working on ps2 emu? I still wait dc emu but they are still working on that emu.And did you solve blinear filtering square problem? I think you are the best programmer. |
311 |
Date: 2002-01-06 10:27:44 paolo ( / wrote: im italian boy, my homepage is amatorial and i want if possible you resolve problem for epsxe -compatibility super rpg final fantasy 9 -compatibility super rpg the legend of dragoon have problem when freeze change cd please big programmer if possible resolve this problem hello |
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Date: 2002-01-06 09:08:10 Lindsey ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks! |
309 |
Date: 2002-01-06 05:14:28 nave ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, the new plug-ins are great! BUT... while using the OpenGL plug-in, the "underwater" effect in the beginning scenes, the screen gets cut vertically into to halves and shows the same thing!! And also I am still getting sound disorder in the cut scenes. It is OK at first, then when the graphics becomes slower and slower than sound and the sound messes up... also I can't get though the MDEC in the cut scenes, my computer simply freezes. Would you check them out PLEASE? One million thanks and cheers to you the great man (uh, maybe I exagerated but not much LOL :P) |
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Date: 2002-01-06 03:08:17 Steve ( / no homepage) wrote: I was wondering if you have had any luck with "Final fantasy tactics". I have tried a many of plugins to only find out that the sound isnt right. from what i have learned it the it isnt the sound plugin its the video. lost in michigan |
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Date: 2002-01-06 02:09:53 Timo ( no email / wrote: Respekt ;-) |
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Date: 2002-01-05 20:26:00 Léo R. Seidel ( / wrote: I just would like to say ´thank you´ for spending your time with those great plugins. Btw, you look very funny! |
305 |
Date: 2002-01-05 18:16:14 ZTC ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Just wanted to say thx! The world is a better place with people like you! Big thx! :) |
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Date: 2002-01-05 16:54:26 WJS ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey man, I'm impressed with your work!! You should know how grateful emulation fans are to people like you. I guess this kind of thing you do can be considered as a form of charity.. |
303 |
Date: 2002-01-05 16:18:02 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, -The new version of your SPU plugins rocks -In your Direct3D plugin a bug in the first screen of Gran Turismo 2 shows white the letters??? -A suggestion:Your OpenGL plugin rocks also but the mdecs run much slower than the Direct3D or PEOPS without filtering.Can you do something to speed things up in mdec in OPENGL? Thank you very much and keep up the good work! |
302 |
Date: 2002-01-03 23:38:41 Netsurfur ( / no homepage) wrote: Where can I get aPocket Station for my ePSXe? |
301 |
Date: 2002-01-03 11:14:32 laurent ( / no homepage) wrote: tank's to you. see you , laurent .france |
300 |
Date: 2002-01-01 22:34:06 Orçun YAZICIOÐLU ( / wrote: Shadow death isn't working.Mdecs work good but later turns desktop with an error called opcode xx. but it was worked with directx 8.0a now i use directx 8.1 maybe it's the source of problem. |
299 |
Date: 2002-01-01 19:35:05 Gamer ( / wrote: ur plugins are great but ur site sucks!! |
298 |
Date: 2002-01-01 06:53:38 jack ( / no homepage) wrote: hi somehow i got the psx Emulators to work on Win XP. i test the emulators program work fine. PSEMU 1.20 ,PSEMU 1.90 , AND EPSXE 1.20 TO 1.40 If the people wants the settings i will upload the text file. |
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Date: 2002-01-01 04:39:39 Orçun YAZICIOÐLU ( / wrote: Do you know dc emu progress.If you want to investigate enter That programers are working still with dc emu but I think they are coming to an end.I have own a dc game that RE-CODE VERONICA Why did't they finish DREAMER,NIGHTMARE dc emus? Because they don't know programming. |
296 |
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Date: 2001-12-31 18:04:53 Jack ( / no homepage) wrote: i was playing around on your plugins. i us PSEMU V 1.2 AND 1.9. it works on windows 2000 pro. |
294 |
Date: 2001-12-30 23:34:52 Orçun YAZICIOÐLU ( / wrote: Dracula 2 mdec's music is working slowly.(voodoo 3) HAPPY NEW YEARS FROM TURKEY |
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Date: 2001-12-30 01:16:41 Orçun YAZICIOÐLU ( / wrote: Every cloud has a silver lining. |
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Date: 2001-12-30 01:11:08 Orçun YAZICIOÐLU ( / wrote: Bushido blade 2 doesn't run at cd-rom driver.Probably your cd-rom driver plugin. I have own voodoo 3-3000 |
291 |
Date: 2001-12-28 02:30:52 Robert ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete - your plugins are the best! I've been trying to setup Driver 2 correctly using your DX7 plugin and can't get the menus in the game to work correctly. They appear, but when I scroll up and down they don't highlight correctly. I can get them to work if I use "Full VRAM Primitives" which of course is very slow. Any suggestions? I'm running DX8 on a Voodoo3 2000 AGP card. Thanks! |
290 |
Date: 2001-12-28 00:25:09 Gilis ( / no homepage) wrote: Where can i find Pete D3D Direct7x |
289 |
Date: 2001-12-27 22:57:29 Mwarhead ( / wrote: Your awsome pete. Have a happy holidays -Mwarhead |
288 |
Date: 2001-12-27 02:48:59 matthew ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your sound and graphics plugins dont work fully on final fantasy chronicles. Both games. I can see alot of the graphics but in final fantasy IV. The water is not correctly shown. I tried everything and still same. In chrono trigger the charcters and half of the ballons look pixalated. Still I tried changing some stuff and exacly the same thing. |
287 |
Date: 2001-12-25 18:35:24 k!dman ( / wrote: Good Job Man! Keep on coding! |
286 |
Date: 2001-12-24 20:57:23 amregular ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pete, i use epsx last version with your sound, gra and cdrom plugins. i havent got a playstation machine but i got very powerful pc with geforce 2 ultra 64 mb. (perfect) i live in turkey. i have 5 plystaion game. my favorite is "iss pro evolution 2" and i havent got any problem with your plugins. you are the best. please write me about your works and plans. and about playstation 2. i have two que to you about emulators. first one when will the playstation 2 emulators ready to use with our computers? second is when will we play two or more computer with emulators of ps on network? |
285 |
Date: 2001-12-22 03:30:06 lee wye jon ( / wrote: Congrats Pete! You've made the best psx emulator plugins ever. You're just great :) Keep up the good work!! |
284 |
Date: 2001-12-18 02:12:33 Jacob ( / no homepage) wrote: I would just like to congratulate you on your most kickass plug-ins. I've tried at least 5 different GPU plug-ins for my epsxe. Your .ddl files are the only one that even comes close to emulating my favorite games(i.e. FF7,FF8, ect.). I was having some sound issues and it was causing the movies to glitch in ff7. I thought it was the GPU plug, but i changed it, just on a whim to see. It was Null2, which was very capable, but then I used your Midas Audio Driver and I was blown away at the difference. No more sound glitches, it is almost 2 sweet, so I can't thank you enough. Please keep up the good work. =) |
283 |
Date: 2001-12-17 03:50:20 Dead Jellyfish ( / wrote: Thank you for the hours and hours of enjoyment you have given me through your plugins. |
282 |
Date: 2001-12-17 02:29:09 Johnson Lam ( / wrote: Happy birthday Pete! |
281 |
Date: 2001-12-16 05:15:07 Cemil cankay ( / no homepage) wrote: the text is missing in castlvania sotn libery shop witk opengl and dx modes on show in software mode and som e game are missing menu when u pause the game |
280 |
Date: 2001-12-14 15:02:11 Andreas ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for doing this on your sparetime. If you have a emu for ps2 then can you mail it to me (would be grateful if you did so) |
279 |
Date: 2001-12-12 14:51:57 raistlin ( / no homepage) wrote: A plugin for the netplay? When? Bye |
278 |
Date: 2001-12-11 23:36:05 Francisco Peregrina ( / wrote: Hey Pete, thanks a lot for sharing your plugins and the explanation about them. Great page too. |
277 |
Date: 2001-12-11 21:19:22 Alessandro ( / no homepage) wrote: hello , you are a great man, the best plugs-in emulator are yours. I use your GPU and SPU plugs-in for epsxe . |
276 |
Date: 2001-12-11 19:54:38 Shane O'Neill ( / wrote: Pretty cool site 'n all. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want a Pcsx bios, but I not gonna ask for one out of respcet... Every day mankind plays with grenades- Pantara |
275 |
Date: 2001-12-11 17:49:37 xobro ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, this request is probably bullshit ;) but I was wondering if it would be possible in your GPUs to add the feature of selecting the video refresh rate together with the resolution and the color depth. When you query the video cards for supported modes you should get something like e.g. 1024-768 32bit 85Hz. Probably this is not possible because because it is fixed by the main emu or because it's bounded by the FPS or for some other reason I cannot think of... By the way at the moment at which refresh rate are the games displayed? Anyway thanks for your great work! Ciao |
274 |
Date: 2001-12-11 17:26:33 Arif Tanto Syaliendra ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I think your GPU plugin is the best plugin for PSX emulator. But why don't you create the new type of GPU plugin that use T&L, FSAA, Bump Mapping and DX8 system? Sincerely Arif Tanto PS: Pete do you have the BIOS image for PSX Emu version 8x or higher |
273 |
Date: 2001-12-07 22:49:05 Nicholas Syesta ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, this is a comment. I have been playing with all your new plugins for epsxe and had no problems but one reason is my new system I built 1 Ghz T-Bird, 512 mb pc133, Geforce 2 Ti 64 mb DDR, etc... Keep up the awesome work. |
272 |
Date: 2001-12-07 03:13:06 Korogui ( / no homepage) wrote: Your plugin is f*cking my life!!! It's like a drug. I can't stop playing and visiting EmuHQ anymore. PS: U.R.D. Best. Thanx. |
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Date: 2001-12-05 21:55:09 cemil ( / no homepage) wrote: how bout in putting an option in that would keep the cd-rom drives spinning at a certian speed so u dont have to wait for the cd-rom to spin -up to speed |
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Date: 2001-12-05 20:44:03 GreekPrivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Every new version is better than the older one. Great work. Now the SPU plugin has an option to turn ON/OFF XA playing. When i turn it on although in Gran Turismo 2 I have turned off the music your plugin turns it on while this doesn't happen with Iori's SPU. I don't know if it is a bug. I am just mentioning it. Keep up the good work! |
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Date: 2001-12-04 14:59:38 Chris Durante ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, Thank you for the plug ins. I've gotten emulators to work on my computer at work with your plug ins, but I'm still trying to get having trouble with emulators with my laptop running windows xp. But with reading some of your Q + A's, I know that's my problem not yours. Thanks for the fun. |
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Date: 2001-12-04 11:34:00 iulian aka the tazmanian devil ( / no homepage) wrote: Your Dx7 video plugin works great on a GF3 (well at least in what concerns "WU Tang Shaolin Style").Congrats! |
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Date: 2001-12-04 07:41:18 Wang Shen ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello,dear Pete:).I'm happy and excited to leave my message here.I'm a chinese student and benifit so much from your famous plugins.I really admire you and your great workings in this field.I likes computer and want to do some "real works" like yours,maybe only a dream to me?I'm tring tp learn about programming.Please give me some advice on how to become a good programmer,if that wouldn't take you much time.Thank you for your help.I will always be a keen admirer of you. Wang Shen |
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Date: 2001-12-04 05:47:44 Dovienya ( / no homepage) wrote: First off I'd like to say you've got a great plugin. The games look great and run smooth! I have one slight problem though, and I'm not entirely sure if its cause is your plugin. When playing Chrono Cross just after I get Razzly and exit the name change option the screen blanks out and doesn't seem to go anywhere past that point. I'm not sure what is suppose to happen after this point in the game. The sound continues to play fine and the emulator is still responsive. I've fiddled with the settings, but without any luck. I've downloaded the latest version of your gpu, but recieved the same results. I'm using ePSXe, and so far haven't had any other problems with it. If anyone else has a solution to this problem, or even just an idea of how to fix it *other than shutting it off and never playing it again :P* I'd be more than happy to hear from you. Thanks, Dovienya |
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Date: 2001-12-04 05:04:41 Cerberus ( / wrote: You've got the best of speed & compatibility all around. Thanks for the great work. |
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Date: 2001-12-03 23:13:52 P.S. for LIFE!!!!!! ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pete! well first of all to say that your a cool dude!!! =) well i just wanna ask is it really possible to the PS one to be converted to PS2? ive read an article well here it is... PlayStation To PlayStation 2 Converter Review By: John Doe It's been rumored to have been in development since the official announcement from Sony regarding the inevitable changing of the guard from the PSX to the PS2, and Sloof Lirpa has come a long way in developing the system that they said could never be done. This largish black box (that compliments the look of the PS2 without infringing on any design or architectural copyrights), does exactly what it says: It allows you to play PlayStation 2 games on the good old PlayStation. There is a slight catch though. Not all of the games work (yet) and the peripheral is only compatible (at least at this writing) with the 1001, 5001 and 7001 model PlayStation's. Future plans are of course, to make it piggyback seamlessly with the later 9001 and the recently released PSone models. As well, the DVD functions are not implemented fully yet, so the converter can play DVD games but not DVD movies. Sloof Lirpa expects this to be ready for version 2.0 which is set for a June 31, 2001 release. All those who purchased an earlier version of the converter will be able to upgrade with a minimal fee. Highs: An Inexpensive Way to Play PS2 Games Smart Looking Device Lows: Could Malfunction and Cause Serious Injury or Worse Can't Play All Titles Only Compatible with Certain PSX Models Load Times Are Slow RAM Glitches Decal Shortage Means Only Half of Shipment Will Be Available at Launch In what sounded like an April Fools joke of the highest magnitude, became reality when the PSX to PS2 converter was shipped to the various video game magazines and websites for extensive coverage. Of course, since Sloof Lirpa has worked very closely with Cheat Code Central in the past (they developed last year's fighting hit, Cheat Code Central vs. Capcom available only in Japan) we received the machine first. And I have to say that they did an incredible job. The converter weighs approximately 2.9 lbs. and is about a foot in length, it sports a High Tec, handsome black and blue gun metal finish (though it looks black in the pictures) and feels like a real quality piece of machinery. The two forward prongs on the front of the converter are what hook up into the PlayStation, and from there the converter runs the SL/040101/-LMAO Operating System which does more than a reasonable facsimile of the PS2's "Emotion Engine." It does so via software rather than dual interlocking chipsets and therefore gets around the legal issue of using any form of patented coding. This is basically what Bleem did when developing their PSX converter for the PC. After exchanging a few pleasantries with the goof that delivers for UPS (and who brought this wunderkind to my hot little hands) the first thing I did was slam in Onimusha Warlords and went to town (as you can see in screenshot #1). |
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Date: 2001-12-03 21:22:31 Lightning Rod ( / wrote: I was just recently experimenting with windows millenium and windows xp, and I found that your newest gpu plugin works great under windows xp. but when i use it under windows millenium it crashes with an unknown error. I tried to main plugin that comes with the epsxe exe, and it works ok. Strange, knowing that I dual boot with windows xp and ME so that I can play all my older games that aren't compatible with xp. anyway just wanted to let you know. I also think your plugins are great. |
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Date: 2001-12-03 15:00:02 ROCK ( / no homepage) wrote: What the fucking problem with this cock sucker.... i think iff your offer ur dick to suck they will pete.. I'll say keep the good work...maybe soon i'll ad you to my staff... =P |
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Date: 2001-12-03 12:30:37 Jung Jun-sub ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete^^; I'm Pete fan. You are great programer.. I hope you don't stop Gpu plug-in development. And next GPU version available Title is "Jackie chan Stuntmaster"..^^:. Do you know jackie chan? He is east movie star^^; It's title don't play at Pete GPU 1.54. But play is available at VGS. Logo ---> Movie ---> Game. : VGS Logo ---> Blank ---> Wait... EPSXE I'm used Matrox G400 and Pete GPU DX6D3D 1.54. Also " Ace Combat 3 " title has problem far object flickering. And cool " boarders 3 " title is 2D Title Menu is color palete broken.." Valkirie profile" title is Title menu adjust top position.. Hmm.. guestbook is not Q&A.. sorry.. Finally you are handsome guy^^; Fighting~! |
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Date: 2001-12-03 11:47:40 Sdp ( / no homepage) wrote: thanx for your great work! this is so wonderful to play game with your driver |
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Date: 2001-12-03 11:28:52 Abel-zen ( / no homepage) wrote: wow! Pete! Thank you A lot!! DW7's problem is patched by your plug in a little problem is...^^;;.. Sorry.. some magic sprite tranceferancy is not patched..T_T but ver 1.55 is very nice Pete Fighting!!!! |
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Date: 2001-12-02 22:02:30 VagrantX ( / no homepage) wrote: Yo Pete, I just want to sa you're tha MAN! Really no one is as good with the PSX plugins as you are, especially in the graphics plugins department. Just wanted to say this, and keep up the good work! |
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Date: 2001-12-02 13:35:36 Vino ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank You for make this great plugin and sharing it with us, you're the best. Do you make bios too, or emu perhaps in your free time? If yes, please tell me :) |
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Date: 2001-12-02 08:09:53 ardnac ( / no homepage) wrote: hi. u got great plugins, but i got a suggestion that makes ur CD plugin even better : Caching! just add a cache like err.... TSG MSCDEX ones...but with more cache limiter... and maybe more options ???!? well that's what i got in mind, thanks for reading anyway. thanks. oh yeah, got a strange things happening in Tales of destiny2 (Tales of eternia), the graphics works well & great ONLY and ONLY if i turn on the GPU menu (shows GPU menu /'del' key), if not, some graphics error occured. i am unable to send some screenshot right now (Final Exam!!!), but email me if you would like to receive it so i'll get some shots. |
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Date: 2001-12-01 00:16:08 georgieboy ( / no homepage) wrote: HI!! Your plugins are basically the only ones that work - but they work PERFECTLY, apart from on games with certain types of menus. (e.g. Driver 2, Worlds scariest police chases) they do not refresh, so you can change the selected item but on the screen it stays as the first one (i have tried all the settings - inc. OD). Just thought i would let ya know, try it - rent Driver 2. Cheers for so much fun (and a lot of saved money ;-) Thxs, george. PS (I have GF2, openGL, 512 SDRAM) |
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Date: 2001-11-30 21:23:12 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, -Is it possible to add in the filtering options (Extended filtering-2d Stantard filtering)? -Opengl plugin in overall is better in speed than Direct3D but lacks about 8-10FPS in playing movies.Can you do something to speed things up in the movies of opengl(e.g. by adding an option to play movies in software-mode(software plugin) in which they already play very fast)? Thank you and keep up the good work. GreekPrivateer |
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Date: 2001-11-30 20:38:07 faisal ( / no homepage) wrote: first of all i would thank you for creating the best pugins for pugins based emulators.i would request you to add 24 bit color support in your plugins |
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Date: 2001-11-29 00:46:36 Michael Wootang ( / no homepage) wrote: I recently started this ePSXe cause i have a computer that can support it. Love your plugins..thanks. Excelent work...i plan to learn that stuff soon. Peace. |
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Date: 2001-11-27 02:51:49 Minki ( / no homepage) wrote: Please can play Xenogears in openGL When show me Little Fei, It always stop Please Fix it |
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Date: 2001-11-26 22:41:34 mike ( / no homepage) wrote: hey pete all you stuff kicks ass but i cant get my epsxe to list my video plug in, also do you use anti alias on you plugins |
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Date: 2001-11-24 03:33:27 Velocity 7 ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey again, Pete, I'd like to make a suggestion for the CDR plugin. Is there a possible way to cause a cd-rom drive to continuously spin the CD without stopping? There's a noticeable delay on laptop DVD-ROM drives, because of this "stopping when not being used" deal. Again I ask, is there a "safe" way to make the drive spin continuously? I hope the D3D support is going well. Please add support for the S3 Savage MX chip, it rather sucks on my card (although it works great on my GeForce 3) And I hope that swirl thing is fixed for the D3D/OGL plugins for FF7...:p |
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Date: 2001-11-23 21:19:20 Rincewind ( no email / no homepage) wrote: pete.. youre just fucking great !! respect !! |
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Date: 2001-11-22 22:32:25 Jesse Owings ( / no homepage) wrote: I recently downloaded ePSXe, all the plug-ins and whatnot, got everything i needed, but when i went to configure your plug-in for my cd-rom drive, it wouldnt let me select one, it just said none, and it didnt list any of my other drives. I have windows XP on my computer and was wondering if maybe that wasn't the problem, some compatability issues. If you could please get back to me as soon as you could that would be greatly appreciated. thanks alot |
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Date: 2001-11-21 11:02:40 spawn ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I'm a German so it's a little weird to write in English on a german page...Anyway. 1st: Thx for the great plugins. 2nd: Question: There is a bug in playing Crash Bandicoot. When you step on platforms which should transport you to another part of the level, they wouldn't move. I played an original CD and checked it on an original PSX - all things went nice. Any suugestions (from anybody) ? |
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Date: 2001-11-21 04:13:59 Thiago ( / no homepage) wrote: i have nothing to say about bad or good, because your plugin is just the best for my video card and run perfectly or almost perfectly in some games, for free is just amazing and incredible your efforts, you are just the best, thank you for your kick ass plugin! |
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Date: 2001-11-18 16:18:07 Filibuster ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Whats this!? Bleem is dead RIP?! lol ohh well! Thanks for the awesome support where other people failed, Pete! |
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Date: 2001-11-17 15:10:49 Davin ( / wrote: Great work, Pete! I knew from looking at your work that there had to be SOME reason why your CDR plugin was acting up on me in WinXP, and sure enough, I read your docs on the latest version, disable CDDA, and bam! A plugin that not only plays FF9, but also doesn't crash after the first battle. Great work, man. The utter tweakability of the CDR plugin is beyond smooth. |
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Date: 2001-11-17 12:04:18 t!m@ ( / no homepage) wrote: Puts, the bestest pig called you fool! I shall kill him!!! Thank you for listening... |
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Date: 2001-11-16 18:01:12 dranoeL ( / no homepage) wrote: yur plugins r nearer da best but, how on earth do i have to do to make the components works .N if u really likes yur hobbies help me on this case,Oh !my ePSXe is stuck without da plugins wats wrong with tat teach me like yur daddy did!must it need DirectX 7.0a ,Fast video card (with 3D support)or can my old computer can run on it ITS pentium(r) dont have DirectX 7.0a (feel like a jackass asking this)so if u do email me n teach me if have free times (coz i like yur hobbies) PS:yur face just like Jonathan Davis (KoRn) |
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Date: 2001-11-16 13:04:21 Adomas ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank you for your great work. We are 8 boys from Lithuania and we realy admire what you are doing for everybody. |
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Date: 2001-11-15 03:46:07 Green Jelly ( / no homepage) wrote: Greet plugins Pete!!!! Keep up your amazing work. Just dont let the big guys try to shut you down :P |
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Date: 2001-11-14 15:21:34 Hector ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi boy!what´s up!I think you´re doing a great job, and excuse my english, ´couse i´m spanish (of spain).Well, maybe you´ve though about this stuff, but...what about some texture correction?yes, i know that playstation doesn´t support it (like know), but i would be fantastic.And if you have time (aond if you want to),what about some T&L for g-force users?OK!OK! stop sking!I´m really interested on this kind of programs, emus and plug-ins.Now I´m starting to learn C++,and i hope to be as good as you are!So, continue doing your best and good luck! (numbers in my e-mail are my birthday date 29-4-83,just in case!) ;) |
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Date: 2001-11-14 14:50:58 David McCoy ( / no homepage) wrote: Im not asking for anything like the other greedy dodo's who leave comments. Just wanted to say thx for your emulation projects. Peace, Dave |
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Date: 2001-11-14 03:48:38 Steven ( / no homepage) wrote: can you help me!!!!I need help I don't know how to play a game in epsxe!!!Can you email me and tell me how!!!!!Thanx bye p.s thanxs for the plugins!!!! |
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Date: 2001-11-14 00:43:43 Velocity 7 ( / no homepage) wrote: So far, the P.E.Op.S. Soft GPU plugin looks pretty good. However, I think there should be some additions, like: 1. When video capturing, a "frame rate scale" seems too complicated. Someone should replace it with a box saying "expected FPS of output video". When we put in 29.970, which is probably what's expected of NTSC, etc. You get the idea. 2. When video capturing at half or quarter mode, the video seems a bit pixelated. Maybe someone should add a feature for anti-aliasing (although it might slow down the video capturing speed, it would improve the image) 3. Please add support for DivX 4.02 ( Although I can use DivX 3.0, I'd like to use 4.02. 4. Please add sound capture support as well (which would require another dialog box asking what is the SPU plugin, so that it can capture SPU data) Before I conclude this report, I'd like to ask a question about Final Fantasy 7. As you know, the OSV soundtrack plays at a certain speed. When I was emulating FF7, it seemed that the music was running slower than usual, even though the game speed was okay. If at all possible, I would like some suggestions on how to fix this little music speed problem (besides setting the FPS to 65, which would affect gameplay). I realize that this may not be the right place to post comments on the open source project, but if you can, please relay this message to the appropriate recipients. Please e-mail me back with a response. Thanks! :) |
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Date: 2001-11-13 11:57:58 Dylan ( / no homepage) wrote: I feel like an idiot for asking, but how do I install your PSX GPU plugins? all i get in the D3D DX7 zip file is a couple of text files... |
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Date: 2001-11-13 02:36:03 Steven ( / no homepage) wrote: Can you tell me which plugin is the grafic one can you email me because I tried alot and it didn't work. |
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Date: 2001-11-12 20:43:58 C Housen ( / no homepage) wrote: Love your page even though there is no porn I really appericate the time you put into the plugins because i wish i could programme but i would need another brain |
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Date: 2001-11-10 12:20:04 Mikey ( / wrote: Keep up the good work. :o) |
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Date: 2001-11-10 11:49:34 arlandi ( / wrote: Thanx for making cross platform entertainment possible. Keep up the good work. And I enjoy using your plugins with ePSXe! |
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Date: 2001-11-10 05:44:29 Rafael Luna ( / no homepage) wrote: nice work :) (the linux version) |
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Date: 2001-11-09 14:21:53 Dave ( / wrote: You are really a sage!~~~ Now, almost everybody is using your plugins!~~ I really admire you!~~ |
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Date: 2001-11-07 06:03:35 James Fletcher ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for making and updating the best PSX plugins around. |
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Date: 2001-11-06 20:21:55 Colonnello ( no email / wrote: A great thank you Pete from Italy. |
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Date: 2001-11-06 03:34:21 Pete's no.1 fan ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, your plugins are great. I wonder how U improve your plugins so fast. Keep it up. Also, can you keep me updated with your new plugins? thanks |
222 |
Date: 2001-11-05 12:55:40 chauncy bucksworth ( / wrote: youre a good man, pete. youre the only one that get my semi slow pc (with ati rage128 16 pci) to run tolerably. thanks man keep up the good work dude...fight the good fight , blah blah blah |
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Date: 2001-11-05 04:22:31 Yune ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank's a lot Pete^^ by the way.. magic sprite is cracked in DragonQuest7 game. but I feel great about your work p.s. : sorry I'm not good at english^^ |
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Date: 2001-11-05 01:19:16 JJ ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wow, you are amazing! Great work man!! |
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Date: 2001-11-03 20:29:26 Randy ( / wrote: Do you have your big picture's or Photo??? Thank's |
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Date: 2001-11-03 20:27:31 Randy ( / wrote: Thank's Pete, i really thank's for your work, i'll hope you keep your good job, once again THANK'S. Thank's. |
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Date: 2001-11-03 19:02:45 cler ( / no homepage) wrote: hey pete why epsxe doesn't recognise the L1 button on my keyboard??? i configured it but it doesn't work...can u give us a patch plis! bye and thanx 4 all cler |
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Date: 2001-11-03 04:00:39 zac ( / no homepage) wrote: i dont really know what im doing so could u please tell me which of your plugins is best for epsxe |
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Date: 2001-11-02 02:46:54 Justin ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey man, your emulation stuff is sweet. I haven't been able to find better and I think it may truly be the best. I also read all the stuff on your page and you're a cool dude and you make some REALLY neat stuff. If I had the mathematical skills I would do the stuff you do. I've been playing with the options in your opengl plugin and I find everything working pretty darn good. Good luck with your programming and emulation. I'll check back in a month to check on you. |
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Date: 2001-10-29 19:54:11 paja ( / no homepage) wrote: hey, i forgot, i have directX 8.0a,do you think this is the problem, should i reinstall back on DX7??? |
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Date: 2001-10-29 19:51:27 paja ( / no homepage) wrote: i still have a problem with MGS on epsxe even when i downloaded your last plugins (gpu,spu), i followed your instruction, and still got that swap sound problem, i do not know what to do, i have amd duron 800,sb live5.1,voodoo3,and every option set right as you wrote down in your version.txt |
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Date: 2001-10-29 13:18:37 Fred ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hello, D3D or OpenGL plugin (1.53) doesn't work with my ATI XPERT2000... |
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Date: 2001-10-27 20:01:44 takmadeus ( / no homepage) wrote: hey man, how are you doing? I have a favor to ask, I'm developing an install wizard for epsxe (you know, so it looks more proffesional) and then I want to know how do I get rid of the config wizard feature, If you feel unable to tell me, why don't you send me the epsxe executable without this feature, so I can work on it... see you |
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Date: 2001-10-25 15:43:58 Franklyn ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, Great page and great plugins, thanks a bunch :-) Can I ask a question, though... I have a SONY laptop with an Intel 815EM chipset on it and it won't run the really nice textures using D3D (I get balck screens with occasionally blips). It will run the best textures with OPenGL, but it runs OPenGL at snail speed, so that doesn't do me much good. Do you have any idea what's up? Is this soemthing fixable? Thanks a bunch - and again, keep up the great work! |
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Date: 2001-10-25 04:14:22 marx ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Pete how are you? Congratulations for your awesome plugins you created! if you had time, could fix on next realese the car wheels in Driver-PAL version its too messed up and not like seems exactly the wheels of car, the locals are San Francisco and Los Angeles tracks. Other thing I have do say is a question. Why the game go to so big slow when in night time? is a fault of plugin? My specs. geforce2 mx200- fsaa 2x agp-2x in 800x600 16 bit pentium 3 600 sse 256mb ram- pc100 |
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Date: 2001-10-24 23:21:07 greg ( / wrote: Good sh!t man everything i needed was on your page thanx alot :) |
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Date: 2001-10-24 14:38:48 young kook Jung ( / no homepage) wrote: pete use plese... |
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Date: 2001-10-24 06:08:42 shag ( / no homepage) wrote: i've came across your site for psx emulation. i use to have win2000 and it works perfectly. but recenlty i've installed xp. the fps has gone down to under 5. any idea on how to solve this lil problem of mine? please email me, any help is appreciated. thanks in advance |
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Date: 2001-10-23 18:17:21 Tony ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! I must offer my congrats on an excellent plugin! By far the best I've seen, especially with the newest software-side of your plugin. 1.53 ROCKS! Anyways, to the point: I noticed while playing FF IV from Chronicles that a transparency layer wasn't displayed correctly. Either it's not present, or another layer is covering (I think it's the first). You can see this displayed in the first crystal room (it's not supposed to be green, but covered in crystal), and in Baron Castle (the water's not supposed to be sand). In any case, I just wanted to report that, as it might affect other games, but I've only noticed it in that one. |
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Date: 2001-10-23 14:33:06 STORM ( / no homepage) wrote: Very Good Plugins,also i have problem in game Final Fantasy IX,Movies don't work correctly, and Fight bar not displays, I'm using a EPSXE 1.4 software plugin that are you made, My configuration is Intel Celeron 400 Mhz, Ati Rage Mach64 8MB,256 MB RAM |
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Date: 2001-10-22 20:38:58 Kabuto ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, i'm new in the emulation scene my computer is a K62-500, 64ram, sis530 video card (8 mb of ram), CMI8738 sound card and IDE CD-ROM, could you give some tips to configure better the ePSXe emulator, i had some troubles with the sound and i don't have idea of how improve the performance (Whitout biuying more RAM of course) |
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Date: 2001-10-22 19:55:27 Jean ( / no homepage) wrote: Very good job, to continue as this, so much that him ya will have the "Crazy as you, it will be superb. Hello of France (Rhone Alpes) |
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Date: 2001-10-22 08:19:02 danieloni ( / no homepage) wrote: Un Saluto dall'Italia!!! Sei trooopppoooo mitico!!! |
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Date: 2001-10-20 10:09:15 Kjetil ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, First of all thanks for a _great_ set of plugins... I was very happy to see that the new version of the SPU plugin solves all my problems with endlessly repeating samples in XP, the only problem is that I'm now experiencing lockups :) After playing for 5-10 minutes (sometimes more, sometimes less) the framerate drops to around 2 and everything turns horribly unresponsive. I have to hold the escape button for around 10 seconds to get back to windows. This happens with all games I've tried. Needless to say you'd make me one very happy man if you could look into this - I never had this problem with the other sound plugins. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to continue booting into 98 to use EPSXE for the time being :) |
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Date: 2001-10-17 13:36:04 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I believe you could add an option to your GPU plugin for double, tripple buffering. Your CD-ROM plugin is also great. I wonder if a talented programmer like you could work with the rest of EPSXE team to improve even more their emulator. (and see more often a progress as epsxe sure needs an update) Keep up the good work GreekPrivateer |
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Date: 2001-10-16 23:08:56 perpalet ( / no homepage) wrote: Hiz everybody and 2 thumbs up for the great Pete :) I recently remember something wich AdriPSX author (Roor) said about discoveries when he was working in on his emu, they were about a new technique in psx emulation wich would speed up things a lot , and he released the Adripsx Dos version to probe it He also say that he would contact the other emu authors and plugins makers to tell the news... so my question is evident... what happen to this "new" technique ? The second thing I want to know is related to the colors the psx moves, because to get the real colors throught the GPU plugins you must set 32 bits colours , but I dont know the real one psx moves, and if you set 24 bits, they are also enough for real colors, but the 16 bit ones (5551 or 4444) have problems with alpha channels or decolorized textures respectively. its just a technical question but it is strange that a 6 year old hard has most colours than the vodooo3 (for example), and knowing that less colours means less work. mmm the plugin related suggestion is about to unite the soft plugin with hard plugin, it would give a very nice and fast mdecs, jumping from the hard mode to the soft mode when mdecs are being showed or something which is fastest in soft than in hard mode At last :) is which benefits would really have the D3D plugins being ported to DX8 Byezz to all PS: hey! I remember! Why dont add to epsxecutor a pad config menu which you can choose some user predefined customized configurations (for example using first your adapted psx-to-pc pad, later the keyboard, and later the DDR pad :) actually I'm doing this throught exported registry files which contains the configs for epsxe ya know byezz |
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Date: 2001-10-16 20:58:38 sepiroth ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hey der typ da unten hat recht mach doch mal ein gpu harware plugin das auf ner kyro anstädig läuft!!!!! |
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Date: 2001-10-15 20:16:16 G ( / no homepage) wrote: You are truly the PSX plugin master. Thanks. |
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Date: 2001-10-15 14:12:59 greekprivateer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete. The textures of Playstation Games are at low resolution. Scaling of the textures result in large anti-aesthetic large pixels. I believe that you could add an option that could increase the original texture resolution by about 10%,20%,50% with a slide bar or with predefined units for high resolution 640x480 and above. Keep up the good work Greek Privateer |
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Date: 2001-10-15 10:16:45 tet ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pete ich finde deine gpu plugins ja wirklich verdammt gut aber warum müssen arme kyro user wie ich mit dem soft plugin vorlieb nehmen? ich habe alles nur mögliche probiert um ff9 oder irgendein andres spiel mit deinen d3d und ogl plugins zum laufen zu bringen aber das d3d plugin friert meinen recher gleich beim intro ein so das nur noch der reset knopf hilft das ogl plugin ist verdammt langsam, das einzige hardware plugin das einigermassen funktioniert ist das d3d6 plugin (das friert erst nach ein paar minuten meistens im battle mode den rechner ein) das software plugin ist tadellos aber die grafik ist natürlich weniger gut, ich habe verschiedene treiber mit allen hardware plugins probiert mit so gut wie allen möglichen einstellungen,auch jeder kyro user den ich im NGemu board gefragt habe benutzt das soft plugin weil keine andre möglichkeit besteht,ich schreibe dir weil ich es ein bisschen unfair finde das leute wie ich die nicht das geld haben sich ne geforce zu holen oder aber einfach nichts von nvidias geschäftspolitik halten bei den im moment besten hardware plugins für epsxe ausgeschlossen sind . kyro ist nähmlich wirklich ein verdammt guter chipsatz die performance ist wirklich erstaunlich (in den tests besser als fast jede gefoce 2 ! und sie kostet wirklich um einiges weniger ,was ich damit sagen will ist das es doch warscheinlich nicht so schwer sein kann zumindest die plugins so einzustellen das sie nicht mehr gleich den gantzen rechner aufhängen ! vieleicht kannst du dir die sache ja mal ansehen (ich würde mir ja selbst ein gpu plugin schreiben aber ich kann leider nicht progrmmieren ) ich weiss auch natürlich das das gantze nur ein hobby für dich ist und du dafür nicht bezahlt wirst aber du must doch verstehe da wir auch gerne anständig spielen würden. mfg tet |
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Date: 2001-10-15 02:54:26 tuonghuy ( / no homepage) wrote: Could you use interpolation or 2xsai engine (as zsnes) for GPU? I think it will least gliches than Bilinear filtering ! |
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Date: 2001-10-13 04:25:52 viderian ( / wrote: good plugins. your dsound spu only plays sound on 2 speakers, instead of 4, but its still the best. keep up the work. and thanks for letting me not buy that nasy grey box to play games. without your work, well, i might have to do work instead of playing games. |
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Date: 2001-10-11 19:39:25 Kurumi ( / wrote: Hi Deine Plugin`s sind genial :) *schmeichel* Hab da ne frage Ich Use EPSXE und hab alle Plugins von dir rein und habe das Probleme Das FF IX Nur 3x3 Bloecke mit je 40x40 Pixel Anzeigt echt scheisse Meine PC config is 2x P3 500 MHz 512 RAM GF2 Pro NIvada Refernztreiber Neuste gezogen (am 11.10.01) SB Live Use WINDOWS 2000 AS DIE plugin Configs sind: Pete`s PSX OpenGL Render: Plugin: Pete's OpenGL Driver 1.1.53 Author: Pete Bernert Card vendor: NVIDIA Corporation GFX card: GeForce2 GTS/AGP/SSE Resolution/Color: - 1024x768 Fullscreen - Desktop changing [32 Bit] - Keep psx aspect ratio: off Textures: - R8G8A8A8 - Filtering: 0 - Caching: 2 Framerate: - FPS limitation: on - Frame skipping: off - FPS limit: Auto Compatibility: - Offscreen drawing: 4 - Framebuffer texture: 2 - Alpha multipass: on - Mask bit: on - Advanced blending: on Misc: - Scanlines: off - Line mode: off - Unfiltered FB: on - Dithering: on - Full vram: off - Game fixes: on [00000020] SPU: Pete`s Midas PSX AUDIO DRIVER Auf NEW SPU geklickt CDROM: Auf W2k -IOCTL scsi Commands [3:1:0] Drive G: BE_2 (ATAPI SPEC 2) ASYNC READ ich habe eiN cd-r Laufwerk TEAC 56S und eiN DVD Pionier 303z beides Scsi Laufwerke Danke im Voraus fuer deine Hilfe |
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Date: 2001-10-10 05:16:51 Elfego Trujillo ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete you need a better home page! this one seems to be very old fashion. it could be a little better dont you think? Anyways you EPSXE pkugins are awsome! keep em cooming man!!! |
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Date: 2001-10-09 14:39:07 Carolina ( / no homepage) wrote: hey, yo soy nueva en esto de emuladores, estoy trantando de jugar Initial D game a traves del epsxe, pero despues de configurarlo y tratar de iniciar el juego, no ocurre absolutamente nada. ¿que hago? gracias |
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Date: 2001-10-09 13:48:52 Saso ( / no homepage) wrote: Cerco Il Plugin Pete's d3d Direct 7, per configurare la mia Ati 128. Grazie |
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Date: 2001-10-09 06:35:07 lostsoul ( / no homepage) wrote: How about the geforce GPU support? you know,that's power. you are great... |
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Date: 2001-10-08 19:16:04 Rumbah ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! Deine Plug ins sing wirklich toll, aber nu, da ich eine Kyro 2 Karte besitze, habe ich ein paar Probleme! Wenn ich Chrono Cross mit den Direct X Plug In starte, dann habe ich beim Intro Video Anzeigeprobleme. Der rechte Teil des Videos wiederholt sich am linken Bildschirmrand (kann dir nen Screenshot schicken), und wenn ich dann die Starttaste drücke, dann bleibt alles stehen (auch Windows). Kann man da was machen, oder ist es ein Treiberproblem? Danke Rumbah |
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Date: 2001-10-08 12:21:57 Frosty ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for providing a much-needed service to us PC-owners who want to play the games, but can't stand the evil grey box itself. I had to borrow one of the nasty little things to play FF8, and when I heard that the PC version of FF9 had been killed, I was very upset, but now I can play both on my mighty beige box. Huzzah! Nice one, mate :) |
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Date: 2001-10-08 10:54:46 kim ( / no homepage) wrote: what use? |
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Date: 2001-10-08 04:08:58 calvin ( / no homepage) wrote: the legend of dragoon bug fix 3dfx/Glide³ GPU 1.35 epsxe need |
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Date: 2001-10-06 13:24:19 bigL ( no email / no homepage) wrote: wirklich gute plugins doch stört mich die fps begrenzung auf 50 fps. 50fps bei einer monitor refreshrate von 75 sind nicht wirklich flüssig, flüssig wäre eine fps anzahl grösser 75, vielleicht kann man einen zwischen frame hineininterpolieren oder wwi. als Wipeout fan leide ich nun mal darunter weil da geht es um speed :) |
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Date: 2001-10-05 13:25:31 Master ( / no homepage) wrote: Can you give me a PAD-File for the Emulator or a link to it? |
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Date: 2001-10-05 01:20:52 Velocity 7 ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello, I've recently used Pete's plugin, and it's great. Actually works with Megaman X5 (unlike the others that I know of, such as Null2's). However, could it be possible to do interpolation of the sound, from linear to 8-point? Another thing to note. Apparently, the movies in MMX5 do not play. I have ePSXe 1.4.0, using Pete's GPUs, SPUs, and CD plugins. And apparently, the movies don't play. They DO play in VGS 1.4.1. Any way to fix the problem? Thanks. E-mail me to respond. |
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Date: 2001-10-04 12:01:12 Ricardo Malagon IV ( / no homepage) wrote: Honorable Pete: Tienes cualidades de un ingenioso programador. Pero tu principal cualidad es la capacidad de tratar con el mundo de manera amena y amigable. Hermosa proeza la de abrir tu vida personal al mundo con solo compartir la idea de emular bien un PSX. Espero que conserves el buen humor con el pasar del tiempo, porque es de lo poco que realmente importa. |
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Date: 2001-10-04 01:27:02 hendry ( / wrote: just surfing |
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Date: 2001-10-02 17:12:02 CJ ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete, I just have to say your plugins are great! Keep up the good work! |
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Date: 2001-10-01 10:52:07 Irwan Limanto ( / no homepage) wrote: Hai Pete , you know it is time for playstation2, it is possible to make emulator for playstaion2 ? so I can play Winning Eleven 5. |
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Date: 2001-09-30 10:26:52 class ( / no homepage) wrote: your plugins are real GOOD!!! |
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Date: 2001-09-29 17:23:27 Julio ( / no homepage) wrote: Why does my Matrox G400 works better with the DX6 plugin? I've got a PIII @500, 192 RAM with Win 98 SE. Many thanks for your cool plugins. |
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Date: 2001-09-29 01:06:53 TheMan ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, just wanna say, YOU DA BOMB! Your plugins are easily the best and the easiest to use. Please let me know if you need any help(bug testing, code re-writes, ect.). |
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Date: 2001-09-28 23:08:33 JuamPAv16 ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete, your plugins are excellent, and your page too. But the question is: why my V3 AGP works better in your DX6 plugin than in other plugins programmed by you to use newer versions of DX like DX7 (i test the plugins on EPSXE)? also use the Lewpy plugins, but i like test all the plugins. Now my PC is: a K6-2 500, 128 MB of RAM, a SBLive Value, the V3 and WinME. SORRY if you don't understand this, i'm learning english (i'm from Argentina), and i don't speak german. |
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Date: 2001-09-28 04:31:12 David ( / no homepage) wrote: Feels like I got a real PSX thanks to Pete (and Iori for the sound). Must take a while to program something like this, a very long while... |
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Date: 2001-09-27 00:30:39 HBApower ( / no homepage) wrote: Great Job Pete! A future gpu plugin compatible with Dx8 is really welcomed! |
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Date: 2001-09-26 13:10:18 T!M@ ( / wrote: Sorry, i forgot! What is that control center? Can i register for access? How if it possible? I will wait for your letter. |
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Date: 2001-09-24 10:30:05 MEph ( / no homepage) wrote: Your work is very much appreciated and highly respected. |
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Date: 2001-09-24 05:48:38 hendry ( / wrote: Good Plugins, very nice good job |
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Date: 2001-09-24 05:25:42 ªL ¥J (Johnson Lam) ( / wrote: Hello Pete, Thanks thanks thanks for updating the CDR plugin! I don't know why some games failed with your plugin with unknown reason but work with TSGMSCDEX 1.2 (well ... TSG's author abandoned his plugin, no information available). I just wondering what is the trick of the TSGMSCDEX, why it works but your plugin not? Because most of the time your plugin was the best (Am I flattered you?) Just my curiosity, I've a playstation but like to play on PC because loading was fast, display far better than the PS, and save game function. |
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Date: 2001-09-23 13:00:26 Ant ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, Just wondernig where the directx7 gpu is, I can't find it. BTW How long did it take you to learn how to code and get up to the amazing standard you are at now, and what is your fave languag. |
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Date: 2001-09-22 13:25:05 Sonic ( / wrote: Hi Pete; Du hast wirklich super Plugins für PSX Emus. Das einzige, was mich noch etwas stört, ist, dass die Grafiken in Blocks angezeigt werden. Daher sieht man an gewissen Stellen immer Texturunterschiede, wo eigentlich keine Sein dürften... hast Du eine Idee? Danke und ... mach weiter so !!! =8) |
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Date: 2001-09-22 09:55:25 Oldirt ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Does anybody know why the epsxe site doesn´t work? |
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Date: 2001-09-18 19:34:28 Markus ( / no homepage) wrote: hi Pete habe heute 1.mal deine Plugins benutzt,muß sagen super endlich funzt alles geil!!! Weiter so GOOOODDD JOOOBBBB!!! cu |
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Date: 2001-09-17 05:34:56 lluis ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pet'ss agradesco tu web, me ha sido muy util y sencilla para download's patch's. hace tiempo que no le escribo a alguien y me parecio que eres una persona util... me despido de ti chao... escribeme ojala puedas |
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Date: 2001-09-16 13:37:32 Johnson Lam ( / wrote: Pete, thank you very much for the DSound SPU 1.1 technical info. I can't code because I don't know how to code, but I've read the whole text file and now understand the IRQ SPU. Exciting and happily ... looking forward for improvments on your GPU work (you must be coding in lightspeed!) :-) |
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Date: 2001-09-12 20:20:01 psxman ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great work. Your plugins for epsxe are perfect. I am looking forward to your next release!!!! |
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Date: 2001-09-10 13:03:11 Peppe ( / no homepage) wrote: YOU ARE A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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Date: 2001-09-09 12:15:02 bigL ( / no homepage) wrote: wirklich geniale plugins aber mir geht eine gamma einstellung irgendwie ab. Da ich ja scanlines verwende wird die ganze sache etwas dunkler (ja ich weiss ich kann die helligkeit einstellen von den scanlines) aber ich finde ein globales gamma wäre nicht schlecht. Das CD-Rom plugin funktioniert noch nicht so gut unter w2k vielleicht sind es auch meine aspi treiber wär weiss. auf jeden fall weiter so, du hast es drauf! |
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Date: 2001-09-08 16:49:11 Oldirt ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! I just wanna thank you for your great plugin´s.I think you are a genius! |
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Date: 2001-09-06 09:20:49 Mark ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete unsure if you are ok to help but here goes anyway; I have just downloaded the Psxe emulator with plugins etc, gone through the configoration, (I think), and there is now a window displayed saying; Running Epsxe emulator version 1.4.0 but nothing is happening. I am using a PC system using windows ME 2000. The CDROm in use is also a copy, (CDWriter). Are you able to help? Regards Mark |
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Date: 2001-09-04 20:16:01 killer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: YOUR PLUGINS ARE GREAT BUT CAN YOU DO ANITHING FOR RESIDENT EVIL NEMESIS ? |
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Date: 2001-09-03 17:54:20 HunterZ ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! You're the man! Thanks for all the plugins! |
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Date: 2001-09-01 23:21:42 Oliver Gitte ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi pete. Just wanted to drop u a line and sign the guestbook. Also I must admit that I am very jealous of your new pc :). I have one o those crappy intel810 chipsets w/ no agp slot. Im gonna buy a tnt2 m64 PCI tho, so things will be ok i guess. BTW, will I get a performance hit if I use a pci card w/ your plugin? |
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Date: 2001-09-01 22:05:24 floTTes ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Tja, was soll man sagen, Respekt!!! Extrem fettes Coding! Schade nur, dass ich nachdem ich eine halbe Ewigkeit mit der Konfiguration der PlugIns für ein willkürlich ausgesuchtes Spiel verbracht habe immer keine Lust mehr habe es zu zocken. Wie war das gleich? "Dieser Pete, x Optionen, nein, wer soll das bloß alles checken?!" :D LOL, und immer her mit neuen 'Tales'! |
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Date: 2001-09-01 13:10:38 Emiliano Fraga ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, First of all, congratulations for your super-b works on PSX plugins. They are very good. I'm using your ePSXeCutor. It's very useful too, but, I think there's a problem with the ePSXeCutor's memory card selector... I can't select any memory cards, just create, format, import etc, but there's no way to insert my previous created memory cards. Well, that's all. Thank you and keep the good work. Best regards, e1000 |
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Date: 2001-08-31 10:00:49 Francesco Cafagna ( / no homepage) wrote: Your D3D DX7 plugin is good. However: 1) are you sure frameskip is working? I can't notice any difference in the running speed when this feature is enabled. 2) I have a PIII@500 Mhz, 64 mb ram, nVidia Riva TNT 16, I'm using ePSXe and your plugins for audio, video and cd-rom, and I'm experiencing poor performance sometimes in games my friends' PCs are able to run at full speed, even if they are slower than mine. How is that possible? Excuse me for my awful English (I'm an Italian boy). |
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Date: 2001-08-29 07:28:29 sambuca ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete. I think i may have found a bug in your new gpu's. For some reason the intro in tekken 3 gets skipped. Sambuca |
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Date: 2001-08-28 16:52:41 nick ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! Don't pay attention to the bad mail. There are alot of people out there who admire your work. So keep up the good work and give us more of your excellent plugins. Nick |
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Date: 2001-08-28 11:24:04 sakaspuds ( / wrote: hey, much respect to pete, keep up the good work, you rule!!! :-D |
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Date: 2001-08-27 14:05:51 Method Man ( / wrote: I love your plugins.Keep up the great work. |
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Date: 2001-08-27 11:56:37 SlowPC ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete!!! Please make some more code optimizations in your GPU Plugins so as to be more quick.Pleeeeassseee!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!! |
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Date: 2001-08-27 04:55:43 Johnson Lam ( / wrote: After read the latest fairy tales ... Hope that you won't be angry or feel annoying, the most sad news is some programmer stopped their project or closedown their homepage because of these 'questions'. Until the end of the world, I'm 100% sure these kind of message will continue .... |
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Date: 2001-08-27 04:51:14 stellan ( / no homepage) wrote: hi pete! first of all, your plugins are simply the best, keep up the exellent work.. anyways, i just wanted to ask if there is anyway for you to implement a detectionroutine for changes between 2d/3d gamescenes and mdecs? the reason im asking is that just like in FF9 posted before (post 135), my FF7 pal works best with 60fps limitation, but the mdecs get out of sync with sound in 60fps. and call me lazy, but i cant walk over to my computer and switch to autodetect fps everytime a mdec starts :) well anyway, please let me know if you can do this from the plugin (maybe the emulatorcore would need some hacking aswell? i dunno) .. cheers! |
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Date: 2001-08-27 03:45:15 cobosdan ( / no homepage) wrote: You are cool man, but you know already. Thanks for making our life happier ! Peace |
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Date: 2001-08-24 17:25:57 racer ( no email / no homepage) wrote: I am using your Direct3D and Opengl plugins and they are looking really good on my TNT graphics card. Is the filtering being done real time? If so wouldn't be a speed improvement to filter the textures not real time but when each one is loaded and also to change the resolution of the textures in accordance with the resolution selected.I don't know if this is possible but I thought I should let you know. racer |
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Date: 2001-08-22 17:52:59 Bob ( / no homepage) wrote: I was playing FF8 with Pete's GPU and I can upon something weird. As the robot in Dollet City was about to trample the car, the screen became white and pink and stayed that way until I returned to Timber. Then all the words were messed up. I tried it with other GPUs, many failed to even display an image, all of Pete's GPU's did the same thing, but it seemed to work with another GPU, but the resolution was 640x480. Is this a common glitch? Is there a solution? Computer Specs (in case it helps): Celeron 500 MHz Processor 128 MB RAM MPU-401 Compatible(Sound right for a graphics card?) Crystal WDM Audio Codec Sound Card Toshiba DVD-Rom SD-M1212 If I'm just stupid and forgot something important, please let me know... Thanks A Bunch |
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Date: 2001-08-21 13:34:41 GeorgeMan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great Direct3D plugin you have made. A suggestio:Wouldn't transforming the textures to a higher resolution and applying antialising to them during loading (not in real time)improve the graphical output of your plugins without affecting the speed(FPS) at all. Thank you Pete and keep up the good work. |
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Date: 2001-08-21 02:38:42 Erigiat ( / wrote: I've tried ePSXe with Pete's GPU plugin, and Iori's sound plugins, and it rocks very well. The only emu that I've tried which runs Vagrant Story or FFTactics fine is VGS. I wonder which are the specs that make these games a little difficult to emulate well. Is it very different the emulation of a PSX game on FPSE, AdriPSX, or ePSXe, if they're using the same plugins? |
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Date: 2001-08-16 19:44:36 Kane ( / no homepage) wrote: Would it be possible to add a function to the GPU plugins so that you can switch between autodetect FPS and user defined? The reason I ask is that FFIX PAL runs best in 60FPS.... but I need to switch to 50 FPS to watch the MDECS :( Rockin Plugin BTW |
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Date: 2001-08-15 16:34:36 django ( no email / no homepage) wrote: yo pete! how 'bout a directx8 pluin for epsxe? |
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Date: 2001-08-14 23:28:42 ingrid ( / no homepage) wrote: hey pete---i have a quick question. i have epsxe and i have downloaded your graphics plugins. however i can't get epsxe to recognize them in the configure window. i have directx 8. i have tried copying them to various epsxe folders, but they won't copy to the 'plugins' folder and i'm not sure what else to try. any suggestions? -ingrid |
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Date: 2001-08-13 14:22:54 TONY ( CHEWY_001@HOTMAIL.COM / no homepage) wrote: Hello, I had a problem with the emulator ePSXe.120 not recoginizing memory cards on games , when you save games it freezes it up. I selected and formatted the card for slot 1 and 2. I have the front end for the emulator. Why dont it see the memcard it worked on teken 3 but not soul reaver. Please advise |
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Date: 2001-08-12 22:46:26 Danny (Ulic) ( / no homepage) wrote: Just want to say thanks. So thanks for all the hard work and time you put in so we can have fun, when we get the chance... to throw a playstation game into a cd drive and just mess around with the config and play some great looking games. Yours Danny Love from Ireland |
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Date: 2001-08-10 16:38:34 chenlee ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, Pete. I want to make my own epsxe gpu. Can u tell me where to find the detail description of its interface? |
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Date: 2001-08-08 19:51:24 Trevor ( / no homepage) wrote: I found an interesting bug with the 1.51 grphics plugins. In Xenogears, there are a couple spots where the plugin will mess up and stop displaying graphics if you're running in fullscreen. If you're running in windowed mode the game will work perfectly. Music continues to play like normal so I assume the main emulator is still working fine. I haven't tried the D3D plugin but it happens with both OpenGL the software. One of the places this happens is during the first fight with Deus on disc 2 when he casts the spell to halve everybodies hit-points. It also occurs in two places during a long scene right before Fei acquires Xenogears. I won't describe the location in more detail incase somebody hasn't played it yet. I was using the latest epsxe and have tried multiple sound plugins and bios files, as well as changing many of the cd/sound options. The bug is very consistant in that it only happens when the graphics plugin is running in full-screen mode but works perfectly in a window. P3-600, 256 MB, Win2k w/SP2, GeForce3 with latest reference drivers, Soundblaster Live |
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Date: 2001-08-07 05:23:13 Kenny J ( / no homepage) wrote: Me again. More time in BOF3, I went back to 1.50 OGL and aside from minor glitches I'm sure you're aware of, everything seems to work just fine. Very nice... If only I could take advantage of the new optomizations in 1.51... |
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Date: 2001-08-06 18:59:00 Dave Doherty ( / wrote: Epsxe rules when you run it with Petes Graphical plugins. Why use any other emulator? |
126 |
Date: 2001-08-04 08:12:05 Kenny J ( / no homepage) wrote: And now, an extensive and excruciating bug report: In the newest OGL plugin, your new "advanced blending" OGL extensions apparently think my Viper2 (S3 Savage2000 chip) is supported, and it appears that certain effects will cause the screen to black out. In BOF3, the only game I've tested so far, I'm in the early stages of the game and the effects associated with the "flare" or "burn" (enemy technique similar to flare) cause the screen to blank out, you can access the menus and then the little statusbar thingy reappears (I'm in ePSXe btw, don't know if that matters) but otherwise the screen is 100% black, and the game seems to continue in spite of this. ePSXe will still exit normally, although on my system that's a relative term... The problem is likely with S3's so-called "drivers" (how these things are Microsoft certified I will never know, more irritating is that the most recent update for win2k was only to include the certificate for this, and there have been no updates since... in less than three weeks from now, it'll be A YEAR for win2k, and it's already been A YEAR AND A MONTH for win9x...) so you get off the hook for this one, but it would be nice to have the option to simply use advanced blending without attempts at hardware support. Strangely, the half moon only appears if advanced blending is turned off. Go figure. BTW, I am otherwise very impressed by your video plugin, and I'd be willing to help test out beta plugins in support of my fellow deprived (and depraved since the GF2MX) Viper2 users. I find it amazing enough that palletized textures work, afaik... Oh yeah, since I know the question is coming... Nope, the directx drivers aren't even worth considering. The OGL drivers for the Viper2 are MUCH better than the directx drivers... the directx plugins aren't even what I would consider playable on my system without making a severe compromise in quality and features, while OGL lets me turn on almost all possible eyecandy (save for vram textures and vram primitives, but I don't miss that feature, and my system (dual 525mhz in win2k) probably can't back that up even with a GF3 anyways..) as long as I keep the resolution low. My system specs: Abit BP6 mobo (i440bx chipset, AGP2x, SMP) Two Intel Celerons 366mhz OC'd to 525 128Mb PC133 ECC RAM Viper2 video card SBLive! MP3+ sound card (primary, used for damn near everything) Aureal SQ2500 sound card (long story why I have two, this one's for A3D in windows 98, makes a difference) Cheapo Adaptec OEM SCSI-2 card Toshiba 5x DVD drive (primary, used for emu) Ricoh 6/4/24 CDRW drive UDMA/66 27G hard drive Trying to emu in 640X480 Running win2k, occasionally win98 but not often, normally only if absolutely necessary No noticable performance loss in win2k btw, probably because ePSXe is getting more of one processor of two than win98 could offer of one, and it makes up for the heavy resource usage That, and my system's so heavily tweaked, only the most demanding games I have can show any significant difference, like Q3A with all eyecandy at 1024X768 |
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Date: 2001-08-03 14:10:12 sven ( / no homepage) wrote: hi ! die plugins (oder auch treiber) sind genial. das meiste funktioniert. hab aber dennoch probleme die ich dir mal zu geschickt habe, da ich ein bissl vor der wand stehe ! grüße sven |
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Date: 2001-08-02 18:17:50 Dark Thunder ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete! Cool work your going through. Youre on the popular list! Youre the cool people now! Anyways, I HAVE A PROBLEM. One, you have fixed and gave up at the same time... SOUND SKIPPING!! I dont know whats wrong with it. Its for my ePSXe emu. When I configure the sound, all the plug-ins are the same, they all skip! I dont know whats wrong with it. Im not that good at this stuff, Im not an expert. But Im a fellow gamer and I need help, so... help me out. |
123 |
Date: 2001-08-02 17:02:23 Jeffri ( / no homepage) wrote: Great brain in nice people, thanks for everything Jeffri Indonesia |
122 |
Date: 2001-08-01 19:46:46 adrian de vries ( / wrote: hi there, cool plugins. i uses them all the time. thanks for taking the time to do such excellent work. adrian south africa |
121 |
Date: 2001-07-31 11:24:57 GPhreak ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! Erstmal ein dickes Dankeschön für die großartigen Plug-Ins die du schreibst, funzen wirklich 1a!! Aber auch ich hab ein kleines Problem: bei Chrono Trigger verwende ich dein Soft-Plugin, da es einfach am besten aussieht, aber irgendwie ist kein VSync aktiviert bzw. aktivierbar, was leider nicht sooo toll aussieht. Ist das machbar? Wäre extrem cool! Sonst weiter so und viel Erfolg! Greetz, GPhreak |
120 |
Date: 2001-07-30 17:18:43 Asigaru ( / no homepage) wrote: a gpu bug with ffix pal/uk i'm using your software gpu plugin with the pal/english version of final fantasy ix, it worded good, but *i can't see the battle menu during battles*. i can see the names of the attacks, the names of the characters and their HP, but the menu is gone! any tips? |
119 |
Date: 2001-07-30 00:20:19 xobro ( / no homepage) wrote: First of all thanks for your wonderful plugins. I'm going to say this to you because you're the main plugin writer and you are in contact with all the emu teams. I've recently read your comments on the FPSE forum about the FPSE plugin interface and I agree that a different interface is useless and that what makes the plugin system great is that you can use the same plugin with different emus, but the PSEmu interface is old and not finished (it's written in the commnts in the SDK). Now that other emu are thinking about linux porting and new features are introduced (save states, CDDA, etc.) maybe it's time for a "PSEmu pro plugin interface 2". That should include support for many new features: savestates, a PAD interface able to handle rumbling, the new SPU interface, the parallel port support, a better platform indipendency (the idea of defining types as UINT16 is worth) and probably other things. I don't think that such a things can come from an emu team (as the FPSE team has done) because it would not become a standard, as a matter of fact PSemu pro plugin became a standard only because that emu was discontinued :-( ... This change wolud that some work but I think it's worth, after all almost all the plugins and all the emus (except Psemu pro) are still under developement, so it should not cause bad backward compatibiliy problems. This is just my opinion, thanks for reading it. Bye |
118 |
Date: 2001-07-29 04:37:29 Asif Ali Rizwaan ( / no homepage) wrote: First of all thank you very much for creating such good plugins OpenGL and D3D for windows and Linux. I have 1 bug report and some feature requests: A. Bug: The Gamma Adjustment is not working at all. Tekken 3 is very slow! Crash bandicoot 1 is cool with D3D and OpenGL. B. Wishes: 1. Tooltip Help: There are many option in the configure dialog, it would be great to have a "What's this?" kind of Tooltip quick help. Atleast for windows. 2. Settings save/load: I wish to save/load my different settings in the plugin dialog itself as files. The plugin has only 2 default settings called fast and nice, please let users save settings in a file and load when required. My System Configuration: 1. Celeron 400 (overclocked to 450) (I will buy celeron 766 just for epsxe :) 2. 96MB SDRAM 3. Riva TNT2 M64 (32 MB Graphics card) 4. Sound Blaster 16 (ISA, I will replace that) Yours truly, Rizwaan. |
117 |
Date: 2001-07-27 05:07:14 sniper ( / no homepage) wrote: just a small request, can you speed up the warning and sony playstaion message when the game start up? it's very annoying with these 2, warning msg is ok at 12.7fps, but the sony playstation message is just too slow, 7fps and take about 2-3minute to end it, then i can get in to the game, which the frame rate was normally at 50fps*I'm play final fantasy 7, coz I like this game* beside that, you've done the greatest job, besides the emulator creator ofcoz hehe :) thx |
116 |
Date: 2001-07-26 22:45:06 Rumbah ( / no homepage) wrote: Also erstmal, ich finde deine Seite gut, auch von Layout her, denn es ist schön zu sehen, wie schnell die Seite lädt, auch im Zeitalter von ADSL. Außerdem ist sie informativ und hat alles, was eine gute Seite haben sollte. Dein Plug In ist auch toll, aber ich habe Probleme damit, seit ich eine Kyro Grafikkarte habe. Mit Ihr funktionieren Die DX und OGL plug Ins nur noch sehr sehr langsam (0,5 fps bei Chrono Trigger (ist ja nur 2D) mit OGL und Stillstand (nur ien Bild insgesamt)mit dem Direct X Plug In). Ich hoffe, das Problem lässt sich im Plug In lösen, und liegt nicht an der Hardware. Bye Rumbah |
115 |
Date: 2001-07-26 22:24:22 DanN ( / wrote: i don't speak english well, but i will make a try... Your pluings ara the BEST and MOST COMPATIBLE (??? i have seen this before??), but i have to make a request: The frame-skip can be increased???, for example if the user press a key the frame-skip increases or decreases or sets to auto frame-skip. so, the frame-skip can go from: autoframeskip (always try to get 59,94 FPS) -0 frame skip... - 9 frame skip, ::) can u add a filtering metod to the software plugin? well, that is all. DanN |
114 |
Date: 2001-07-26 11:37:02 Matcher ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Klasse plugins, aber ein GROßES Problem mit dem OGL-Plugin!!! Wenn man mit den 12.41 Detonators FSAA aktiviert gibt es in OGL null grafische FSAA Verbesserung (mit anderen OGL Anwendungen wie Serious Sam ist alles so geglättet wie es soll). Mit Deinem D3D-Plugin sind die FSAA Verbesserungen allerdings vorhanden! Allerdings ist die Geschwindigkeit meiner MX unter D3D nicht so dolle wie unter OGL. Also, wäre klasse wenn Du das beheben könntest (das FSAA auch in Deinem OGL-Plugin funzt) Greetz, Matcher! |
113 |
Date: 2001-07-25 05:07:45 TToSJ ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Maybe this has been requested before, but how about selectable mixing rates and interpolation support for your audio plugin?? It would greatly improve the quality of the output IMHO. Thanks! |
112 |
Date: 2001-07-23 22:24:49 Charon ( / no homepage) wrote: Hehehe - deine Seite könnte evtl. ne Frischzellenkuhr vertragen, aber was solls - dein Plugin ist Spitze und das ist was zählt :p Hab vor kurzem auf Thuderbird 1000 + Gefore 2 MX 400 aufgerüsted, und FF9 läuft wie die Seuche, auch mit allen "nice" Optionen an... Many greets! Charon / Michael (the guy who bugged you about the odd save problem with BoF3 wayyyyyy back *gggg*) |
111 |
Date: 2001-07-22 16:24:05 Mauricio Cáceres ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! Pete... I'd like to make some request about your soft plug-in. Fisrt of all, it'd be great if there'd be a buton that skip the rendering as in Kazzuya's plug-in. Another fact, i've got a little bug with it. The 320x240 resolution doesn't work on my PC. I've got a pentium MMX at 233Mhz with 32Mb of RAM and a SiS 5598 video card with 4Mb of VRAM. When I put a resolution lower than 640x480 the emulator closes up (both ePSXe and Adri). Please check it out cuz' at 320x240 i've got a higher speed in Bleem! Thanx!!!!!!!!!! |
110 |
Date: 2001-07-19 19:36:09 Cristian Golumbovici ( / no homepage) wrote: I know you probably get lots of requests, but, well, I'll still have a humble suggestion of my own. If at all possible. Was reading in your fairy tale collection "- My Soft plugin is the BEST and MOST COMPATIBLE of my gpu plugins. But I don't use it to play any games. You wonder why? Because I want to have high-res gfx, speed and sometimes even texture filtering. Or short: enhanced features." And I might add that it's the most compatible of ALL plugins I've ever seen so far. Stuff that may be higher res in other stuff, with it it's actually PLAYABLE. Want one example? "Persona 2: Eternal Punishment". With any of the D3D or OpenGL plugins, the text would be broken and plain unreadable. (Something that makes an RPG totally useless.) So I was thinking... Would it be possible please to have the software plugin render in double the original resolution? Or maybe have some software based up-scaling of the rendered image that looks better than the current stretch? E.g., see the SuperEagle and Super 2xSAL modes in Snes9x, a SNES emulator. They work simply great for turning a low res picture into something that actually looks high res. Would it please be possible to have something like that in your software GPU plugin? Thanks, Golu |
109 |
Date: 2001-07-18 00:04:09 Hamish Dymock ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete great page. For the last hour and a half I have been trying to download a playstation emu and get it to work. I am not a genius at computers and dont understand all this plugin stuff they talk about. Could you please send me an email on how I would get an emulator up and working in simple terms for someone who really dosent know what they are doing Thanks Hamish |
108 |
Date: 2001-07-17 14:16:35 Johnson Lam ( / wrote: Hi Pete, Just read your great fairy tales, I'm totally agree with you. But something suddenly came to my mind, I've to say "maybe" because they're not english people (I don't know what's their native language, and don't care). But ... Another idea pop-up, most of the others teams also not native english people .... The only reason maybe they don't know english, so forgive them ;-) |
107 |
Date: 2001-07-16 16:17:04 marino gregorio ( / no homepage) wrote: nothing to say, just tanks for your great job! |
106 |
Date: 2001-07-16 15:24:47 hiiro ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Most PSX emulators need your plugins. Those emulators are AdriPSX,ePSXe and..FPSE !! |
105 |
Date: 2001-07-16 10:45:05 Timo ( / no homepage) wrote: Viele Grüße vom größten und kompatibelsten Emulatoren-Fan am Bodensee ;-). |
104 |
Date: 2001-07-16 09:34:06 beenn ( no email / no homepage) wrote: good fairy tale,pete |
103 |
Date: 2001-07-15 21:37:51 bo ( / no homepage) wrote: thank you for your work. |
102 |
Date: 2001-07-15 19:06:14 Richard Leblanc ( / no homepage) wrote: Increased file page size to 384MB vs 192 on my w2k amdk62 400 128MB 32MBagp clone to resolve performance issue with test drive. Still having sound problems - will increase ram to 256 and try again. |
101 |
Date: 2001-07-15 13:38:12 sauron ( / wrote: ...G R E A T ....... |
100 |
Date: 2001-07-15 11:18:03 Edward Morales ( / no homepage) wrote: I Salute u from the other side of the world , Venezuela in South America , you have the best plugins for Psx emu's with plug support , Congratulations ! , I think that you can help people on the future , teaching your knowlege to the world , for example to me !!!!! , i'm a game programer with a small trayectori bye bye |
99 |
Date: 2001-07-13 20:11:23 Giorgos ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Greetings Pete. You have made the best plugins for epsxe. A further speed optimization of your direct3d and opengl plugin would be highly prefered. Keep up the good work. |
98 |
Date: 2001-07-13 19:41:44 Fernando Ferreira dos Santos ( / no homepage) wrote: Helo, excuse-e my English is very bad, I like very much of the last version of the plug ins Congratulations!!! Fernando Ferreira dos Santos caixa postal 3 CEP 37757-000 Poço Fundo - MG Brasil |
97 |
Date: 2001-07-13 08:08:57 Apichai Saiyaros ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello,I'm not well in english.But i wanna say about your great plugins.Hmm,I think your plugins is very fast formy sis6326 vga card but for play movies(str) it not work well not fast like kazzuya's software gpu.If you can do.Please make it fastest like Kazsoft.Thank (My system Celeron 533 64M ram cd 52 x Vga sis6326 sound sb16) |
96 |
Date: 2001-07-11 20:55:37 Jacques ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I'm new to the world of emulators. I just installed the Epsxe. You do a fantastic job for the emulators community, thanks. Where did you grab all the knowledge about the PSX? Jacques in Montreal |
95 |
Date: 2001-07-11 20:51:27 Eugene H. ( / wrote: Man! i just came to your site , and your PLUG IN for EPSXE rocks thanks a million to you for making it, because of you i am playing my favorite fighting games on the pc! i don't have to buy a PS. thanks man! ....... Thanks a million for making these plugins! Sincerely Eugene. |
94 |
Date: 2001-07-10 13:18:11 Linkb ( / no homepage) wrote: Your graphics plugins are the best of all!. Keep the working, all the PSX emu fans are in debt to you. Thanks again. |
93 |
Date: 2001-07-10 01:07:58 JMx ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, well i wanted to ask that if the OpenGL plugins can use 3dfx miniGL divers? Donno if this has been asked before. Thanks. |
92 |
Date: 2001-07-09 21:26:11 PrinzEnrique ( / wrote: hallöchen! ich habe festgestellt, dass sämtliche SPU Plugins am XA Sound bei Tenchu 2 (sehr gutes Spiel kann ich wärmstens empfehlen) versagen (Pete's inklusive) außer ich stelle den XA ingame sound ab oder ich benutze den MIDAS Driver von Pete und stelle DirectSound support ab (in dem fall hab ich dann wieder andere Probleme) woran kann das liegen?? bei Connectix VGS funktioniert alles einwandfrei! |
91 |
Date: 2001-07-09 15:23:18 chris ( / wrote: First of all i got to say i admire your work you are the man but I've downloaded and extracted PSX GPU OGL/D3D/Soft driver to my Plugins directory, but it's not showing up as a choice under video Plugins in ePSXe it gives this message NOT completly configurayed properly. go to config -> video to configer it , please help! |
90 |
Date: 2001-07-09 07:23:02 Park ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi! um....Mr.Pete. This is my first massage to you.Since i 'm poor in english.Don't mention my gramatical errosr.....I just wanna say i'm a big fan of you. I love your works.It 's anyway...take good care of your health Mr Pete... Respect... Park |
89 |
Date: 2001-07-08 14:47:56 Daz ( / no homepage) wrote: Yo Pete, thanks for the wicked plugins, I sold my PSX ages ago to buy a PC and now my PSX games run perfectly on my Geforce 32Meg DDR card. Using EpsxE. You have made some cool plugins... Keep the updates coming :D Cheers dude |
88 |
Date: 2001-07-05 08:41:53 Seneca ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Wuz up? Anyay grat job on the software side of your plugin's. My PSX broke a long time ago and I just recently dicovered PSX emu's. My ATI card isn't all that great, but thanks to you I can play FF Tactics again. little slow during the fights but ehh, I'm not the one chucking away at code ne? Oh wait some specifics: PII 300 mhz, 3D rage lt pro, directx 8, oh yea it's a burned copy of FF Tactics. Peace out. |
87 |
Date: 2001-07-01 15:54:45 Pat Hubcap ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey I've got a weird problem. I used to use a TNT2 m64 card with your plugins and everything ran awesomely until the card overheated. Since Dell is too cheap to replace the card (they said since windows shows up its not defective) and I wasn't looking to spend that much cash, I went out and bought a hercules phophet 4500 which uses that new kyro II chip. But now I get constant lockups using the d3d plugins. The openGL doesnt lock up but for some reason it is much slower than the d3ds. I've tried every setting on the plugins and I get the same results. I'm guessing this is happening because of the card's drivers but I haven't had any problems with any other games. If theres anyway I can help you with this problem let me know. My computer is a pIII 500 with 256 memory running windows 2000. Thanks! |
86 |
Date: 2001-07-01 12:33:54 Giulio Vezzelli ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete! Great work on your plugins, ePSXe with them is getting very close to a real PSX :) While I use also a real PSX to play I generally prefer the emulator because of the save states features; so I noticed that playing FF IX (windowed, 640 x 480 with scanlines) some horizontal lines are doubled and I can't find the "correct" resolution for the windows (seems close to 640 x 448, not yet though). Do you have any idea on this ? Breath of Fire III seems perfect @ 640x480. Thank you! |
85 |
Date: 2001-07-01 10:30:32 Elemental ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, i just wanted to say that you have done extremely well with your plugins, and have provided nearly all options i can think of to "tweak" ePSXe. However, since the release of ePSXe 1.40, i get a "SetPixelFormat Error" only using your OpenGL plugin and was unsure how to solve it. While D3D is still very nice, i was hoping that you could help me. Thanks. Elemental |
84 |
Date: 2001-06-29 18:15:21 Mark Kennedy ( / wrote: Good work on your plugins man. Nice! But I am using a rather slow pc. P3 500 and an ati rage 128. I use OGL cause it is faster on rage 128 by a long way. Anyways I found that using slower caching modes like mode 0, I get less stuttering in Gran Turismo when there are alot of cars in view. I mean a massive increase in FPS. I am using your reccommended settings with no frame skip and fps limiting on. Even changing these settings doesnt make it stop stuttering with dynamic caching. I am wondering could you take a look at your code and see can you find a reason why I might get this slow down! Thanks Pete. My Playstation blew up about 6months ago from eh!! probably overuse of Gran Turismo. Thanks again. Mark |
83 |
Date: 2001-06-28 05:56:36 Ryan ( / no homepage) wrote: I just wanted to let you know you have done a really good job with the plugins. They look great and run very fast. Some minor details with the pixels could be improved a little. but it's still great. Thanks for making these. I use your plugins for the video, sound, cdrom, everything. keep up the good work and keep improving. |
82 |
Date: 2001-06-26 20:15:44 Oxymoron ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey, keep up the good progress on all your plugins. In Bushido Blade 2 during the fights there is slowdown even though the framerate reports a steady 60.0. During the replays, however, the slowdown dissapears. I'm using the OpenGL plugin v1.5, and this didn't happen with v1.49. Also in Bushido Blade 2, if I turn the resolution high (>800x600), the framerate drops to 25fps or less on the menu screens. This happens in many other games I've played included FF9 (on the main menu and pause menus). I don't think this happens with your soft plugin or D3D plugin, but I could be wrong. |
81 |
Date: 2001-06-26 17:20:15 Jarrett ( / wrote: Very nice site and I give great thanks to you on making the wonderful plugins avalible so I can enjoy FF7 at both of my parents houses. Keep up the freedom man. |
80 |
Date: 2001-06-26 07:28:12 xuly2k ( / no homepage) wrote: hi,Pete.My video card is savage4(32m),and which driver should I select when using epsxe's plugin? by the way,I am from china so my english is not so good,sorry |
79 |
Date: 2001-06-24 21:28:10 lord of impiety ( / wrote: hello, man... Your D3D driver is really great... But it would be true evil if it can work with the psx doom on fpse for an exemple. TRue nekrofuck satan okkultik ! Continue to make good job like that ! |
78 |
Date: 2001-06-23 16:18:19 BoByLion ( / no homepage) wrote: The message number 77 have an error in the email. The correct e-mail is Sorry. Thank's for your plugins Pete!! |
77 |
Date: 2001-06-23 12:28:21 BoByLion ( / no homepage) wrote: Very Good plugins!! I use always the OpenGL and works fine Only one litle thing : In FF8 PAL Original, with all bioses, a Pentium III 933, 256Mb RAM with an "ATI Radeon 64Mb DDR in WIN2000 & DirectX 8.0a : The first titles always are shown with scanlines and frame rate doesn't up more than 20fps. (like that:) ![]() ![]() I tried every possible configuration with Pete's OpenGL, DirectX & Soft but no results. I have a friend with an ATI rage 128, and have the same problem All the rest of the game works good in all plugins. :) |
76 |
Date: 2001-06-22 10:44:28 hook ( / no homepage) wrote: Thank for Greatest GPU plugin!! Pete! You are my hero! |
75 |
Date: 2001-06-19 08:44:38 dxs84 ( / wrote: great work man keep it up! |
74 |
Date: 2001-06-18 10:13:28 raoul ( / no homepage) wrote: Dear Pete! Nice greetings to you Pete and friends outside. as I earlier written I tested the ePSXe with your 3 plugins both have win98 on two system the OpenGL driver and the soft driver causing a red screen after startig CD but the D3D Driver works better the exepted, I give you a shortcut. my friends system is a AMD 800 Athlon with a geforce2 gts 32mb DDRram, 256 MB Ram, 50* noname CD-rom , ali-mainboard, after little configuration we get most of his games running (original ones) (Tenschu2 Ntsc no prob. unbelievable Grafic,Driver 2 Pal n.p. u.G.mgs litle probs video/sound,tony Hawk pal n.p.resident Evil 3 some padkeyactions seemed to be disabled(you can aim but not shoot),.... secound system is a Pentium2 400 , asus P2B Board ,ati Rage Pro ,soundblaster pci64,sidewinder pad,192 MbRam,asus 40* Cd-rom, the soft driver works and the D3D driver is working very well ,I get most games running but having problems with the videoszenes and sound it´s slower then Realtime its going step by and sound ist mainly crap ,step but I work on it. If you or anybody else have any suggestions fixing the problem feel free to e-mail me or if you need some configuration settings for the first system!?!.Da ich aus dem Ruhrpott bin dachte ich es ist für dich interessant wie deine Sachen so funktionieren und mir einwenig auf die Sprünge helfen bei dem 2 System ,die Config beschreiben ich hab gesehen du hattest ein änliches system wär echt nett oder eine generelle Beschreibung auf der Homepage(Sprache egal)wär nützlich!Liebe Grüße aus dem Ruhrpott |
73 |
Date: 2001-06-18 04:52:20 Chu Suan Yuan ( / wrote: Pete's D3D plugin is my favoriate GPU plugin for epxse & fpse. I have gforece2 mx (32 mb vram), and always can get 800x600x32 at full speed emulation. But in r-type delta, the 2D display have problem at start screen & continue counting, but the 3D rendering is aweful. I want to thank you for your great gpu plugin that bring me a lot of fun. |
72 |
Date: 2001-06-18 03:42:59 Gord ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great DSound PSX SPU plugin !!! I'm only running a Celeron 400 and this latest plugin allows nearly every sound and music to be emulated exquisitely !!! WOW and Thanks |
71 |
Date: 2001-06-16 10:35:43 Raoul ( / no homepage) wrote: Needed 1 day to install all the stuff I´m a newbie but get it done at my own thanks for all the faq´s and thanxs for all the plugins keep on working i as a german get it done all in engish yeah thanx Pete |
70 |
Date: 2001-06-16 00:08:23 avih ( no email / wrote: GREAT plugins. i like the new spu (1.8) a LOT keep up the good work, if u like :) enjoy avi |
69 |
Date: 2001-06-15 18:38:52 Ian ( / no homepage) wrote: I just want to say, excellent job on the plugins. And from one techie to another, I like your PC setup in the picture at the top of your page. Keep up the good work, Pete. :) |
68 |
Date: 2001-06-11 09:34:10 chiasoochan ( / no homepage) wrote: i use most of your psxemupro's plugin and grateful for your effort in this arena. i also fond of nintendo n64 emulators especially the recent one is not so advance/bug free as epsxe and the video(opengl)plugin is inferior than yours for psxemupro's.i have a suggestion why not you port your plugin/rewrite to/for n64 system.the gamers' will definitely cheerful for that,thank you. |
67 |
Date: 2001-06-11 02:57:12 Kurt ( / no homepage) wrote: Love the new software but I keep getting errors about the bios and problems with it recognizing my cd's. Any help is appreciated. |
66 |
Date: 2001-06-10 16:47:38 Dominic ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, erstmal Lob für die tollen Plugins. Nun die Kritik: Sobald ich die Cutor-EXE aufrufen will bekomme ich eine Modulschutzverletzung der mfc42.dll. Ist die EXE vielleicht hinüber, oder benötigt man eine spezielle Version der DLL. Was ich sehr schade finde, FF9 bekomme ich überhaupt nicht ans laufen. Nachdem ich die CD ins Laufwerk einlege und ePSXe starte wird nur der Zugriff auf HDD & CDROM angezeigt, ansonsten passiert nichts :-( Falls du irgendetwas zur Lösung meiner Probleme parat haben solltest, schick mir die Antwort per Mail. System: K6/2-450, 128 MB RAM, ELSA ERAZOR III PRO, ePSXe 1.2 GPU D3D 1.50, SPU MIDAS 1.07 MfG Dominic PS: Existiert eigentlich eine Doku zu deinen, unter Developement, bereitgestellten Plugins? |
65 |
Date: 2001-06-10 10:55:55 Pete's biggest fan ( no email / no homepage) wrote: hi Pete, I want to ask if which video plugin for EpsxE is the fastest. i luv your plugins!!!!!!!!!! ps:can you sent me your answer through e-mail and also not displayiny my e-mail address on this page? Thanks |
64 |
Date: 2001-06-08 18:31:33 henry ( / no homepage) wrote: I've got some problems with your last plug-in for the ePSXe because while I'm playing and I'm trying to save there's an error in a d3d*.dll file. How can I solve this problem? Thanks bye |
63 |
Date: 2001-06-07 18:18:54 paolo borelli ( / no homepage) wrote: Everybody knows that your plugins are great, but what I'm really missing is an update to... ... your collection of fairy-tales! :-) |
62 |
Date: 2001-06-07 01:13:50 Makoto Yoshioka ( / no homepage) wrote: I guess, I have exactory same problem with #57&58,Jack ho. I downloaded your gpu, but emu says "no video plaugins found". Please help me!! I can't sleep well with this problem!! |
61 |
Date: 2001-06-05 12:16:21 aa ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Realy good all the PSX stuff but I miss something that will work under windows 2000 |
60 |
Date: 2001-06-05 11:42:06 KKB ( / no homepage) wrote: hi,Pete. Do you know why closed? Will not update epsxe? plz answer me. bye~ |
59 |
Date: 2001-06-02 12:24:29 tarzeau ( / wrote: amiga rulaz! |
58 |
Date: 2001-06-02 05:58:46 jack ho ( / no homepage) wrote: i just test the epsxe on the other machine in my office. the same thing it said: "no video plugins found"... where should i put these gpu plugins? they are now in the same folder where the "ePSXe.exe" is. there is no problem with the spu and the cdr. plz help. |
57 |
Date: 2001-06-02 05:06:54 jack ho ( / no homepage) wrote: my epsxe is having a hard time config. the video plugin. i've downloaded all the gpus i can find including yours. "no video plugins found" is all it said. i'm using intel i740 graphic card only. is this the problem why it can't config. it? or i don't need no graphic card at all when using your software gpu? plz tell me what to do to have the epsxe runs... thz alot for helping |
56 |
Date: 2001-06-01 08:24:58 Heffe ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Good work man... |
55 |
Date: 2001-06-01 03:09:57 Lord Kain ( / no homepage) wrote: I was really impressed your TNT graphic card driver v1.28 but I can't seem to get the latest version (1.32) off your site. Could you check that the file is still there? Riva TNT Owner and Emulation Fan Lord Kain |
54 |
Date: 2001-06-01 02:43:44 anime1973 ( / wrote: Pete's plugins kick ass! |
53 |
Date: 2001-06-01 02:41:47 Johnson Lam ( / wrote: Hello Pete, thank you very much for your plugin! I got improvement everytime when I load the new version of D3D plugin ... hooray! But I can't get the CDR plugin working, the old ASPI 0.5 works but horribly slow, TSG 1.2 was fine but since your plugin have too much new functions (saliva drops ...). Everytime I run the CDR plugin it read a few seconds stop, I've already installed the ASPI layer for 98, also the plugin detects my plextor fine. Anyway, please don't reply if you think this annoying, because this kind of questions really annoying, thanks. |
52 |
Date: 2001-05-31 20:41:20 andy satriani ( / no homepage) wrote: i can't use display mode 320x240 and 320x200 in all games,emulator is shutdown. please tell me what's problem,thank's!! |
51 |
Date: 2001-05-31 05:42:49 jack ho ( / no homepage) wrote: nice work. thz for the plugins. |
50 |
Date: 2001-05-30 13:50:25 Cooler ( / no homepage) wrote: Thanks for the great job.Your SPU plugin is the best.Go on with your great work |
49 |
Date: 2001-05-28 20:34:22 david ( / no homepage) wrote: Great job Pete, since the beginning ! Really great... David |
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Date: 2001-05-26 19:21:05 Sanosuke Sagara ( / no homepage) wrote: I have problem whit super robot taisen alfa gaiden, can you help me? |
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Date: 2001-05-26 13:09:56 sakaspuds ( / wrote: hey, much respect to dave, keep up the good work, you rule!!! :-D |
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Date: 2001-05-26 08:38:40 Zster ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great plugin!!! Thanks for working on the aspect ratio scaling. Very cool |
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Date: 2001-05-26 06:08:13 Christophe ( / no homepage) wrote: man you rocks! :) thanks for those nice epsxe plugins |
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Date: 2001-05-26 03:21:15 David Miao ( / no homepage) wrote: I love this kind of plugin very much! And now i'm using the TNT driver 1.32,i wonder when you could update this driver for it runs perfect on my machine.:) |
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Date: 2001-05-25 11:28:38 sarot ( / no homepage) wrote: I play epsxe and use 3d card viper2. It slow and then I use your opengl plugin It not run. help me too. thank you |
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Date: 2001-05-25 04:15:25 SRx ( / no homepage) wrote: HI! You's Cdr plugin work for me and ePsxe, but i exit epsxe and play again, it crash epsxe.... :( How to fixed it. Keep it GOOD WORK!!! |
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Date: 2001-05-24 16:52:09 camilo gonzalez ( / wrote: hello, how do u' do, I from panama central america, i dont speack english so best but, good. . I install in my PC 250Mhz MMX ,32mb ram , the ePSXev 1.2 and dont run fast ¿Why? I read the instruction and take the BIOS 1001 and dont want run fast. ¿What do you think can I make for repair this situation. in my page look the play station emulador thank |
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Date: 2001-05-23 17:55:38 Geoff ( / wrote: Hey Pete, Let me start with saying your plugins ROCK! However I am Experiancing a very wierd problem in Final Fantasy 9, I runs really fast at first but during the battles it constantly slows down. Firts battle will have 60 FPS, next will have 45 FPS and so on until it runs so slow its unplayable the fight menus will not show up unless i set the offscreen-drawing above 2. How do I fix this? (I have a Pentium3 500 with a Stealth3 video card.) |
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Date: 2001-05-22 08:40:48 kkb ( / no homepage) wrote: how run silent hill? it cannot play... |
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Date: 2001-05-16 20:01:08 Axel GeNuS ( / wrote: Hi, I thank you for making you GPU and SPU: Resident Evil Director's Cut works perfect with you plug-ins (I take only one month to configure them out but...). I'd ask only one thing: why ePSXe homepage is down? |
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Date: 2001-05-16 09:22:17 GreenImp ( / wrote: Hey Pete! Just signing your guestbook. I have missed it all these times I have visted. =P See ya, -GreenImp |
36 |
Date: 2001-05-16 08:26:14 Steven ( no email / no homepage) wrote: thank to you for your plugins. I completed ff9 in a short time because of your plugins. :) |
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Date: 2001-05-13 17:45:26 Me ( / no homepage) wrote: Your video plugins rocks! But I have a problem with Silent hill, I can't go to school it goes black. |
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Date: 2001-05-13 07:11:41 Candra ( / no homepage) wrote: bug: on version 1.49 (all settings combinations),only OGL tried, i'll try others, but plz look after this bug. game : castlevania SOTN special effect not visible (only black) when casting Summon spirit and Tetra spirit. |
33 |
Date: 2001-05-12 20:41:31 David Wilson ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete I think your Plugins Rock man, Very fast and nice :) keep it up |
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Date: 2001-05-11 06:09:05 Andy C ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, first of all I think you rule, you definitely make the best plugins out there. My problem is that with your new version [1.49], Final Fantasy 7 just does'nt work. it seems fine until it goes to a certain point and then crashes at exactly the same place in the game. I tried to check it with save state but that does'nt help at all. HELP! |
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Date: 2001-05-09 08:21:02 Cyclops ( / no homepage) wrote: Hello. Eye recently downloaded epsxe from and couldn't get it to work, and was wondering if you could help me. The main problem is that Eye can't seem to get epsxe to detect the graphics plugins, specifically your version 1.49 graphics plugins. Eye'd really appreciate any help you could give me. |
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Date: 2001-05-09 06:31:56 SRx ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete's SPU Sound is small, If you could improve Pete's SPU Sound and faster like ePsxe SPU core, but it didn't work for me, i tried epsxe spu core and null2 spu(no very nice for mdec sound) Keep Good Work it, Pete!! |
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Date: 2001-05-08 14:29:34 fluffy ( / no homepage) wrote: Hey Pete. Just though it would be nice to say your doing a hell of a good job. How you do so frequent updates to so many plugins i'll never know.Keep it up. :) ~fluffy~ |
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Date: 2001-05-08 02:56:20 Aaron Chen ( / wrote: Hi!Pete! :) I have a problem and need your help.The problem is I can't find your "Pete's Soft Driver 1.49" download anywhere for my PlayStation Emulator called ePSXe. The "Pete's Soft Driver 1.49" is the video plugin for ePSXe emulator. Please help me out! :*( |
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Date: 2001-05-07 22:18:16 Maza ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Your new Cdrplugin v1.2 works great with my SCSI Plextor 40ts, thanks! |
26 |
Date: 2001-05-07 18:15:00 Stiletto ( / wrote: Always been a big fan of the BlackDove... Keep up the good work, Pete!!! |
25 |
Date: 2001-05-07 12:08:13 EmIScA ( / no homepage) wrote: I have a radeon 64 DDR.. Which is the best GPU plugin for me? The OpenGl plugin 1.49 often crashes in DDhelp.exe and I need to do a reboot. The only plugin that works well is the software plugin... P.S.: I've tried with Winning Eleven 2000 and Granturismo |
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Date: 2001-05-06 20:39:26 Jeff Volkenant ( / no homepage) wrote: Good shit... |
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Date: 2001-05-05 04:46:57 caveman ( no email / no homepage) wrote: need more funny stories. |
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Date: 2001-05-03 10:37:55 hamaguchi ( / no homepage) wrote: yeal |
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Date: 2001-05-02 07:20:18 Oxymoran ( / no homepage) wrote: I love all the graphical features you have made possible. It would be nice, though, if you would or could improve the max framrate option by: 1) Changing it to a fixed framerate where the actual framerate can fluxuate above and below the chosen framerate and not just below it; and 2) Improving the framerate coding. Sometimes the framerate will fluxuate by 10 frames per second, noticably slow the game down, but when I disable max framerate the framerate speeds up. So it seems enabling max framerate slow the game down too much. On the other hand, the only game I am playing is Final Fantasy 9, and it might be fault of the game. |
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Date: 2001-04-30 16:59:28 eilegz ( / no homepage) wrote: Pete's GPU 1.49 has some problems with final fantasy 9 it sometimes doesnt work and its a little bit slower than the previous plugin |
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Date: 2001-04-29 03:16:16 mr2000jp ( / no homepage) wrote: keep up the good work! |
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Date: 2001-04-28 21:22:27 BaSt ( / wrote: Great plug ins Pete keep up the good work! :) |
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Date: 2001-04-27 20:20:45 Zster ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Great plugin Pete. Would it be possible to set the plugin up so that it renders to a certain resolution in a certain screen size. i.e. Set it to render at 640x448 at a display resoloution of 640x480. I can do this in window mode and it helps remove that weird line effect generated by vertical scrolling on unfiltered sprites in ff9 and also fixes aspect distortions on games like Castlevania (Horizontal in that case). Better yet an option for x2 or x3 rendering that automatically adjusts the output of the original playstation (like Kaz's plugin). Thanks |
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Date: 2001-04-27 01:53:51 Charles Liu ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, I really appreciate your GPU, but, as I had mentioned in my earlier mail, the change to frame rate detecting code since v1.36 doesn't work in Winning Eleven 4. The original method works well. As you suggested, I could use fixed framerate to override this. But I think if you provide a switch between the two methods, that would be better. Afterwards, you already have piles of switchs in the plug-in right? Thanks. |
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Date: 2001-04-23 20:26:01 Lloyd Chan ( / no homepage) wrote: All I have to say is wooww.... Pete, you've done an excellent job with your plugin thingys, in fact, I'd like to know why my Voodoo3 works faster (less choppy) with your D3d plugin than Lewpy's Glide plugin!!!(some insight would be nice). Also, I was wondering if you could help me with my FF9. I have to save every 10 minutes or so or it will freeze! Please help me if you can! In closing, I want to say that I am really amazed by your talent and hope that you would continue your work. :-) KEEP IT UP!!! |
14 |
Date: 2001-04-23 09:02:26 °í±¤¹ü ( / no homepage) wrote: ¾È³çÇϼ¼¿ä ÇѱÛÀ» ÀÐÀ¸½ÇÁÙÀº ¸ð¸£½Ã°ÚÁö¸¸ ±×·¡µµ ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¸ð¸£´Â °ü°è·Î... ¾ÕÀ¸·Îµµ ´õÁÁÀº Ç÷¯±×ÀÎÀ» °³¹ßÇØÁÖ¼¼¿ä |
13 |
Date: 2001-04-23 02:16:39 Ramon W ( no email / no homepage) wrote: Hey your plugins rock I like it very much!!! A suggestion twink* twink* MMX Twink* Twink* 3DNOW :) |
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Date: 2001-04-22 07:05:16 Zappel ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi Pete, echt HAMMER Plugins die du gemacht hast! *respekt*. Ich benutze ePSXe um FF9 zu spielen (geniales game ;). Un d die Plugins von dir sind die, die mit Abstand am besten funzen! Nur eine kleine Sache ist mir aufgefallen: Die Figuren (sind Polygone) haben oft merkwürdige Grafikfehler: An bestimmten Stellen verschwinden mal ein paar Polygone und kommen wieder, aber das immer und schnell, also sieht die Figur auch als zuckt sie ständig etwas, is nich so doll ;( Ich bin aber auch nicht sicher ob es am GPU liegt, Ich hab eine GeForce2 GTS 64MB und benutze deinen OpenGL plugin. Falls ich irgendwas bestimmtes einstellen sollte, plz mail mir mal wie ich es besser machen kann. Danke, Cya! |
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Date: 2001-04-22 04:31:23 Avis ( / wrote: dude i know i might sound illiterate but my ePSXe emulater doesn't have the video where can i get it? |
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Date: 2001-04-21 19:57:19 MAD-BAZ ( / no homepage) wrote: SLIGHTLY UPDATED.........EXCELLENT,pugins,excellent site,got a little jitter with the direct3d plugin for psxemulator though,the jitter is I CANT GET IT TO GO...... I AM RUNNIN WIN 98 SE,ATHALON 800,DIRECTX 8,128MEG RAM,TNT2 ULTTRA AGP,epsxe emulator i can only get it to run in software rendering,sad aint it. GOT ANY SUGGESTIONS.OH YEAH and i tried vanashing point psx game in software mode and it worked although a little jumpy the actual gameplay was fine. if you do decide to give us some valuable info thnku thnku thnku in advance........ |
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Date: 2001-04-20 21:44:48 ffgriever ( / no homepage) wrote: Yeah, your plugins are really gr8, but there is a little problem in Final Fantasy 9 (only with newer versions of your plugin) During combat there is part of Command Box missing. With 1.46 it worked fine. |
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Date: 2001-04-19 13:37:48 Jaist ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi there pete, I just want to congrat with you 'bout your plugins! They are great, you are my personal guru/god! On with the bug report now, i hope that you find this useful. I only play Xenogears, and there are a few glitches: 1-with the soft plugin the speed in combats drop off from 130 fps to 30. 2-with the dx6/dx7/ogl plugin the menu displays with a black background instead being in alpha with the current scene. 3-with the audio plugin a sample repeats itself until a new sample is played (very noticeable during combats). One thing to suggest: In the next relase i'd like to see implemented the Modulate2x function that is present in Segu's plugin. The image quality in Xenogears has a huge boost with that option enabled! Ok, end of the comments. Happy Easter anyway (a bit late but hey :) ), and keep up the good work! |
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Date: 2001-04-19 12:17:24 Fred ( / no homepage) wrote: Hi, deine Plugins sind genial! Meine größte Hochachtung. Ich teste zur Zeit ePSXe mit Gran Turismo und Gran Turismo2. Gran Turismo läuft bis auf kleine Fehler wunderbar. Gran Turismo2 sieht auch genial aus....wenn's läuft..schmiert leider zu häufig ab. Gesamteindruck: Gut und schnell BTW: Mein System: PIII 800, Geforce 256 DDR Danke |
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Date: 2001-04-17 16:50:20 Tim f.{[TAASAM]} ( / no homepage) wrote: hey,hey Pete what's up just wanted to say that I just downed your stuff and was about to try it when I saw your sight so I thaught I'd ask you a quest. Every time I've tryed using emulators they've never worked,so I'm a little negative on this working but none the less I'll give er sh#*$%. If you have any insight please drop me a line. thanx TAASAM |
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Date: 2001-04-16 22:57:21 dar5 ( / no homepage) wrote: pete is the best plugin coder long life for PSemupro plugin style |
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Date: 2001-04-16 13:30:54 ( / wrote: Frohe Ostern und viele Grüße an Dich und Heike :) Manfred, Mia, Miriam, Corinna und Achim |
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Date: 2001-04-15 09:24:37 EmuManiac ( / wrote: Hello! Happy Eastern 2 everyone! Keep up the excellent work Pete:) |
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Date: 2001-04-15 09:22:05 JNS ( / wrote: hi! Frohe Ostern ;) Cu, JNS |
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Date: 2001-04-15 07:00:50 Pete Bernert ( / wrote: OK... let's see what will happen :) |